Mbee's Concert Archive

Joined November 2022    

Mbee has 4 concerts in Arlington.

Arlington, Texas, United States

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Date Concert Venue Location
May 28, 2022 –
May 29, 2022
So What?! Music Festival 2022
Point North / Travie McCoy / Stand Atlantic / The Rocket Summer / The Higher / Simple Plan / Hawthorne Heights / Sum 41 / Girlfriends / The Ready Set / Against The Current / Set It Off / Mod Sun / State Champs / The Maine / Grayscale / blackbear / The Word Alive Show all bands
Choctaw Stadium Arlington, Texas, United States
May 27, 2022 –
May 29, 2022
So What?! Fest
100 Gecs / 3OH!3 / Rebecca Black / I Prevail / Wage War / Trippie Redd / $not / 24kgoldn / Maggie Lindemann / Crown the Empire / Bankrol Hayden / Suicide Silence / Lucki / 8Percent / 10K.CAASH / A-Wall / Afterlife / Alice Gas / Alice Longyu Gao / AngelMaker / Attack Attack! / Begotten / Bilmuri / Blackstarkids / Bleeding Through / Brake / Brokencyde / Carnifex / Cemetery Sun / Chamber / Cochise / Concrete Castles / Cray / DC The Don / Distant / Escape the Fate / GARZI / Gideon / GUN40 / Haarper / hot milk / I Set My Friends On Fire / Imperial Tide / Jeris Johnson / Jordypurp / Kan kan / Ken Car$on / Keyawna Nikole / Lancey Foux / Lil Darkie / lil lotus / Lorna Shore / mario judah / New Years Day / Noahfinnce / oodaredevil / Oxymorrons / Palisades / Poutyface / ppcocaine / Robb bank$ / Ryan Oakes / Savage Ga$p / Signs Of The Swarm / Siiickbrain / Sophie Powers / SSGKobe / Thousand Below / Titus / Tony Velour / Upon A Burning Body / whokilledxix / Zero 9:36 / Sum 41 / Simple Plan / grandson / Parkway Drive / Hatebreed / Knocked Loose / Rae Sremmurd / Lil Skies / Pouya / nothing,nowhere. / The Rocket Summer / Polyphia / The Black Dahlia Murder / Tyla Yaweh / Night Lovell / 7RU7H / Amarionette / American Teeth / Andrés / Astrus* / BKtherula / Boobie Lootaveli / Born of Osiris / chad tepper / Coletta / DREAMERS / Dropout Kings / Eidola / Emery / Fire From the Gods / Freddie Dredd / Hail the Sun / Hawthorne Heights / Heart Attack Man / Hellogoodbye / I Met a Yeti / Jean Dawson / Jesus Piece / Joey Valence / John Harvie / Jynx / Kxllswxtch / Landon Cube / Left To Suffer / Lil Aaron / Lil Gnar / Magic Whatever / Marisa Maino / midwxst / Nascar Aloe / Northbound / Oliver Francis / OMENXIII / Ometra / Penny Bored / Philmon Lee / Point North / Ramirez / Sarah Barrios / Shakewell / smrtdeath / Spite / Stand Atlantic / Stick To Your Guns / Strawberry Girls / Stud Count / Texas In July / The Fall of Troy / The Higher / Traitors / Travie McCoy / VCTMS / Veil of Maya / Volumes / Wes Period / With Confidence / Wristmeetrazor / Yak The Mack / YNG MARTYR / Blackbear / The Maine / The Ghost Inside / Alexisonfire / The Devil Wears Prada / 2 Chainz / Tyga / BIG K.R.I.T. / State Champs / MOD SUN / Waka Flocka Flame / Princess Nokia / 22Gz / A Skylit Drive / Against the Current / B-Lovee / Belmont / BigBabyGucci / Bobby Sessions / Camp Trash / Caspr (US) / Chibi Loyaltyoverlove / Charlotte Sands / Chloe Lilac / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! / Close Your Eyes / Comeback Kid / Crooked Teeth / Evergreen Terrace / Father / First And Forever / For The Best / Forever Came Calling / Free Throw / Gata / Girlfriends / glimmers / Grayscale / He Is Legend / Idk / If I Die First / Jasiah / Kah-Lo / Keep Flying / Kidd Kenn / Kodoku / Kublai Khan TX / Matt Ox / Misery Signals / Nathan James / Nominee / Notions / Oh, Sleeper / One Flew West / Pain of Truth / Paris Texas / poorstacy / Rich Dunk / Rouxx / Sanguisugabogg / Set It Off / Stunna 4 Vegas / Taking Meds / Terror / The Callous Daoboys / The Crown / The News Can Wait / The Ready Set / The Word Alive / Tiny Moving Parts / Tyler Posey / UnityTX / Zack Fox / Chase Atlantic / Felicity / SeeYouSpaceCowboy / Mom Jeans. / Mothica / LØLØ / The Plot In You Show all bands
Choctaw Stadium Arlington, Texas, United States
May 27, 2022 –
May 29, 2022
So What?! Music Fest
I Prevail / Wage War / Underoath / Bilmuri / Crown The Empire / Lorna Shore / 100 gecs / Trippie Redd / Rebecca Black / Escape the Fate / Bankrol Hayden / Sueco / Gideon / Thousand Below / SeeYouSpaceCowboy / Distant / Lost in Separation / Imperial Tide / Rae Sremmurd / Sum 41 / The Ghost Inside / Lil Skies / Pouya / Spite / Simple Plan / Hatebreed / Knocked Loose / Hail the Sun / Polyphia / Volumes / The Fall of Troy / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / Strawberry Girls / Eidola / Veil of Maya / Andrés / Amarionette / Texas In July / Coletta / Fire From the Gods / Point North / Moodring / 2 Chainz / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! / Mom Jeans. / Terror / Alexisonfire / Belmont / Kublai Khan TX / Forever Came Calling / Misery Signals / Stick To Your Guns / Oh, Sleeper / The Plot In You / Cane Hill / The Word Alive / Attack Attack! (US) / Palisades / Lil Aaron / smrtdeath / Palaye Royale / Jesus Piece / Dropout Kings / Traitors / Hawthorne Heights / nothing,nowhere. / The Rocket Summer / A Skylit Drive / Set It Off / Evergreen Terrace / Keep Flying / Forget Conformity / One Flew West / OMERTA / VCTMS / UnityTX / Counterparts / glimmers / The Callous Daoboys / State Champs / Varials / Blackbear / Heart Attack Man / Penny Bored / Hot Milk / Pain of Truth Show all bands
  Photos   Setlists
Choctaw Stadium Arlington, Texas, United States
May 27, 2022 –
May 29, 2022
So What?! Music Festival
The Higher / 100 gecs / 3OH!3 / Rebecca Black / Sueco / Maggie Lindemann / 347Aidan / whokilledxix / lil lotus / Hot Milk / Blackstarkids / Cray / Tony Velour / John Harvie / Trippie Redd / $not / 24kgoldn / Bankrol Hayden / Lucki / Cochise / SSGKobe / Lil Darkie / Ken Carson / Lancey Foux / B-Love / Haarper / Savage Ga$p / GUN40 / Robb bank$ / 10K.CAASH / Splurge / 8Percent / Lil.Earl / oodaredevil / NSG Billz / I Prevail / Wage War / Palaye Royale / Crown The Empire / Suicide Silence / Lorna Shore / Jeris Johnson / Palisades / Imperial Tide / Saints Can Lie / Escape the Fate / I Set My Friends On Fire / Attack Attack! / Thousand Below / Afterlife / Be//Gotten / Lost in Separation / Since Masada / Her Name is Karma / Carnifex / Upon A Burning Body / Bleeding Through / Gideon / Signs Of The Swarm / AngelMaker / Chamber / Distant / Lil ReignDrop / All There Is / Zero 9:36 / Siiickbrain / Ryan Oakes / Cassyette / Oxymorrons / GARZI / Brokencyde / Keyawna Nikole / Jordypurp / Brake / Billmuri / Noahfinnce / A-Wall / Alice Longyu Gao / DC The Don / Alice Gas / LØLØ / ppcocaine / Poutyface / Titus / Concrete Castles / Sophie Powers / The 27s / Lardi B / Felicity / The Jarrett Adloft Band / Third & Delaware / Colorblind / Threnody / RoZY / Lil Shawties / Catch Your Breath / Hatewaker / New Heroes / Clairenoelle / Inner Lux / Sum 41 / Simple Plan / grandson / nothing,nowhere. / The Rocket Summer / Jean Dawson / Stand Atlantic / Travie McCoy / Mothica / Point North / Penny Bored / Rae Sremmurd / Lil Skies / Pouya / Tyla Yaweh / Night Lovell / Ramirez / Shakewell / Erick the Architect / BKtherula / midwxst / Landon Cube / Kxllswxtch / Lil Gnar / Tay Money / Boobie Lootaveli / Astrus* / Wasteey Monroe / Yak The Mack / Cutthroat Mafia / AASha2k / The Ghost Inside / Hatebreed / Knocked Loose / Polyphia / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / Veil of Maya / Born of Osiris / Texas In July / Fire From the Gods / Semper Acerbus / The Fall of Troy / Hail the Sun / Volumes / Strawberry Girls / Eidola / Jynx / Coletta / I Met a Yeti / Animal Jam / Hawthorne Heights / Spite / Lil Aaron / Heart Attack Man / With Confidence / smrtdeath / Joey Valence & Brae / Northbound / Under Currents / Stud Count / Jesus Piece / Traitors / Dropout Kings / Wristmeetrazor / Left To Suffer / OMERTA / VCTMS / Moodring / DREAMERS / This Wild Life / Wes Period / Hellogoodbye / chad tepper / American Teeth / Oliver Francis / Cemetery Sun / Andres / Amarionette / Sarah Barrios / Philmon Lee / As The City Sleeps / Lockjaw / Emotional Xan / a tragedy at hand / Dispositions / Authors of the Air / Odd Folks / Forever Starts Today / Further North / School Of Rock / Future You / Spineless / 5 Billion and Counting / Diosa / Blackbear / Chase Atlantic / The Maine / State Champs / MOD SUN / Set It Off / Against the Current / Charlotte Sands / The Ready Set / girlfriends / 2 Chainz / Juicy J / BIG K.R.I.T. / Waka Flocka Flame / Idk / Jasiah / Zack Fox / Paris Texas / Stunna 4 Vegas / 22Gz / Bobby Sessions / Father / BigBabyGucci / Gata / The Crown / Matt Ox / Rich Dunk / Kah-Lo / Kidd Kenn / Bungalow Collect / Cameron McCloud / Lil Texxan / Chibi Loyaltyoverlove / Underoath / Alexisonfire / We Came As Romans / The Devil Wears Prada / Stick To Your Guns / The Plot In You / Counterparts / The Word Alive / A Skylit Drive / If I Die First / Comeback Kid / Misery Signals / He Is Legend / Oh Sleeper / UnityTX / Cane Hill / Notions / The News Can Wait / Altercations / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! / Belmont / Forever Came Calling / Keep Flying / First & Forever / Nominee / Crooked Teeth / Nathan James / One Flew West / It Is What It Is / Slit / Terror / Kublai Khan TX / Varials / Evergreen Terrace / The Callous Daoboys / Sanguisugabogg / Ballista / Pain of Truth / For The Best / Amnesia Garden / Mom Jeans. / Grayscale / Tiny Moving Parts / Kodoku / Free Throw / Caspr (US) / Riley / Camp Trash / Chloe Lilac / Save Face / KILLBOY / Rouxx / Taking Meds / glimmers / Preston / Forget Conformity / Midas Well / DAZYFACE / Danny Goo / Lux / The OG Jonny G / Words. / Golden Week / Reign / Matchstick Ghost / Have Near Show all bands
Choctaw Stadium Arlington, Texas, United States

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Some Photos From These Concerts

So What?! Music Fest on May 27, 2022 [525-small]

So What?! Music Fest
May 27 - 29, 2022
  Uploaded by Shy

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 Jon Erik Hernandez
 Landon Defever
 Justin Limbach
 Richy Gonzalez
 Joshua Cross

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