Matt Smith 03 has 3 Deadbird concerts.

Deadbird came into being in 2002 when Chuck Schaaf left Little Rock's Rwake and moved to Fayetteville, forming Deadbird with his brother Phillip. Codebreaker picked up the first record in Europe, licensing all of their releases to Earache in the UK. A few tours followed. Alan left for his family. Jay joined and filled the gap. Two tours later, Todd left. Now Reid, once a member of Rwake, has joined. Alan has since rejoined the band as a third guitarist.

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Some Videos From These Concerts

There are no videos from these concerts.

Some Photos From These Concerts

Eyehategod / Savage Master / Deadbird / Mud Lung on Oct 2, 2022 [824-small]

Eyehategod / Savage Master / Deadbird / Mud Lung
Oct 2, 2022
 Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States
  Uploaded by Tim Walsh

9 users have seen Deadbird including:
 L Kerr
 Tim Walsh
 Shayne Mathis
 Matt Smith 03
 Krass Advert
 Kurt Lunsford
 Jessie Star

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