Mark Loktev's Concert Archive

15. would be a concert enthusiast if putin didn’t ruin my childhood

Moscow, Russia     Joined January 2021    

Mark Loktev has 1 Marema concert.

Far from being yet another artist, Marema is a new gain for our universal musical heritage. Born in the suburbs of Dakar, from a Mauritanian father and Senegalese mother, the cultural mixes are very much part of her identity. Her life experience turned her into a natural fighter. In her family universe she was rocked by the acoustic music of Tracy Chapman that her mom is a fan. As a young child Maréma sings. As a young adult, Marema starts composing, writing and singing her own repertoire.

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Date Concert Venue Location
May 26, 2022

Marema at Africa Festival

Mainwiesen Würzburg, Germany

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1 user have seen Marema including:
 Mark Loktev

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