Maria Clara Mendes has 2 SILVA concerts.

There are at least four artists with this name

View SILVA's main page

Date Concert Venue Location
May 21, 2022

Bloco do Silva

Esplanada do Mineirão Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Aug 31, 2019
Festival Sarará
SILVA / Gilberto Gil / Duda Beat / Pabllo Vittar / Djonga / BaianaSystem / Baco Exu do Blues / Mano Brown / Lagum / Iza / Letrux / Marina Lima
Esplanada do Mineirão Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Some Videos From These Concerts

There are no videos from these concerts.

Some Photos From These Concerts

There are no photos from these concerts.

364 users have seen SILVA including:
 Ricardo Silva
 Natasha F
 Poa Fm
 Music Nation
 Aline Leal
 Jajac :)
 Luca Fontes
 Mike Sousa

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