Maria Clara Mendes has seen BaianaSystem 4 times.

BaianaSystem is a musical project aimed at spreading and exploring new possibilities through the sounds of Guitarra Baiana. This singular electric guitar - created in Bahia in the forties - was responsible for the creation of Trio Eletrico (a big moving sound system). It was also responsible for an instrumental language of the electric guitar which you will find in the interpretation of frevos, choros and several other musical styles that got new shape from the richness of the sound of this instrument.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 22, 2024
Sensacional, 2024
Marina Sena canta Gal Costa / FBC / IVYSON / Irmãs de Pau / WS da Igrejinha / Ebony / Dona Onete / Babadan Banda de Rua / Ana Frango Elétrico / Letrux / Marcelo D2 / Banda Uó / Olodum / Baiana System
Parque Ecológico da Pampulha Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Jan 01, 2023
Festival do Futuro
Clóvis Pinho / Leonardo Gonçalves / MN MC / Sarah Renata / Juliano Maderada / Drik Barbosa / Marissol Mwab / Ellen Oléria / Fioti / Gog / Rael / Rappin Hood / Salgadinho / Alessandra Leão / Chico César / Geraldo Azevedo / Fernanda Takai / Francisco, el Hombre / Luê / Johnny Hooker / Lirinha / Marcelo Jeneci / Odair José / Otto / Paulo Miklos / Tulipa Ruiz / Thalma De Freitas / Aline Calixto / Fernanda Abreu / Jards Macalé / Maria Rita / Martinho Da Vila / Paula Lima / Leoni / Renegado / Rogéria Holtz / Teresa Cristina / Romero Ferro / Zélia Duncan / Delacruz / BaianaSystem / Margareth Menezes / Gaby Amarantos / Aíla / Kaê Guajajara / Jaloo / Duda Beat / Almério / Doralyce / Luedji Luna / Zé Ibarra / Pabllo Vittar / Lukinhas / Urias / Valesca Popozuda / MC Marks / Mc Rahell Show all bands
Esplanada dos Ministérios Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil
Aug 27, 2022
Festival Sarará
Elza Soares / Zeca Pagodinho / Pabllo Vittar / BaianaSystem / Margareth Menezes / Black Alien / Gilsons
Estádio Mineirão Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Aug 31, 2019
Festival Sarará
SILVA / Gilberto Gil / Duda Beat / Pabllo Vittar / Djonga / BaianaSystem / Baco Exu do Blues / Mano Brown / Lagum / Iza / Letrux / Marina Lima
Esplanada do Mineirão Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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