Marco J has 1 Stereo MCs concert.

Vocalist Rob Birch, and DJ/producer Nick Hallam, founded their Gee Street recording studio and record label, with money they were given to leave their London flat and, instead of using a backing band, travelled to early gigs on buses, with bags of tapes.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 03, 1993
U2 / PJ Harvey / Stereo MCs
  Photos   Setlists
Goffertpark Nijmegen Gelderland, Netherlands

Some Videos From These Concerts

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Some Photos From These Concerts

U2 / PJ Harvey / Stereo MCs on Aug 3, 1993 [117-small]

U2 / PJ Harvey / Stereo MCs
Aug 3, 1993
 Nijmegen Gelderland, Netherlands
  Uploaded by Jeroen Hofmans

As Seen On: