Marcel Ma's Concert Archive

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany     Joined September 2022    

Marcel Ma has seen Maybeshewill 2 times.

Maybeshewill is an instrumental band based in Leicestershire, UK where they were formed in 2005. They are James Collins (drums), Matt Daly (keyboards) , John Helps (guitar), Robin Southby (guitar) and Jamie Ward (bass). They’ve worked tirelessly over the last five years through endless touring and three full-length albums to build a loyal and enthusiastic following across the world. Sticking to steadfastly DIY ethics, the band have self recorded all their material to date and aspire to be as self-sufficient as possible.

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155 users have seen Maybeshewill including:
 The Long Rolf
 July Scherbak
 Cherry Ua
 Joey Shepherd
 Jonnymac Ratm
 Marc Castermans

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