Mandarinchen has seen Yukno 1 time.

Since depart­ing from the humble spaces of the small town where they grew up, the two broth­ers Georg and Nikolaus Nöhr­er have exper­i­enced noth­ing but suc­cess. Using music to express their own growth and explore the mel­an­chol­ic fantas­ies of today’s digit­ally bound youth, the duo behind [country]Aus­tri­a[/country]n band YUKNO under­stand and cap­ture the cur­rent zeitgeist.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 02, 2018 –
Jun 03, 2018
Malzwiese 2018 @ Malzfabrik
Cassia / Lola Marsh / Bonaparte / Leyya / Razz / J. Bernardt / theAngelcy / Rikas / Die Höchste Eisenbahn / Das Paradies / Yukno / MOGLEBAUM / Bergfilm / Unter Meinem Bett / Siegfried & Joy / Dakotamusic / SUFF DADDY & THE LUNCH BIRDS
Malzfabrik Berlin, Berlin, Germany

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