Lyakali's Concert Archive
Joined March 2023
Joined March 2023
Date | Concert | Venue | Location | |
Dec 16, 2017
Soulwax | Roundhouse | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Dec 15, 2017
Haiku Salut | St John on Bethnal Green | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Dec 14, 2017
The Cribs
ULU | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Nov 03, 2017
Nordic Giants / pg.lost
Amplify Human Vibration
Bush Hall | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Oct 27, 2017
Human Pyramids | The Lexington | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Oct 25, 2017
The Camden Assembly | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Oct 20, 2017
– Oct 22, 2017 |
Simple Things 2017
Willow / Wild Beasts / Leftfield / Clark / John Maus / Japanese Breakfast / The Bug / Daphni / Diet Cig / Nadine Shah / Childhood / IDLES / Shackleton / Omar Souleyman / Jane Weaver / Alex G (CA) / Ó / Kelly Lee Owens / Jlin / TRAAMS / Cakes Da Killa / Juan Atkins / Downtown Boys / HMLTD / patten / Noga Erez / Gaika / Carla dal Forno / Marie Davidson / Lorenzo Senni / The Early Years / Boy Azooga / Klein / Insecure Men / Shanti Celeste / Oliver Wilde / Priests - DC / Spinning Coin / Miss Red / Marco Bernardi / Kahn & Neek / Sassy J / Mixpak / Inga Mauer / Dekmantel Soundsystem / Roi Perez / BINH / Intergalactic Gary / children of leir / Cristophe / Gramrcy / Dave Harvey / LONDON ASTROBEAT ORCHESTRA / Don Loudo / Harri Pepper / Coco & The Nutmilks / Studio 89 DJs / Warmdushcer / Shapes DJs / Musu DJs / Strange Frequency / Pink Kink / Scalping
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Simple Things Festival | Bristol, England, United Kingdom | |
Oct 20, 2017
– Oct 22, 2017 |
Simple Things 2017
Willow / Japanese Breakfast / Wild Beasts / Leftfield / IDLES / John Maus / Clark / Daphni / The Bug / Ó / Diet Cig / Kelly Lee Owens / Nadine Shah / Noga Erez / Jane Weaver / Childhood / Omar Souleyman / Marie Davidson / Warmduscher / Jlin / Shackleton / HMLTD / Cakes Da Killa / Boy Azooga / Alex G (CA) / TRAAMS / Juan Atkins / Carla dal Forno / Gaika / Downtown Boys / Insecure Men / Klein / Shanti Celeste / patten / Lorenzo Senni / Miss Red / The Early Years / Oliver Wilde / Spinning Coin / Priests - DC / Marco Bernardi / Inga Mauer / Sassy J / Mixpak / Kahn & Neek / Dekmantel Soundsystem / BINH / Roi Perez / Intergalactic Gary / Gramrcy / Cristophe / children of leir / LONDON ASTROBEAT ORCHESTRA / Strange Frequency / Dave Harvey / Studio 89 DJs / Harri Pepper / Don Loudo / Coco & The Nutmilks / Shapes DJs / Musu DJs
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Simple Things Festival | Bristol, England, United Kingdom | |
Oct 14, 2017
Hackney Wonderland 2017
Jagwar Ma / The Rifles / Bo Ningen / Saint Agnes / Honey Lung / Baba Naga / The Bracknall / FAERS / HVMM / Comic Strip / Electric Child House / Videocean / Dolls (UK)
Oval Space | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Oct 10, 2017
The Xcerts / Big Spring
The Xcerts
Scala | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Oct 04, 2017
Vessels / Alex Banks | Village Underground, Shoreditch | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Sep 28, 2017
DZ Deathrays / Weirds / HCBP!
Bloody Lovely |
The Camden Assembly | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Sep 27, 2017
The National / This Is The Kit
The National
Hammersmith Apollo | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Sep 26, 2017
Mystery Jets / Marika Hackman
The Garage | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Sep 25, 2017
Mystery Jets / Sundara Karma
The Garage | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Sep 23, 2017
Tellison / The Spills
Thousand Island | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Aug 30, 2017
Japandroids / Bad Breeding / YOWL
Epic Dalston Events Hall | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Aug 25, 2017
– Aug 27, 2017 |
Victorious Festival 2017
Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / Stereophonics / Jake Bugg / Elbow / KT Tunstall / Madness / The Dandy Warhols / Band of Skulls / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Frank Turner / Raye / Tom Walker / Maxïmo Park / Frightened Rabbit / Feeder / The Charlatans / Temples / Dan Caplen / Slaves / Sundara Karma / Lewis Watson / The Hunna / Turin Brakes / British Sea Power / Tom Grennan / Shy FX / Lady Leshurr / Peter Doherty / Palace / Young Guns / Rationale / Deaf Havana / Field Music / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Will Joseph Cook / Leo Stannard / Pulled Apart By Horses / Echobelly / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Bad Sounds / Macka B / SikTh / Hacktivist / Silhouettes / Otherkin / Crows / The Slow Readers Club / Black Foxxes / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Tribe / Black Slate / Featurecast / Banfi / Matt Wills / Fort Hope / Lazy Habits / SHVPES / Madeline / Jerry Williams / Tom Martin / Kassassin Street / Timeless / Mayfield / Lauran Hibberd / Cut Capers / Normanton Street / Craig Charles / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / Elixir / The Curious Incident / Seán McGowan / Mirror Fury / The Silver Beatles / Dean Dyson / Wren / Michael Baker / Folsom / Ben Pryer / Pets / The Great Scott / Is Bliss / The Jackobins / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Novatones / Subgiant / Jamin / Des-C / Coax / Arcade Hearts / Tom Bertram / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / BigTopp / Seething Akira / The Racketeers / Tom Millichamp / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / SUBMARINER / Rhythm of the 90s / Richard Morris / Marley Blandford / Grant Sharkey / The Day of the Rabblement / Matuki / Lucas & King / Good Times Roll / Shoot the Duke / Bemis / Archie Langley / Toffees / Andrew Foster / Southsea Alternative Choir / Tim Cheatle / Our Propaganda / SOUL 45 / Strumdiddlyumptious / Brock Landers / Emptifish / Paddy Taylor / DRGM / Lily Garland / Bog Rolling Stones / Josh & Daisy / Panthalassa / The Aim (UK) / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / Harmonie London / Colour of the Jungle / Minque / Megan Linford / Four Folds Law / Marmalade Moonshine / Brandon Rivers / The Mantic Muddlers / Devin-Jade / Grand Tradition / Skaraman / Becky Jerams / Kelly Woods / Ben Brookes / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Nine Ace Deck / Archive 45 / Los Cojones / Joe Mongan / Indiana Quiet Cats / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Naan Breddaz / Ruby and the Revelators / The Philosipha / Southerlies / Kingz of Leon / Paul Dillon / Bella Estelle / The Vinalls / The Smiley Campbell Band / Alice Milburn / Fellowship of Groove / Yeehaa Granma / Kate Bush-Ka / Jamie Hiron / Chip Jacks / Jake Hassell / Waif & Stray / Crown Of Thieves / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Too Much 2Tone / The Vela Tides / Rachel Broad / Hannah Hay / Dave Baker Project / Wesley Brown / Robyn Grace / Mark Handley / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Kojak's Revenge / Jesse Ray / The Tuesday Trend / Marcus Payne / Jessica Lawler / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Justsayyes / Brent Hutchinson Band / Rhythm City Six / Dan O'Farrell / The Machete (UK) / Livvy / Josh Tremain / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Ade Cull / John Adams (UK) / Fjorka / Remedy Sounds / Silver Rejects / Latin Dance Workshop / Mechelle Medeelee / Big Noise Rhythms / Los Hombres Inglese / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Inner Gold International Sound System / Duke Bossa / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / The Morning (UK) / Sophie & The Darlings / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Rebekka Nightingale / Paisley Jones / Mollie Scott & Parv / Miami Driveway / Los Cranes / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Lauren Barker / Joshua Sanderson / Harrison Etherington / Hanna Doswell / Goldlaw / Foxier / Fainties / Erin Gracie / Clayton Connor / Charlotte Neal / Assorted Sax / Andy Osman / Alaina Sparkes / The Bootlegs (UK) / Lily Rendle-Moore / Basement 83 / Percival Elliot / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Francisco Jones / Prince Brandon / Dextasy (UK) / The Plucking Missfits / The Urban Vocal Group / Lennon Taylor / Katie Louise Ball / Roy Peplow / Becky Anderson
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Southsea Seafront | Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom | |
Aug 25, 2017
– Aug 27, 2017 |
Victorious Festival 2017
Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / Stereophonics / Jake Bugg / Elbow / KT Tunstall / Madness / The Dandy Warhols / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Band of Skulls / Tom Walker / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Frank Turner / Raye / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / Frightened Rabbit / The Charlatans / Temples / Slaves / Dan Caplen / Sundara Karma / The Hunna / Lewis Watson / Tom Grennan / Palace / Turin Brakes / Shy FX / Sea Power / Lady Leshurr / Peter Doherty / Rationale / Young Guns / Deaf Havana / Field Music / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Will Joseph Cook / Leo Stannard / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Bad Sounds / Echobelly / Pulled Apart By Horses / Macka B / SikTh / Hacktivist / Silhouettes / The Slow Readers Club / Black Foxxes / Otherkin / Tribe / Crows / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Black Slate / SHVPES / Featurecast / Banfi / Matt Wills / Jerry Williams / Fort Hope / Lazy Habits / Madeline / Lauran Hibberd / Tom Martin / Cut Capers / Timeless / Kassassin Street / Mayfield / Normanton Street / Craig Charles / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / Elixir / The Curious Incident / Seán McGowan / Mirror Fury / Dean Dyson / The Silver Beatles / Wren / Michael Baker / Folsom / Ben Pryer / Pets / The Great Scott / Is Bliss / The Jackobins / Jamin / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Novatones / Subgiant / Des-C / Tom Bertram / Arcade Hearts / Coax / Seething Akira / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / BigTopp / The Racketeers / Tom Millichamp / Rhythm of the 90s / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / SUBMARINER / Marley Blandford / Richard Morris / Grant Sharkey / The Day of the Rabblement / Lucas & King / Matuki / Toffees / Bemis / Good Times Roll / Shoot the Duke / Archie Langley / Andrew Foster / Southsea Alternative Choir / Our Propaganda / SOUL 45 / Tim Cheatle / Emptifish / Paddy Taylor / Brock Landers / Strumdiddlyumptious / Colour of the Jungle / DRGM / Lily Garland / Harmonie London / Josh & Daisy / The Bog Rolling Stones / Panthalassa / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / Megan Linford / Marmalade Moonshine / Minque / Four Folds Law / The Aim (UK) / Skaraman / Devin-Jade / The Mantic Muddlers / Brandon Rivers / Grand Tradition / Ben Brookes / Los Cojones / Kelly Woods / Becky Jerams / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Nine Ace Deck / Indiana Quiet Cats / Kate Bush-Ka / Archive 45 / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Joe Mongan / Paul Dillon / The Philosipha / Ruby and the Revelators / Bella Estelle / Jamie Hiron / Naan Breddaz / Kingz of Leon / Fellowship of Groove / Alice Milburn / Southerlies / The Smiley Campbell Band / The Vinalls / Waif & Stray / Jesse Ray / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Crown Of Thieves / Jake Hassell / Chip Jacks / Yeehaa Granma / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Robyn Grace / Wesley Brown / Dave Baker Project / Hannah Hay / Rachel Broad / Kojak's Revenge / Remedy Sounds / John Adams (UK) / Ade Cull / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Josh Tremain / Livvy / Mark Handley / Dan O'Farrell / Rhythm City Six / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Charlotte Neal / Marcus Payne / The Tuesday Trend / The Vela Tides / Too Much 2Tone / Becky Anderson / Roy Peplow / Fjorka / Katie Louise Ball / Lennon Taylor / The Machete (UK) / The Urban Vocal Group / The Plucking Missfits / Dextasy (UK) / Brent Hutchinson Band / Prince Brandon / Justsayyes / Francisco Jones / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Percival Elliot / Basement 83 / Lily Rendle-Moore / The Bootlegs (UK) / Alaina Sparkes / Andy Osman / Assorted Sax / Clayton Connor / Erin Gracie / Fainties / Foxier / Goldlaw / Hanna Doswell / Harrison Etherington / Jessica Lawler / Joshua Sanderson / Lauren Barker / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Los Cranes / Miami Driveway / Mollie Scott & Parv / Paisley Jones / Rebekka Nightingale / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Sophie & The Darlings / The Morning (UK) / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / Duke Bossa / Inner Gold International Sound System / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Los Hombres Inglese / Big Noise Rhythms / Mechelle Medeelee / Latin Dance Workshop / Silver Rejects / Jerry Williams (UK)
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Southsea Seafront | Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom | |
Aug 19, 2017
O2 Shepherd's Bush Empire | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Jul 16, 2017
Citadel 2017
Vessels / Michael Kiwanuka / Sylvan Esso / Foals / Laura Marling / Bonobo / Bombino / Wild Beasts / Dan Croll / Margaret Glaspy / Soothsayers / Jake Isaac / Oumou Sangare / Aldous Harding / Cal Jader / Parcels / Nadine Shah / Hudson Taylor / Maggie Rogers / Yonaka / Lucky Chops / Ry X / Picture This / A Blaze of Feather / Banfi / XamVolo / Ardyn / Joseph J. Jones / Cosmic Strip / twin peaks / Charlie Straw / Snapped Ankles / Oscar Jerome / Tamu Massif / Stevie Parker / Enne / Videocean
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Victoria Park | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Jul 01, 2017
The Maccabees / Mystery Jets / IDLES
The Farewell Shows
Alexandra Palace | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Jun 29, 2017
Blood Red Shoes / Our Girl
London Oslo | London, England, United Kingdom | |
Jun 21, 2017
– Jun 25, 2017 |
Glastonbury Festival 2017
Ed Sheeran / Katy Perry / Radiohead / Foo Fighters / Lorde / Major Lazer / The xx / Halsey / alt-J / Phoenix / Clean Bandit / Tove Lo / Dua Lipa / The National / Birdy / George Ezra / Charli XCX / HAIM / Justice / Emeli Sandé / Shaggy / The Flaming Lips / Fatboy Slim / Glass Animals / Kodaline / Kaiser Chiefs / London Grammar / Little Dragon / Metronomy / Dizzee Rascal / First Aid Kit / Corinne Bailey Rae / Craig David / Stormzy / Biffy Clyro / Dropkick Murphys / Mura Masa / Father John Misty / Royal Blood / Solange / Goldfrapp / Sampha / Rag'n'Bone Man / KT Tunstall / Pretenders / DJ Shadow / The Cinematic Orchestra / Real Estate / Future Islands / Dr. Dog / Warpaint / Laura Marling / Run the Jewels / Thundercat / Wiley / Gabrielle Aplin / The Jacksons / Gorgon City / Chic / Scouting for Girls / Jamie Cullum / BadBadNotGood / The Avalanches / Maggie Rogers / Nothing But Thieves / Moderat / Angel Olsen / Toots & The Maytals / Khruangbin / Boys Noize / Lucy Rose / Declan McKenna / Lissie / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Sigrid / Loyle Carner / The Courteeners / Wild Beasts / Billy Bragg / AJ Tracey / Whitney / Circa Waves / Temples / Blossoms / Nick Mulvey / Skream / Wilkinson / Kano / ani difranco / Slaves / Noisia / Liam Gallagher / Sundara Karma / Busted / Lisa Hannigan / Sasha / Ride / Mark Lanegan / Joe Goddard / Jain / The Magic Numbers / Sophie Ellis-Bextor / Kris Kristofferson / Kojo Funds / The Orb / Alison Moyet / Midland / British Sea Power / Dusky / Martha Wainwright / Kraak & Smaak / Justin Townes Earle / Rationale / The Mavericks / Deaf Havana / Avelino / Kae Tempest / Sleaford Mods / Earl / The Beat / Julia Jacklin / lucy spraggan / Goldie / Way Out West / The Amazons / Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Nines / Roni Size / Hot 8 Brass Band / Stanton Warriors / Joseph / The Lemon Twigs / Paul Carrack / Orchestra Baobab / Cadet / A Tribe Called Red / Georgia / Jesca Hoop / Hamilton Leithauser / Dreadzone / Dimension / Big Narstie / Patrick Topping / Shame / Layo & Bushwacka! / Mungo's Hi Fi / A Guy Called Gerald / Black Honey / The Egg / 67 / Blaenavon / Hothouse Flowers / All We Are / Margo Price / Barry Gibb / Solardo / Nadine Shah / Afro Celt Sound System / Dutch Uncles / Boy Better Know / Kathryn Williams / Kelsey Lu / My Nu Leng / Songhoy Blues / Darlingside / Factory Floor / Pumarosa / Gentleman's Dub Club / Vieux Farka Toure / Nadia Rose / Sister Bliss / Seth Lakeman / DJ Yoda / Ryley Walker / Beans on Toast / The Correspondents / Banco de Gaia / Kevin Saunderson / A2 / CABBAGE / Big Tobz / Sharon Shannon / Kamaal Williams / My Baby / Melé / Sivu / Ward Thomas / Tom Chaplin / Altan / Henry Wu / Ary / She Drew The Gun / Amber Arcades / Bo Ningen / Skinny Lister / Richy Ahmed / Jools Holland & his Rhythm & Blues Orchestra / The Moonlandingz / System 7 / Artwork / Syd Arthur / JFB / The Hackney Colliery Band / Jackmaster / INHEAVEN / Dr Meaker / Annie Mac / MistaJam / Sasha & John Digweed / Will Varley / James Heather / Ata Kak / The Dreem Teem / The Age Of L.U.N.A / Josh Barry / Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation / Wildwood Kin / Kiefer Sutherland / Afriquoi / T. Williams / Callum Beattie / Dread MC / Paranoid London / Emily Barker / Anderson .Paak & The Free Nationals / Muncie Girls / House Gospel Choir / Stone Foundation / Áine / Reeps One / Marten Hörger / Mikey B / Beoga / Wild Front / Dam / Naya / Jasper James / The Jive Aces / The Bootleg Beatles / REWS / Cero39 / The Dhol Foundation / Anna Straker / The Fedz / Gardna / Young'uns / Sad13 / Lewis & Leigh / Sound of the Sirens / Huey Morgan / King Kong Company / October Drift / Left/Right / The Eskies / Jah Wobble’s Invaders of the Heart / Speakman Sound / Chaim Tannenbaum / Bill Brewster / Don Letts / Davos / Black Dyke Band / Mafia Kiss / Samuel Jack / Kite Base / Fleck / Fabio And Grooverider / Louise Distras / The RPMS / Groove Armada (DJ set) / Goan Dogs / Carter Sampson / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / The Brass Funkeys / Perhaps Contraption / Andy Fairweather Low & the Low Riders. / The Ska Vengers / Pink Cigar / Lucy Kitt / TYNI / Crinkle Cuts / London Elektricity Big Band / Yorkston Thorne Khan / Port Erin / SHAY D / Jon Hopkins (DJ set) / Hacienda Classical / Colectro / Freerange Djs / Chris Jagger / Crawford / DJ Moxie / Lucas & King / Will White / Coldcut Dj Set / Smooth Sailors / Chris Difford & Glenn Tilbrook / Omou Sangare / Pat Thomas & The Kwashibu Area Band / Panther Panther! / Aurbs / DJ Von / Monkey Pilot / Sian Anderson / Krafty Kuts B2B A Skillz / Tourists (UK) / Cassette Boy vs DJ Rubbish / The Shakers (UK) / RaRa_Reynolds / Figaro De Montmartre / The Avalonian Free State Choir / Blast Djs / LONGLIGHT / Roney FM / Napalm Death
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Worthy Farm | Pilton, England, United Kingdom | |
Jun 19, 2017
Paramore / Bleached
Paramore: Tour One
Royal Albert Hall | London, England, United Kingdom | |
May 31, 2017
– Jun 04, 2017 |
Primavera Sound Festival 2017
Japandroids / Teenage Fanclub / Against Me! / Converge / Bon Iver / Arcade Fire / Metronomy / The Black Angels / Miguel / Cymbals Eat Guitars / Broken Social Scene / Descendents / Local Natives / Sinkane / Gojira / Flying Lotus / The xx / Death Grips / Solange / Swans / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / The Zombies / Slayer / Vaadat Charigim / Mac DeMarco / Hamilton Leithauser / The Magnetic Fields / Angel Olsen / Grandaddy / Tycho / Nikki Lane / Wild Beasts / The Afghan Whigs / Glass Animals / The Damned / Operators / Berri Txarrak / Sleep / LVL UP / The Growlers / Kevin Morby / Mitski / Mannequin Pussy / Aphex Twin / Van Morrison / Royal Trux / Seu Jorge / Jamie xx / Pond / Dj Coco / Skepta / Alex Cameron / Wand / William Tyler / Jeremy Jay / The Wedding Present / Skinny Puppy / King Krule / Weyes Blood / BadBadNotGood / NOTS / Grace Jones / Bicep / Dixon / John Talabot / Pearson Sound / Romare / Formation / DJ Tennis / Make-Up / The Wave Pictures / Pinegrove / King Sunny Adé / Dave P / Whitney / Alexandra Savior / Preoccupations / Sleaford Mods / Hańba / The Mystery Lights / Joey Purp / Front 242 / Shellac / St. Etienne / Weval / Julia Jacklin / Animic / Adelaida / HVOB / Cigarettes After Sex / Aldous Harding / Julie Doiron / Joy Orbison / Ben UFO / S U R V I V E / Gordi / Kepa Junkera / Vox Low / Clubz / Kornél Kovács / Fatima Yamaha / Let’s Eat Grandma / Triangulo de Amor Bizarro / No Zu / Pender Street Steppers / Mishima / KiNK / Phurpa / Sampha / The Molochs / Priests - DC / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Slim Cessna's Auto Club / Swet Shop Boys / Michael Mayer / Belako / Aries / Les Sueques / Henrik Schwarz / Elza Soares / Gas (Wolfgang Voigt) / youandewan / Annette Peacock / Huerco S. / Iosonouncane / Lauer / Young Marco / Matrixxman / Talaboman / Avalon Emerson / El Petit De Cal Eril / The Rajasthan Express / Kelly Lee Owens / 7 Notas 7 Colores / Marie Davidson / Ferenc / Lady Wray / Sau Poler / Lord of the Isles / Abdulla Rashim / Jardín De La Croix / Shye Ben Tzur / Shelby Grey / Moscoman / Aurora Halal / Kokoshca / Joel Sarakula / Noga Erez / Tuff City Kids / Soledad Vélez / Agorazein / Tourista / Khidja / It's Not Not / Barbott / Miss Garrison / Junun / Murdoc / Mélange / PAVVLA / InnerCut / This Is Not This Heat / Rosalía & Raül Refree / Autarkic / Odina / RIVIERE / Muñeco / Pedro Vian / Don't DJ / De Mónaco / JMII / Her Little Donkey / Museless / Alien Tango / No Metal in This Battle / Astronaut Project / About leaving / Sorry Kate / Rebuig / DJ Dustin / Retirada! / Vladimir Ivkovic / Conttra / Inzul / Playback Maracas / The Waterparties / Màquina Total / Escorpio / Run The Jewels / Recondite
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Parc del Fòrum | Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain | |
May 31, 2017
– Jun 04, 2017 |
Primavera Sound Festival 2017
The xx / Bon Iver / Arcade Fire / Miguel / Van Morrison / Mac DeMarco / Glass Animals / Local Natives / Cigarettes After Sex / Metronomy / Skepta / Flying Lotus / Jamie xx / Solange / Slayer / Aphex Twin / Sampha / Mitski / Broken Social Scene / Run the Jewels / Tycho / King Krule / The Zombies / The Growlers / BadBadNotGood / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Angel Olsen / Death Grips / Gojira / Grace Jones / Whitney / Against Me! / The Magnetic Fields / Seu Jorge / Wild Beasts / The Black Angels / Descendents / Bicep / The Damned / Pond / Kevin Morby / Japandroids / Grandaddy / Swans / Teenage Fanclub / Weyes Blood / Joey Purp / Pinegrove / Julia Jacklin / Romare / John Talabot / Sleaford Mods / Sleep / Converge / Aldous Harding / The Afghan Whigs / Weval / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / HVOB / The Wedding Present / Joy Orbison / Skinny Puppy / Preoccupations / Cymbals Eat Guitars / Front 242 / Hamilton Leithauser / Shellac / Alexandra Savior / Alex Cameron / Sinkane / recondite / Let’s Eat Grandma / St. Etienne / Fatima Yamaha / Gordi / Kelly Lee Owens / Henrik Schwarz / Dixon / Nikki Lane / KiNK / Wand / Lady Wray / Michael Mayer / Elza Soares / S U R V I V E / Mannequin Pussy / The Wave Pictures / Noga Erez / Julie Doiron / William Tyler / Marie Davidson / Kornél Kovács / Pearson Sound / LVL UP / youandewan / Jeremy Jay / Clubz / DJ Tennis / Triangulo de Amor Bizarro / Lauer / King Sunny Adé / Talaboman / Huerco S. / Swet Shop Boys / Iosonouncane / Royal Trux / The Mystery Lights / Operators / Avalon Emerson / Berri Txarrak / Mishima / Shye Ben Tzur / Formation / Belako / Young Marco / Agorazein / Gas (Wolfgang Voigt) / Tuff City Kids / The Rajasthan Express / Slim Cessna's Auto Club / Ben UFO / Annette Peacock / Moscoman / El Petit De Cal Eril / Matrixxman / Make-Up / InnerCut / PAVVLA / Vox Low / NOTS / No Zu / Tourista / Sau Poler / Odina / Kepa Junkera / Lord of the Isles / 7 Notas 7 Colores / Soledad Vélez / Kokoshca / Autarkic / Khidja / Vaadat Charigim / Jardín De La Croix / Abdulla Rashim / The Molochs / Priests - DC / Animic / Joel Sarakula / Miss Garrison / Pender Street Steppers / Aurora Halal / Ferenc / Barbott / Mélange / Phurpa / Shelby Grey / Hańba / Alien Tango / Les Sueques / Junun / It's Not Not / This Is Not This Heat / Murdoc / Don't DJ / Adelaida / Conttra / Dj Coco / Pedro Vian / Museless / Inzul / Rosalía & Raül Refree / RIVIERE / JMII / De Mónaco / Dave P / Muñeco / Retirada! / Astronaut Project / Playback Maracas / Vladimir Ivkovic / Her Little Donkey / About leaving / Sorry Kate / No Metal in This Battle / Màquina Total / Escorpio / Rebuig / DJ Dustin / The Waterparties
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Parc del Fòrum | Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain | |
Apr 30, 2017
Maxïmo Park / Little Comets / Spector
O2 Academy Leeds | Leeds, England, United Kingdom | |
Apr 29, 2017
Live At Leeds 2017
Her / Rag'n'Bone Man / White Lies / Nothing But Thieves / Gabrielle Aplin / Tom Walker / AJ Tracey / Yellow Days / Frightened Rabbit / Wild Beasts / seafret / Temples / IDLES / Slaves / Gang of Youths / The Pigeon Detectives / The Hunna / DMA'S / Tom Grennan / Lewis Watson / Matt Maltese / Jagwar Ma / Easy Life / Nilüfer Yanya / Pale Waves / Joy Crookes / Rationale / Fickle Friends / Kllo / The Amazons / Tender / The Academic / Joe Fox / Jade Bird / The Magic Gang / Puma Blue / The Night Café / Kojey Radical / Laurel / The Big Moon / Jordan Mackampa / Let’s Eat Grandma / Jaws / Teleman / Black Honey / carmody / Leo Stannard / Yonaka / Honeyblood / Geowulf / Jake Isaac / Superfood / Fazerdaze / Bad Sounds / Dream Wife / VANT / IDER / Fish / Clean Cut Kid / Ten Tonnes / Childhood / The Orielles / Chinah / Liv Dawson / She Drew The Gun / The Pale White / Scarlet / HMLTD / Trudy and The Romance / Saint PHNX / Airways / Sonny / Sivu / Siv Jakobsen / Joel Baker / Otzeki / Amber Arcades / kwassa / Marsicans / Connie Constance / Clay / The Moonlandingz / Ekkah / Mosa Wild / MOSES / Wyvern Lingo / Gurr / Howl / Indoor Pets / The Gallery / Lea Porcelain / XamVolo / Sam Brookes / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Off Bloom / Casey Lowry / Fangclub / Flamingods / The Age Of L.U.N.A / Lisbon / Jordan Max / Slang / Banfi / FREAK / Shy Luv / Francobollo / Husky Loops / Kovic / Life / King Nun / The Wandering Hearts / Bryde / Strong Asian Mothers / Little Hours / Johnny Lloyd / Paris Youth Foundation / Áine / Redfaces / ARC / Judas / Kilo / Plastic Mermaids / Zach Said / Jordan Allen / Pixey / Blackwaters / Brian Deady / Anna Straker / FLING / Dead Pretties / Outlya / October Drift / The Bay Rays / Faux Pas / Dusk (USA) / Artificial Pleasure / Indigo Husk / Be Charlotte / MarthaGunn / Joy Room / Alex Francis / Tom Hickox / Annabel Allum / JAGARA / Adian Coker / Weirds / Tender Central / Carys Selvey / Eat Fast / TEAM PICTURE / NGOD / Treeboy & Arc / Club Drive / Atlas Wynd / Rory Wynne / Rory Butler / Shadowlark / Dead Naked Hippies / Luxury Death / Bad Nerves (UK) / Lamia / White Kite / Croox / Jakl / The Golden Age of Tv / Dead! (UK) / Chest Pains / Noctürn / Fletcher Jackson / Young Native / Kell / The Opera Comic / Jellyskin / WUZI / Piles Of Clothes / Sam Wilde / The Tiny Minds / Heir (UK) / Roe Green / Plaza (UK) / Furr (UK)
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Live at Leeds 2017 | Leeds, England, United Kingdom |