Date Concert Venue Location
Dec 16, 2017
Soulwax Roundhouse London, England, United Kingdom
Dec 15, 2017
Haiku Salut St John on Bethnal Green London, England, United Kingdom
Dec 14, 2017
The Cribs
ULU London, England, United Kingdom
Nov 03, 2017
Nordic Giants / pg.lost

Amplify Human Vibration

Bush Hall London, England, United Kingdom
Oct 27, 2017
Human Pyramids The Lexington London, England, United Kingdom
Oct 25, 2017
The Camden Assembly London, England, United Kingdom
Oct 20, 2017 –
Oct 22, 2017
Simple Things 2017
Willow / Wild Beasts / Leftfield / Clark / John Maus / Japanese Breakfast / The Bug / Daphni / Diet Cig / Nadine Shah / Childhood / IDLES / Shackleton / Omar Souleyman / Jane Weaver / Alex G (CA) / Ó / Kelly Lee Owens / Jlin / TRAAMS / Cakes Da Killa / Juan Atkins / Downtown Boys / HMLTD / patten / Noga Erez / Gaika / Carla dal Forno / Marie Davidson / Lorenzo Senni / The Early Years / Boy Azooga / Klein / Insecure Men / Shanti Celeste / Oliver Wilde / Priests - DC / Spinning Coin / Miss Red / Marco Bernardi / Kahn & Neek / Sassy J / Mixpak / Inga Mauer / Dekmantel Soundsystem / Roi Perez / BINH / Intergalactic Gary / children of leir / Cristophe / Gramrcy / Dave Harvey / LONDON ASTROBEAT ORCHESTRA / Don Loudo / Harri Pepper / Coco & The Nutmilks / Studio 89 DJs / Warmdushcer / Shapes DJs / Musu DJs / Strange Frequency / Pink Kink / Scalping Show all bands
Simple Things Festival Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Oct 20, 2017 –
Oct 22, 2017
Simple Things 2017
Willow / Japanese Breakfast / Wild Beasts / Leftfield / IDLES / John Maus / Clark / Daphni / The Bug / Ó / Diet Cig / Kelly Lee Owens / Nadine Shah / Noga Erez / Jane Weaver / Childhood / Omar Souleyman / Marie Davidson / Warmduscher / Jlin / Shackleton / HMLTD / Cakes Da Killa / Boy Azooga / Alex G (CA) / TRAAMS / Juan Atkins / Carla dal Forno / Gaika / Downtown Boys / Insecure Men / Klein / Shanti Celeste / patten / Lorenzo Senni / Miss Red / The Early Years / Oliver Wilde / Spinning Coin / Priests - DC / Marco Bernardi / Inga Mauer / Sassy J / Mixpak / Kahn & Neek / Dekmantel Soundsystem / BINH / Roi Perez / Intergalactic Gary / Gramrcy / Cristophe / children of leir / LONDON ASTROBEAT ORCHESTRA / Strange Frequency / Dave Harvey / Studio 89 DJs / Harri Pepper / Don Loudo / Coco & The Nutmilks / Shapes DJs / Musu DJs Show all bands
Simple Things Festival Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Oct 14, 2017
Hackney Wonderland 2017
Jagwar Ma / The Rifles / Bo Ningen / Saint Agnes / Honey Lung / Baba Naga / The Bracknall / FAERS / HVMM / Comic Strip / Electric Child House / Videocean / Dolls (UK)
Oval Space London, England, United Kingdom
Oct 10, 2017
The Xcerts / Big Spring

The Xcerts

Scala London, England, United Kingdom
Oct 04, 2017
Vessels / Alex Banks Village Underground, Shoreditch London, England, United Kingdom
Sep 28, 2017
DZ Deathrays / Weirds / HCBP!

Bloody Lovely

The Camden Assembly London, England, United Kingdom
Sep 27, 2017
The National / This Is The Kit

The National

Hammersmith Apollo London, England, United Kingdom
Sep 26, 2017
Mystery Jets / Marika Hackman
The Garage London, England, United Kingdom
Sep 25, 2017
Mystery Jets / Sundara Karma
The Garage London, England, United Kingdom
Sep 23, 2017
Tellison / The Spills
Thousand Island London, England, United Kingdom
Aug 30, 2017
Japandroids / Bad Breeding / YOWL
Epic Dalston Events Hall London, England, United Kingdom
Aug 25, 2017 –
Aug 27, 2017
Victorious Festival 2017
Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / Stereophonics / Jake Bugg / Elbow / KT Tunstall / Madness / The Dandy Warhols / Band of Skulls / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Frank Turner / Raye / Tom Walker / Maxïmo Park / Frightened Rabbit / Feeder / The Charlatans / Temples / Dan Caplen / Slaves / Sundara Karma / Lewis Watson / The Hunna / Turin Brakes / British Sea Power / Tom Grennan / Shy FX / Lady Leshurr / Peter Doherty / Palace / Young Guns / Rationale / Deaf Havana / Field Music / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Will Joseph Cook / Leo Stannard / Pulled Apart By Horses / Echobelly / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Bad Sounds / Macka B / SikTh / Hacktivist / Silhouettes / Otherkin / Crows / The Slow Readers Club / Black Foxxes / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Tribe / Black Slate / Featurecast / Banfi / Matt Wills / Fort Hope / Lazy Habits / SHVPES / Madeline / Jerry Williams / Tom Martin / Kassassin Street / Timeless / Mayfield / Lauran Hibberd / Cut Capers / Normanton Street / Craig Charles / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / Elixir / The Curious Incident / Seán McGowan / Mirror Fury / The Silver Beatles / Dean Dyson / Wren / Michael Baker / Folsom / Ben Pryer / Pets / The Great Scott / Is Bliss / The Jackobins / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Novatones / Subgiant / Jamin / Des-C / Coax / Arcade Hearts / Tom Bertram / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / BigTopp / Seething Akira / The Racketeers / Tom Millichamp / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / SUBMARINER / Rhythm of the 90s / Richard Morris / Marley Blandford / Grant Sharkey / The Day of the Rabblement / Matuki / Lucas & King / Good Times Roll / Shoot the Duke / Bemis / Archie Langley / Toffees / Andrew Foster / Southsea Alternative Choir / Tim Cheatle / Our Propaganda / SOUL 45 / Strumdiddlyumptious / Brock Landers / Emptifish / Paddy Taylor / DRGM / Lily Garland / Bog Rolling Stones / Josh & Daisy / Panthalassa / The Aim (UK) / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / Harmonie London / Colour of the Jungle / Minque / Megan Linford / Four Folds Law / Marmalade Moonshine / Brandon Rivers / The Mantic Muddlers / Devin-Jade / Grand Tradition / Skaraman / Becky Jerams / Kelly Woods / Ben Brookes / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Nine Ace Deck / Archive 45 / Los Cojones / Joe Mongan / Indiana Quiet Cats / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Naan Breddaz / Ruby and the Revelators / The Philosipha / Southerlies / Kingz of Leon / Paul Dillon / Bella Estelle / The Vinalls / The Smiley Campbell Band / Alice Milburn / Fellowship of Groove / Yeehaa Granma / Kate Bush-Ka / Jamie Hiron / Chip Jacks / Jake Hassell / Waif & Stray / Crown Of Thieves / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Too Much 2Tone / The Vela Tides / Rachel Broad / Hannah Hay / Dave Baker Project / Wesley Brown / Robyn Grace / Mark Handley / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Kojak's Revenge / Jesse Ray / The Tuesday Trend / Marcus Payne / Jessica Lawler / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Justsayyes / Brent Hutchinson Band / Rhythm City Six / Dan O'Farrell / The Machete (UK) / Livvy / Josh Tremain / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Ade Cull / John Adams (UK) / Fjorka / Remedy Sounds / Silver Rejects / Latin Dance Workshop / Mechelle Medeelee / Big Noise Rhythms / Los Hombres Inglese / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Inner Gold International Sound System / Duke Bossa / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / The Morning (UK) / Sophie & The Darlings / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Rebekka Nightingale / Paisley Jones / Mollie Scott & Parv / Miami Driveway / Los Cranes / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Lauren Barker / Joshua Sanderson / Harrison Etherington / Hanna Doswell / Goldlaw / Foxier / Fainties / Erin Gracie / Clayton Connor / Charlotte Neal / Assorted Sax / Andy Osman / Alaina Sparkes / The Bootlegs (UK) / Lily Rendle-Moore / Basement 83 / Percival Elliot / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Francisco Jones / Prince Brandon / Dextasy (UK) / The Plucking Missfits / The Urban Vocal Group / Lennon Taylor / Katie Louise Ball / Roy Peplow / Becky Anderson Show all bands
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Southsea Seafront Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
Aug 25, 2017 –
Aug 27, 2017
Victorious Festival 2017
Franz Ferdinand / Rita Ora / Olly Murs / Stereophonics / Jake Bugg / Elbow / KT Tunstall / Madness / The Dandy Warhols / The Jesus and Mary Chain / Band of Skulls / Tom Walker / Benjamin Francis Leftwich / Frank Turner / Raye / Maxïmo Park / Feeder / Frightened Rabbit / The Charlatans / Temples / Slaves / Dan Caplen / Sundara Karma / The Hunna / Lewis Watson / Tom Grennan / Palace / Turin Brakes / Shy FX / Sea Power / Lady Leshurr / Peter Doherty / Rationale / Young Guns / Deaf Havana / Field Music / Tiggs Da Author / Toy / Will Joseph Cook / Leo Stannard / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Bad Sounds / Echobelly / Pulled Apart By Horses / Macka B / SikTh / Hacktivist / Silhouettes / The Slow Readers Club / Black Foxxes / Otherkin / Tribe / Crows / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Black Slate / SHVPES / Featurecast / Banfi / Matt Wills / Jerry Williams / Fort Hope / Lazy Habits / Madeline / Lauran Hibberd / Tom Martin / Cut Capers / Timeless / Kassassin Street / Mayfield / Normanton Street / Craig Charles / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / Elixir / The Curious Incident / Seán McGowan / Mirror Fury / Dean Dyson / The Silver Beatles / Wren / Michael Baker / Folsom / Ben Pryer / Pets / The Great Scott / Is Bliss / The Jackobins / Jamin / Billy Bibby & The Wry Smiles / Novatones / Subgiant / Des-C / Tom Bertram / Arcade Hearts / Coax / Seething Akira / Blackfoot Circle / Me and the Moon / BigTopp / The Racketeers / Tom Millichamp / Rhythm of the 90s / Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy Weirdos / SUBMARINER / Marley Blandford / Richard Morris / Grant Sharkey / The Day of the Rabblement / Lucas & King / Matuki / Toffees / Bemis / Good Times Roll / Shoot the Duke / Archie Langley / Andrew Foster / Southsea Alternative Choir / Our Propaganda / SOUL 45 / Tim Cheatle / Emptifish / Paddy Taylor / Brock Landers / Strumdiddlyumptious / Colour of the Jungle / DRGM / Lily Garland / Harmonie London / Josh & Daisy / The Bog Rolling Stones / Panthalassa / Sasha Ilyukevich & the Highly Skilled Migrants / Megan Linford / Marmalade Moonshine / Minque / Four Folds Law / The Aim (UK) / Skaraman / Devin-Jade / The Mantic Muddlers / Brandon Rivers / Grand Tradition / Ben Brookes / Los Cojones / Kelly Woods / Becky Jerams / Emiliyah and the Mightyz All Stars / Nine Ace Deck / Indiana Quiet Cats / Kate Bush-Ka / Archive 45 / Dirty Diesel Outlaw Orchestra / Joe Mongan / Paul Dillon / The Philosipha / Ruby and the Revelators / Bella Estelle / Jamie Hiron / Naan Breddaz / Kingz of Leon / Fellowship of Groove / Alice Milburn / Southerlies / The Smiley Campbell Band / The Vinalls / Waif & Stray / Jesse Ray / Neneh Cherry (DJ Set) / Crown Of Thieves / Jake Hassell / Chip Jacks / Yeehaa Granma / Symphonica feat. Mr Switch / Robyn Grace / Wesley Brown / Dave Baker Project / Hannah Hay / Rachel Broad / Kojak's Revenge / Remedy Sounds / John Adams (UK) / Ade Cull / Jimi & The Jaffa Cakes / Josh Tremain / Livvy / Mark Handley / Dan O'Farrell / Rhythm City Six / Brock Landers & The Estelles / Charlotte Neal / Marcus Payne / The Tuesday Trend / The Vela Tides / Too Much 2Tone / Becky Anderson / Roy Peplow / Fjorka / Katie Louise Ball / Lennon Taylor / The Machete (UK) / The Urban Vocal Group / The Plucking Missfits / Dextasy (UK) / Brent Hutchinson Band / Prince Brandon / Justsayyes / Francisco Jones / Monkeylove Stunt Team / Percival Elliot / Basement 83 / Lily Rendle-Moore / The Bootlegs (UK) / Alaina Sparkes / Andy Osman / Assorted Sax / Clayton Connor / Erin Gracie / Fainties / Foxier / Goldlaw / Hanna Doswell / Harrison Etherington / Jessica Lawler / Joshua Sanderson / Lauren Barker / Lewis Smith & The Collision / Los Cranes / Miami Driveway / Mollie Scott & Parv / Paisley Jones / Rebekka Nightingale / Serena Spells & The Explorers / Sophie & The Darlings / The Morning (UK) / The Richard Henry Edward Keam Band / Pan Jazz International Ensemble / Duke Bossa / Inner Gold International Sound System / Mikkee Majestic Sound System / Los Hombres Inglese / Big Noise Rhythms / Mechelle Medeelee / Latin Dance Workshop / Silver Rejects / Jerry Williams (UK) Show all bands
Southsea Seafront Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
Aug 19, 2017
O2 Shepherd's Bush Empire London, England, United Kingdom
Jul 16, 2017
Citadel 2017
Vessels / Michael Kiwanuka / Sylvan Esso / Foals / Laura Marling / Bonobo / Bombino / Wild Beasts / Dan Croll / Margaret Glaspy / Soothsayers / Jake Isaac / Oumou Sangare / Aldous Harding / Cal Jader / Parcels / Nadine Shah / Hudson Taylor / Maggie Rogers / Yonaka / Lucky Chops / Ry X / Picture This / A Blaze of Feather / Banfi / XamVolo / Ardyn / Joseph J. Jones / Cosmic Strip / twin peaks / Charlie Straw / Snapped Ankles / Oscar Jerome / Tamu Massif / Stevie Parker / Enne / Videocean Show all bands
Victoria Park London, England, United Kingdom
Jul 01, 2017
The Maccabees / Mystery Jets / IDLES

The Farewell Shows

Alexandra Palace London, England, United Kingdom
Jun 29, 2017
Blood Red Shoes / Our Girl
London Oslo London, England, United Kingdom
Jun 21, 2017 –
Jun 25, 2017
Glastonbury Festival 2017
Ed Sheeran / Katy Perry / Radiohead / Foo Fighters / Lorde / Major Lazer / The xx / Halsey / alt-J / Phoenix / Clean Bandit / Tove Lo / Dua Lipa / The National / Birdy / George Ezra / Charli XCX / HAIM / Justice / Emeli Sandé / Shaggy / The Flaming Lips / Fatboy Slim / Glass Animals / Kodaline / Kaiser Chiefs / London Grammar / Little Dragon / Metronomy / Dizzee Rascal / First Aid Kit / Corinne Bailey Rae / Craig David / Stormzy / Biffy Clyro / Dropkick Murphys / Mura Masa / Father John Misty / Royal Blood / Solange / Goldfrapp / Sampha / Rag'n'Bone Man / KT Tunstall / Pretenders / DJ Shadow / The Cinematic Orchestra / Real Estate / Future Islands / Dr. Dog / Warpaint / Laura Marling / Run the Jewels / Thundercat / Wiley / Gabrielle Aplin / The Jacksons / Gorgon City / Chic / Scouting for Girls / Jamie Cullum / BadBadNotGood / The Avalanches / Maggie Rogers / Nothing But Thieves / Moderat / Angel Olsen / Toots & The Maytals / Khruangbin / Boys Noize / Lucy Rose / Declan McKenna / Lissie / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Sigrid / Loyle Carner / The Courteeners / Wild Beasts / Billy Bragg / AJ Tracey / Whitney / Circa Waves / Temples / Blossoms / Nick Mulvey / Skream / Wilkinson / Kano / ani difranco / Slaves / Noisia / Liam Gallagher / Sundara Karma / Busted / Lisa Hannigan / Sasha / Ride / Mark Lanegan / Joe Goddard / Jain / The Magic Numbers / Sophie Ellis-Bextor / Kris Kristofferson / Kojo Funds / The Orb / Alison Moyet / Midland / British Sea Power / Dusky / Martha Wainwright / Kraak & Smaak / Justin Townes Earle / Rationale / The Mavericks / Deaf Havana / Avelino / Kae Tempest / Sleaford Mods / Earl / The Beat / Julia Jacklin / lucy spraggan / Goldie / Way Out West / The Amazons / Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Nines / Roni Size / Hot 8 Brass Band / Stanton Warriors / Joseph / The Lemon Twigs / Paul Carrack / Orchestra Baobab / Cadet / A Tribe Called Red / Georgia / Jesca Hoop / Hamilton Leithauser / Dreadzone / Dimension / Big Narstie / Patrick Topping / Shame / Layo & Bushwacka! / Mungo's Hi Fi / A Guy Called Gerald / Black Honey / The Egg / 67 / Blaenavon / Hothouse Flowers / All We Are / Margo Price / Barry Gibb / Solardo / Nadine Shah / Afro Celt Sound System / Dutch Uncles / Boy Better Know / Kathryn Williams / Kelsey Lu / My Nu Leng / Songhoy Blues / Darlingside / Factory Floor / Pumarosa / Gentleman's Dub Club / Vieux Farka Toure / Nadia Rose / Sister Bliss / Seth Lakeman / DJ Yoda / Ryley Walker / Beans on Toast / The Correspondents / Banco de Gaia / Kevin Saunderson / A2 / CABBAGE / Big Tobz / Sharon Shannon / Kamaal Williams / My Baby / Melé / Sivu / Ward Thomas / Tom Chaplin / Altan / Henry Wu / Ary / She Drew The Gun / Amber Arcades / Bo Ningen / Skinny Lister / Richy Ahmed / Jools Holland & his Rhythm & Blues Orchestra / The Moonlandingz / System 7 / Artwork / Syd Arthur / JFB / The Hackney Colliery Band / Jackmaster / INHEAVEN / Dr Meaker / Annie Mac / MistaJam / Sasha & John Digweed / Will Varley / James Heather / Ata Kak / The Dreem Teem / The Age Of L.U.N.A / Josh Barry / Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation / Wildwood Kin / Kiefer Sutherland / Afriquoi / T. Williams / Callum Beattie / Dread MC / Paranoid London / Emily Barker / Anderson .Paak & The Free Nationals / Muncie Girls / House Gospel Choir / Stone Foundation / Áine / Reeps One / Marten Hörger / Mikey B / Beoga / Wild Front / Dam / Naya / Jasper James / The Jive Aces / The Bootleg Beatles / REWS / Cero39 / The Dhol Foundation / Anna Straker / The Fedz / Gardna / Young'uns / Sad13 / Lewis & Leigh / Sound of the Sirens / Huey Morgan / King Kong Company / October Drift / Left/Right / The Eskies / Jah Wobble’s Invaders of the Heart / Speakman Sound / Chaim Tannenbaum / Bill Brewster / Don Letts / Davos / Black Dyke Band / Mafia Kiss / Samuel Jack / Kite Base / Fleck / Fabio And Grooverider / Louise Distras / The RPMS / Groove Armada (DJ set) / Goan Dogs / Carter Sampson / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / The Brass Funkeys / Perhaps Contraption / Andy Fairweather Low & the Low Riders. / The Ska Vengers / Pink Cigar / Lucy Kitt / TYNI / Crinkle Cuts / London Elektricity Big Band / Yorkston Thorne Khan / Port Erin / SHAY D / Jon Hopkins (DJ set) / Hacienda Classical / Colectro / Freerange Djs / Chris Jagger / Crawford / DJ Moxie / Lucas & King / Will White / Coldcut Dj Set / Smooth Sailors / Chris Difford & Glenn Tilbrook / Omou Sangare / Pat Thomas & The Kwashibu Area Band / Panther Panther! / Aurbs / DJ Von / Monkey Pilot / Sian Anderson / Krafty Kuts B2B A Skillz / Tourists (UK) / Cassette Boy vs DJ Rubbish / The Shakers (UK) / RaRa_Reynolds / Figaro De Montmartre / The Avalonian Free State Choir / Blast Djs / LONGLIGHT / Roney FM / Napalm Death Show all bands
Worthy Farm Pilton, England, United Kingdom
Jun 19, 2017
Paramore / Bleached

Paramore: Tour One

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Royal Albert Hall London, England, United Kingdom
May 31, 2017 –
Jun 04, 2017
Primavera Sound Festival 2017
Japandroids / Teenage Fanclub / Against Me! / Converge / Bon Iver / Arcade Fire / Metronomy / The Black Angels / Miguel / Cymbals Eat Guitars / Broken Social Scene / Descendents / Local Natives / Sinkane / Gojira / Flying Lotus / The xx / Death Grips / Solange / Swans / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / The Zombies / Slayer / Vaadat Charigim / Mac DeMarco / Hamilton Leithauser / The Magnetic Fields / Angel Olsen / Grandaddy / Tycho / Nikki Lane / Wild Beasts / The Afghan Whigs / Glass Animals / The Damned / Operators / Berri Txarrak / Sleep / LVL UP / The Growlers / Kevin Morby / Mitski / Mannequin Pussy / Aphex Twin / Van Morrison / Royal Trux / Seu Jorge / Jamie xx / Pond / Dj Coco / Skepta / Alex Cameron / Wand / William Tyler / Jeremy Jay / The Wedding Present / Skinny Puppy / King Krule / Weyes Blood / BadBadNotGood / NOTS / Grace Jones / Bicep / Dixon / John Talabot / Pearson Sound / Romare / Formation / DJ Tennis / Make-Up / The Wave Pictures / Pinegrove / King Sunny Adé / Dave P / Whitney / Alexandra Savior / Preoccupations / Sleaford Mods / Hańba / The Mystery Lights / Joey Purp / Front 242 / Shellac / St. Etienne / Weval / Julia Jacklin / Animic / Adelaida / HVOB / Cigarettes After Sex / Aldous Harding / Julie Doiron / Joy Orbison / Ben UFO / S U R V I V E / Gordi / Kepa Junkera / Vox Low / Clubz / Kornél Kovács / Fatima Yamaha / Let’s Eat Grandma / Triangulo de Amor Bizarro / No Zu / Pender Street Steppers / Mishima / KiNK / Phurpa / Sampha / The Molochs / Priests - DC / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Slim Cessna's Auto Club / Swet Shop Boys / Michael Mayer / Belako / Aries / Les Sueques / Henrik Schwarz / Elza Soares / Gas (Wolfgang Voigt) / youandewan / Annette Peacock / Huerco S. / Iosonouncane / Lauer / Young Marco / Matrixxman / Talaboman / Avalon Emerson / El Petit De Cal Eril / The Rajasthan Express / Kelly Lee Owens / 7 Notas 7 Colores / Marie Davidson / Ferenc / Lady Wray / Sau Poler / Lord of the Isles / Abdulla Rashim / Jardín De La Croix / Shye Ben Tzur / Shelby Grey / Moscoman / Aurora Halal / Kokoshca / Joel Sarakula / Noga Erez / Tuff City Kids / Soledad Vélez / Agorazein / Tourista / Khidja / It's Not Not / Barbott / Miss Garrison / Junun / Murdoc / Mélange / PAVVLA / InnerCut / This Is Not This Heat / Rosalía & Raül Refree / Autarkic / Odina / RIVIERE / Muñeco / Pedro Vian / Don't DJ / De Mónaco / JMII / Her Little Donkey / Museless / Alien Tango / No Metal in This Battle / Astronaut Project / About leaving / Sorry Kate / Rebuig / DJ Dustin / Retirada! / Vladimir Ivkovic / Conttra / Inzul / Playback Maracas / The Waterparties / Màquina Total / Escorpio / Run The Jewels / Recondite Show all bands
Parc del Fòrum Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
May 31, 2017 –
Jun 04, 2017
Primavera Sound Festival 2017
The xx / Bon Iver / Arcade Fire / Miguel / Van Morrison / Mac DeMarco / Glass Animals / Local Natives / Cigarettes After Sex / Metronomy / Skepta / Flying Lotus / Jamie xx / Solange / Slayer / Aphex Twin / Sampha / Mitski / Broken Social Scene / Run the Jewels / Tycho / King Krule / The Zombies / The Growlers / BadBadNotGood / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Angel Olsen / Death Grips / Gojira / Grace Jones / Whitney / Against Me! / The Magnetic Fields / Seu Jorge / Wild Beasts / The Black Angels / Descendents / Bicep / The Damned / Pond / Kevin Morby / Japandroids / Grandaddy / Swans / Teenage Fanclub / Weyes Blood / Joey Purp / Pinegrove / Julia Jacklin / Romare / John Talabot / Sleaford Mods / Sleep / Converge / Aldous Harding / The Afghan Whigs / Weval / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / HVOB / The Wedding Present / Joy Orbison / Skinny Puppy / Preoccupations / Cymbals Eat Guitars / Front 242 / Hamilton Leithauser / Shellac / Alexandra Savior / Alex Cameron / Sinkane / recondite / Let’s Eat Grandma / St. Etienne / Fatima Yamaha / Gordi / Kelly Lee Owens / Henrik Schwarz / Dixon / Nikki Lane / KiNK / Wand / Lady Wray / Michael Mayer / Elza Soares / S U R V I V E / Mannequin Pussy / The Wave Pictures / Noga Erez / Julie Doiron / William Tyler / Marie Davidson / Kornél Kovács / Pearson Sound / LVL UP / youandewan / Jeremy Jay / Clubz / DJ Tennis / Triangulo de Amor Bizarro / Lauer / King Sunny Adé / Talaboman / Huerco S. / Swet Shop Boys / Iosonouncane / Royal Trux / The Mystery Lights / Operators / Avalon Emerson / Berri Txarrak / Mishima / Shye Ben Tzur / Formation / Belako / Young Marco / Agorazein / Gas (Wolfgang Voigt) / Tuff City Kids / The Rajasthan Express / Slim Cessna's Auto Club / Ben UFO / Annette Peacock / Moscoman / El Petit De Cal Eril / Matrixxman / Make-Up / InnerCut / PAVVLA / Vox Low / NOTS / No Zu / Tourista / Sau Poler / Odina / Kepa Junkera / Lord of the Isles / 7 Notas 7 Colores / Soledad Vélez / Kokoshca / Autarkic / Khidja / Vaadat Charigim / Jardín De La Croix / Abdulla Rashim / The Molochs / Priests - DC / Animic / Joel Sarakula / Miss Garrison / Pender Street Steppers / Aurora Halal / Ferenc / Barbott / Mélange / Phurpa / Shelby Grey / Hańba / Alien Tango / Les Sueques / Junun / It's Not Not / This Is Not This Heat / Murdoc / Don't DJ / Adelaida / Conttra / Dj Coco / Pedro Vian / Museless / Inzul / Rosalía & Raül Refree / RIVIERE / JMII / De Mónaco / Dave P / Muñeco / Retirada! / Astronaut Project / Playback Maracas / Vladimir Ivkovic / Her Little Donkey / About leaving / Sorry Kate / No Metal in This Battle / Màquina Total / Escorpio / Rebuig / DJ Dustin / The Waterparties Show all bands
Parc del Fòrum Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Apr 30, 2017
Maxïmo Park / Little Comets / Spector
O2 Academy Leeds Leeds, England, United Kingdom
Apr 29, 2017
Live At Leeds 2017
Her / Rag'n'Bone Man / White Lies / Nothing But Thieves / Gabrielle Aplin / Tom Walker / AJ Tracey / Yellow Days / Frightened Rabbit / Wild Beasts / seafret / Temples / IDLES / Slaves / Gang of Youths / The Pigeon Detectives / The Hunna / DMA'S / Tom Grennan / Lewis Watson / Matt Maltese / Jagwar Ma / Easy Life / Nilüfer Yanya / Pale Waves / Joy Crookes / Rationale / Fickle Friends / Kllo / The Amazons / Tender / The Academic / Joe Fox / Jade Bird / The Magic Gang / Puma Blue / The Night Café / Kojey Radical / Laurel / The Big Moon / Jordan Mackampa / Let’s Eat Grandma / Jaws / Teleman / Black Honey / carmody / Leo Stannard / Yonaka / Honeyblood / Geowulf / Jake Isaac / Superfood / Fazerdaze / Bad Sounds / Dream Wife / VANT / IDER / Fish / Clean Cut Kid / Ten Tonnes / Childhood / The Orielles / Chinah / Liv Dawson / She Drew The Gun / The Pale White / Scarlet / HMLTD / Trudy and The Romance / Saint PHNX / Airways / Sonny / Sivu / Siv Jakobsen / Joel Baker / Otzeki / Amber Arcades / kwassa / Marsicans / Connie Constance / Clay / The Moonlandingz / Ekkah / Mosa Wild / MOSES / Wyvern Lingo / Gurr / Howl / Indoor Pets / The Gallery / Lea Porcelain / XamVolo / Sam Brookes / Jerry Williams (SWE) / Off Bloom / Casey Lowry / Fangclub / Flamingods / The Age Of L.U.N.A / Lisbon / Jordan Max / Slang / Banfi / FREAK / Shy Luv / Francobollo / Husky Loops / Kovic / Life / King Nun / The Wandering Hearts / Bryde / Strong Asian Mothers / Little Hours / Johnny Lloyd / Paris Youth Foundation / Áine / Redfaces / ARC / Judas / Kilo / Plastic Mermaids / Zach Said / Jordan Allen / Pixey / Blackwaters / Brian Deady / Anna Straker / FLING / Dead Pretties / Outlya / October Drift / The Bay Rays / Faux Pas / Dusk (USA) / Artificial Pleasure / Indigo Husk / Be Charlotte / MarthaGunn / Joy Room / Alex Francis / Tom Hickox / Annabel Allum / JAGARA / Adian Coker / Weirds / Tender Central / Carys Selvey / Eat Fast / TEAM PICTURE / NGOD / Treeboy & Arc / Club Drive / Atlas Wynd / Rory Wynne / Rory Butler / Shadowlark / Dead Naked Hippies / Luxury Death / Bad Nerves (UK) / Lamia / White Kite / Croox / Jakl / The Golden Age of Tv / Dead! (UK) / Chest Pains / Noctürn / Fletcher Jackson / Young Native / Kell / The Opera Comic / Jellyskin / WUZI / Piles Of Clothes / Sam Wilde / The Tiny Minds / Heir (UK) / Roe Green / Plaza (UK) / Furr (UK) Show all bands
Live at Leeds 2017 Leeds, England, United Kingdom