Lyakali's Concert Archive

Joined March 2023    

Lyakali has 2 concerts at Simple Things Festival.

Bristol, England, United Kingdom

View Simple Things Festival's main page

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 20, 2017 –
Oct 22, 2017
Simple Things 2017
Willow / Wild Beasts / Leftfield / Clark / John Maus / Japanese Breakfast / The Bug / Daphni / Diet Cig / Nadine Shah / Childhood / IDLES / Shackleton / Omar Souleyman / Jane Weaver / Alex G (CA) / Ó / Kelly Lee Owens / Jlin / TRAAMS / Cakes Da Killa / Juan Atkins / Downtown Boys / HMLTD / patten / Noga Erez / Gaika / Carla dal Forno / Marie Davidson / Lorenzo Senni / The Early Years / Boy Azooga / Klein / Insecure Men / Shanti Celeste / Oliver Wilde / Priests - DC / Spinning Coin / Miss Red / Marco Bernardi / Kahn & Neek / Sassy J / Mixpak / Inga Mauer / Dekmantel Soundsystem / Roi Perez / BINH / Intergalactic Gary / children of leir / Cristophe / Gramrcy / Dave Harvey / LONDON ASTROBEAT ORCHESTRA / Don Loudo / Harri Pepper / Coco & The Nutmilks / Studio 89 DJs / Warmdushcer / Shapes DJs / Musu DJs / Strange Frequency / Pink Kink / Scalping Show all bands
Simple Things Festival Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Oct 20, 2017 –
Oct 22, 2017
Simple Things 2017
Willow / Japanese Breakfast / Wild Beasts / Leftfield / IDLES / John Maus / Clark / Daphni / The Bug / Ó / Diet Cig / Kelly Lee Owens / Nadine Shah / Noga Erez / Jane Weaver / Childhood / Omar Souleyman / Marie Davidson / Warmduscher / Jlin / Shackleton / HMLTD / Cakes Da Killa / Boy Azooga / Alex G (CA) / TRAAMS / Juan Atkins / Carla dal Forno / Gaika / Downtown Boys / Insecure Men / Klein / Shanti Celeste / patten / Lorenzo Senni / Miss Red / The Early Years / Oliver Wilde / Spinning Coin / Priests - DC / Marco Bernardi / Inga Mauer / Sassy J / Mixpak / Kahn & Neek / Dekmantel Soundsystem / BINH / Roi Perez / Intergalactic Gary / Gramrcy / Cristophe / children of leir / LONDON ASTROBEAT ORCHESTRA / Strange Frequency / Dave Harvey / Studio 89 DJs / Harri Pepper / Don Loudo / Coco & The Nutmilks / Shapes DJs / Musu DJs Show all bands
Simple Things Festival Bristol, England, United Kingdom

Some Videos From These Concerts

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 Martin Dupras
 Dave Hibell
 Paul Wade

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