Lyakali has 2 Vales concerts.

Few bands accomplish in their entire exist all that VALES have achieved in just over a year. Formed during the month of March 2011 in Cornwall, England, VALES (formerly known as Veils) are a fierce foursome that have quickly proven their musical prowess. Their unique sound teeters between angst-filled screamo and aggressive hardcore, all the while conveying a deep passion for what they are creating.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Nov 01, 2014
Nightmare Festival 2014
Blood Red Shoes / King Charles / Dash / Howling Bells / Elliot Minor / The Algorithm / InMe / Tigercub / Falls / Man Like Me / Twin Wild / Calling All Cars / Indoor Pets / Danny Wright / Cortes / Anavae / I Am Giant / Shrine / Feed the Rhino / Hunter & the Bear / The Tuts / Fizzy Blood / The Red Paintings / Hounds / Max Raptor / Allusinlove / Crazy Arm / Sykes / Hype Theory / Never Not Nothing / Amaryllis / Freeze the Atlantic / The Brawlers / Hawk Eyes / Hero Fisher / Duchess (Amy Cervini, Hilary Gardner, Melissa Stylianou) / Vex / Storms / Knifeworld / St Pierre Snake Invasion / Ghxst / Agent / I Am in Love / The Kut / Vales / Shoshin / Colt 45 / Attention Thieves / Beasts / Dirty Thrills / Acoda / Brutai / Army of One / The Petals / Night Engine / Electric River / The Tricks / The Scenes / Subversion / Them&Us / the valves / The Mercy House / Longy / Death and the Penguin / Suzerain / To the Bones / This Be the Verse / Rival State / Prosperina / Jesus Fucking Christ / Crystal Seagulls / Lyger / Du Bellows / Making Monsters / Mr Shiraz / Dead Sea Skulls / Intraverse / We Are Carnivores / Generation Graveyard / Release the Bats / The Connectors / Avosetta / Eat The Evidence / The Dirty Truth / Magnus Major / Star Scream / Monkish / Wondersmiths / Reverted / Death Koolaid / Feral Sun / You (banduk) / Plastic Barricades / Dedwardians / The Monday Project / BROCKER / The Au Revoirs / Glassmaps / You The Living / Matt Grocott & The Shrives / The Hell (UK) / Alexa De Strange / Nash Albert / Rewild / La Horse / Fur Cough / Panic the Vulture / Levyathan / SOS (UK) / Mitsubishis / The Undivided (UK) / The Rojos / Broken Diamond / Ashes (UK) / The Vex (UK) / Ultimate Grand Supreme / TheParade / Aeroplanes Fly High / Shea (UK) / Guy McKnight (DJ Set) / Empire (UK) Show all bands
Nightmare Festival 2014 London, England, United Kingdom
Sep 15, 2012
Southsea Fest 2012
Peace / Clock Opera / Fear of Men / Tall Ships / Bo Ningen / Tellison / We Cut Corners / Two Wounded Birds / Hymns / This Many Boyfriends / Crazy Arm / Dead Rabbits / Hey Sholay / John J Presley / Ajimal / Seán McGowan / Scholars / Bastions / Vales / Dingus Khan / Bear Cavalry / Is Bliss / Itchy Teeth / Yoofs / Her Parents / The B of the Bang / Hares / You're Smiling Now But We'll All Turn Into Demons / Good Time Charlies / Shotaway / Oresteia / Kinky Boot Beasts / Battery Hens / Johnny5thwheel&thecowards / Stone Them Crows / Watashi Calcutecs Show all bands
Southsea Fest Southsea, England, United Kingdom

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12 users have seen Vales including:
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 Nick Goodjohn
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 Andy Lyth
 Jordan Caddy
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