Luke Scanlon has 1 concert at Fernhill Farm.

Compton Martin, England, United Kingdom

View Fernhill Farm's main page

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 16, 2018 –
Aug 18, 2018
ArcTanGent 2018
La Dispute / Anathema / Glassjaw / Pelican / Alcest / Foxing / Shellac / And So I Watch You from Afar / Plini / Pianos Become The Teeth / Leprous / Myrkur / Zeal and Ardor / Tides of Man / Arcane Roots / Delta Sleep / Rolo Tomassi / Giraffes? Giraffes! / Mouse on the Keys / Black Peaks / Tides From Nebula / Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs / Gallops / Jamie Lenman / Part Chimp / Toska / Tangled Hair / Orchards / Blueneck / Bossk / Talons / Hey Colossus / Conjurer / Alpha Male Tea Party / Mugstar / Natalie Evans / Blanket / Svalbard / Gulfer / Vennart / Poly-Math / Soeur / Bearfoot Beware / Boss Keloid / Astralia / Cassels / Ohhms / Jo Quail / Telepathy / God Mother / Scalping / Jean Jean / La Jungle / Bad Sign / VLMV / Behind the Shadow Drops / Strobes / Body Hound / Coldbones / Death and the Penguin / VASQUEZ / Halo Tora / Mr. Marcaille / Modern Rituals / Ilenkus / Only Echoes Remain / Space Blood / Møl (DK) / Trigger thumb / Seven Colour Drive / Codices / The Guru Guru(BE) / WREN (UK) / GUG / Conjurer (UK) / People Like Milk Products / Never Not Nothing Show all bands
Fernhill Farm Compton Martin, England, United Kingdom

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