Lowden11 has 1 Holy Sons concert.

Holy Sons are but one, a son of the deep South. A true lo-fi dogmatist, Emil Amos self-professedly subscribes to the "therapy through 4-tracking" credo; he is an artist driven to create regardless of the marketability of the outcome. And create he does, prolifically. His output is near-constant between Holy Sons, where he writes every word and plays every instrument, and über-post-rockers Grails, where he contributes his talents as multi-instrumentalist as well as primary drummer, a position akin to the driver of the bus in this case.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 22, 2009
Deer Tick / Christopher Denny / Paleo / Dolorean / Holy Sons

Partisan Records CMJ Showcase

Bowery Ballroom New York, New York, United States

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