Johnson City Concert History

Johnson City, New York, United States

153 Concerts

Sep 19, 2009
Mark Schultz / Point of Grace

Mark Schultz / Point Of Grace at First Baptist Church

First Baptist Church Johnson City, New York, United States
Oct 27, 2008
Tesla / Pop Evil Magic City Music Hall Johnson City, New York, United States
Oct 13, 2008
Arsonists Get All the Girls / The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza / ABACABB / Stray From The Path Magic City Music Hall Johnson City, New York, United States
Oct 03, 2008
The Machine Performs Pink Floyd Magic City Music Hall Johnson City, New York, United States
Sep 25, 2008
Hit the Lights

Skip School, Start Fights

Magic City Music Hall Johnson City, New York, United States
Sep 25, 2008
Motion City Soundtrack / Chiodos Magic City Music Hall Johnson City, New York, United States
Sep 21, 2008
Rusted Root Magic City Music Hall Johnson City, New York, United States
Sep 19, 2008
Ronnie Baker Brooks Magic City Music Hall Johnson City, New York, United States
Sep 19, 2008
Murali Coryell Magic City Music Hall Johnson City, New York, United States
Sep 08, 2008
Candlebox Magic City Music Hall Johnson City, New York, United States
Sep 03, 2008
Candlebox / The Kings Royal / Small Town Sleeper
Magic City Music Hall Johnson City, New York, United States
Aug 31, 2008
Badfish - Trib. to Sublime / Scotty Don't Magic City Music Hall Johnson City, New York, United States
Aug 27, 2008
Puddle of Mudd / Saving Abel / Rev Theory Magic City Music Hall Johnson City, New York, United States
Aug 03, 2008
Riley's L.A. Guns Magic City Music Hall Johnson City, New York, United States
Jul 18, 2008
Mickey Hart / George Porter Jr. Magic City Music Hall Johnson City, New York, United States
Find Lodging  
 Jim Reynolds
 Brandi Neurotic
 Jason Smith
 Christine Smith
 Justin Wilcox
 Chris Corso
 Traci Bidwell
 Brent Campbell
 Donna Phinney Geisdorf
 Manda ❀
 Mike Gullo
 Megan Shelanskey

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