Leonie has 1 8kids concert.

The band was formed in 2006 by original members Joe James, Jono Yates, Nic Montgomery, Billy Evanson and Eddie Hawx. The band was initially named "Rig Up Explosive", but the name was changed to Blitz Kids in 2009.[1] The name meaning was explained to be inspired by Joe's grandfather who was in a gang who named themselves 'Blitz Kids' during the events of World War II.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 17, 2018 –
Aug 19, 2018
Highfield Festival 2018
The Wombats / Editors / Dropkick Murphys / The Hives / Bad Religion / Flogging Molly / Parov Stelar / Billy Talent / Maxïmo Park / Gogol Bordello / The Subways / Mando Diao / Marteria / Die Fantastischen Vier / Alligatoah / Clueso / Kontra K / Bilderbuch / Bausa / Prinz Pi / Bosse / Madsen / 257ers / Dendemann / Kettcar / Broilers / Razz / Antilopen Gang / Itchy / Fünf Sterne Deluxe / Zugezogen Maskulin / Sondaschule / ZSK / Swiss & Die Andern / Adam Angst / Fjørt / Massendefekt / Radio Havanna / 8kids / Alex Mofa Gang / Gloria (Germany) / Casper Show all bands
Störmthaler See Leipzig, Saxony, Germany

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