Kennedi Holloway has 1 horsegiirL concert.

HorsegiirL is a German DJ, singer and songwriter from Berlin, in which she performs as a mixed-species horse called "Stella Stallion" who comes from "Sunshine Farms" and gained fame after being discovered by "Whitney Horston". Although Stella is only a teenage foal she sings songs about heartbreak and the rural life that go right under your skin. The ability to translate her sensitivity into her lyrics are what unites human and horse: the deep emotions of existence.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 01, 2023

Horsegiirl @ The Rooftop, Elsewhere

The Rooftop, Elsewhere New York, New York, United States

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133 users have seen horsegiirL including:
 Jesse Fillmore
 Daniel Reid
 Maks Halpin

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