Kal Giaquinta has 3 This Wild Life concerts.

This Wild Life is a two piece acoustic band comprised of two drummers, what the hell right? We met in our early 20’s and realized that although we were raised on opposite ends of the country, our musical journeys were strikingly similar. Like many teenagers, we listened to a variety of music ranging from blink-182 and Dashboard Confessional to Earth, Wind & Fire and Snoop Dogg.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Nov 24, 2015
Mayday Parade / This Wild Life / As It Is The Masquerade Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Jul 24, 2014
Vans Warped Tour 2014
Yellowcard / Breathe Carolina / The Ready Set / Anberlin / The Maine / Of Mice & Men / The Devil Wears Prada / Echosmith / Parkway Drive / Enter Shikari / Less Than Jake / Four Year Strong / A Skylit Drive / The Summer Set / The Word Alive / We Are the In Crowd / Bayside / Every Time I Die / Chelsea Grin / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! / Issues / The Story So Far / Attila / The Ghost Inside / For All Those Sleeping / For Today / Sleeper Agent / Get Scared / Wax / Secrets / The Color Morale / Watsky / Real Friends / MC Chris / Vanna / Close Your Eyes / Volumes / Terror / Emilie Autumn / K.Flay / Crizzly / Ice Nine Kills / NiT GriT / Teenage Bottlerocket / I the Breather / Bad Rabbits / I Fight Dragons / Fit for a King / Front Porch Step / This Wild Life / Pacific Dub / Mixtapes / The Marmozets / Lionize / Antiserum / Allison Weiss / Air Dubai / The Protomen / Dangerkids / Courage My Love / Brian Marquis / Anthony Raneri / Beebs and Her Money Makers / Alive Like Me / Me Like Bees / Elder Brother / Survive This! / Plague Vendor / Light Years / Rob Lynch / To the Wind / Nick Santino / American Pinup / Acidic / Better Off / Scare Don't Fear / Corrin Campbell / Thecityshakeup / DJ Scout / DJ Nicola Bear / Born of Osiris / State Champs / Cute Is What We Aim For / Saves The Day / We The Kings / Beartooth / Neck Deep / Mayday Parade / Motionless in White / Stray from the Path / I the Mighty / Icon for Hire / Falling In Reverse / Crown the Empire Show all bands
Aaron's Amphitheatre at Lakewood Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Jul 24, 2014
Vans Warped Tour 2014
Mayday Parade / Yellowcard / We The Kings / Echosmith / Falling In Reverse / Of Mice & Men / Breathe Carolina / The Maine / K.Flay / The Ready Set / Parkway Drive / Anberlin / The Devil Wears Prada / Motionless In White / Enter Shikari / Less Than Jake / Cute Is What We Aim For / Neck Deep / Crown the Empire / The Story So Far / Beartooth / The Word Alive / Four Year Strong / The Summer Set / Issues / Watsky / Attila / Bayside / A Skylit Drive / We Are the In Crowd / Every Time I Die / Chelsea Grin / State Champs / Get Scared / Saves The Day / Real Friends / Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! / Ice Nine Kills / Born of Osiris / The Ghost Inside / For Today / Wax / Icon for Hire / Secrets / This Wild Life / Volumes / For All Those Sleeping / Front Porch Step / Fit for a King / The Color Morale / Sleeper Agent / Marmozets / Terror / Teenage Bottlerocket / MC Chris / Vanna / Emilie Autumn / I the Mighty / Stray from the Path / Crizzly / Close Your Eyes / Bad Rabbits / Pacific Dub / I the Breather / I Fight Dragons / Dangerkids / The Protomen / Antiserum / NiT GriT / Mixtapes / Courage My Love / Plague Vendor / Air Dubai / Lionize / Me Like Bees / Elder Brother / Alive Like Me / Anthony Raneri / Better Off / Light Years / Beebs and Her Money Makers / To the Wind / Brian Marquis / Rob Lynch / Survive This! / Nick Santino / Scare Don't Fear / American Pinup / Acidic / Corrin Campbell / Thecityshakeup / John-Allison A.W. Weiss / DJ Scout / DJ Nicola Bear Show all bands
Cellairis Amphitheatre at Lakewood Atlanta, Georgia, United States

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3805 users have seen This Wild Life including:
 Zach Cooper
 Landon Defever
 Stephen Schenk
 Molly Core
 28 Concerts Later
 Rick Brose

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