Josh Rawdon has seen Jarhead Fertilizer 1 time.

Four-piece metal/grindcore band from Ocean City, Maryland. The first two releases were primarily grindcore/thrashcore/powerviolence infused with elements of death metal. After a six-year wait, the band’s 2021 release Product of My Environment marked a drastic change in sound to groovy death metal with slam and grindcore elements.

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Date Concert Venue Location
May 27, 2023 –
May 28, 2023
Hell in the Harbor 2023
Cannibal Corpse / Napalm Death / High On Fire / Dying Fetus / Dwarves / Pig Destroyer / Goatwhore / Misery Index / Cephalic Carnage / Inter Arma / Acid Witch / Sanguisugabogg / Spirit Adrift / Cloud Rat / Visceral Disgorge / Undeath / Deceased / Internal Bleeding / Deaf Club / Spectral Wound / Cloak / Outer Heaven / Deadguy / Escuela Grind / Hulder / Vomit Forth / Jarhead Fertilizer / Inoculation / Sadistic Ritual / Necrofier / Demiser / Cemetery Piss / Black Tusk / Jivebomb Show all bands
Baltimore Soundstage Baltimore, Maryland, United States

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117 users have seen Jarhead Fertilizer including:
 Ryan W
 Joel W26
 Alex Smith
 Perran Helyes
 Brandon Geurts
 Chris Sousa

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