John Elledge has 1 Gypsy Pistoleros concert.

Ima­gine a Flamenco-infused, glammed out noise in a head on col­li­sion with Punk and Rock N Roll riffs, laced with a touch of latin and you'll sure as hell have yourselves the Gypsy Pis­tol­eros. This ridicu­lously awe­some com­bin­a­tion was the brainchild of Lee Pis­tolero and it is through this bril­liantly orches­trated com­bin­a­tion that they have carved them­selves a unique­ness, sep­ar­at­ing them­selves from other bands in the Glam and Sleaze genres.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 13, 2008
Rocklahoma Festival
"Rocklahoma Festival" / Queensrÿche / Tesla / Ace Frehley / UFO / Steelheart / Zebra / Beautiful Creatures / Axe Feat. Bobby Barth / Gypsy Pistoleros / Bulletboys
Catch The Fever Festival Grounds Pryor, Oklahoma, United States

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40 users have seen Gypsy Pistoleros including:
 Spider Lane
 Kristen Golubski
 Chloé Bestley
 Mike Schilke
 Kevin Kerr
 Mikey T
 Mark Obert
 Metal Mama

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