Joey Shepherd's Concert Archive

Joined January 2017    

Joey Shepherd has seen Forever the Sickest Kids 4 times.

Forever the Sickest Kids is an American rock band from Dallas, Texas, who are currently signed to Universal Motown Records Group. In issue 228 of Alternative Press, the group was named the number one underground band in the "22 Best Underground Bands (That Likely Won't Stay Underground for Long)". Their first EP, Television Off, Party On, was released on July 3, 2007 Their second EP, a split release with critically acclaimed pop punk band The Tattle-Tales, was released on February 14, 2008.

View Forever the Sickest Kids's main page

Date Concert Venue Location
May 26, 2012
Slam Dunk Festival North 2012
Architects / Taking Back Sunday / Every Time I Die / Mayday Parade / Set Your Goals / Make Do and Mend / Forever the Sickest Kids / The Audition / The Marmozets / Cancer Bats / I See Stars
Leeds University Union Leeds, England, United Kingdom
May 26, 2012
Slam Dunk Festival North 2012
Mayday Parade / Taking Back Sunday / Forever the Sickest Kids / Every Time I Die / Architects / Set Your Goals / The Audition / Cancer Bats / Marmozets / Make Do and Mend
Leeds University Union Leeds, England, United Kingdom
May 20, 2009
Cobra Starship / The Guests / Forever the Sickest Kids / Kill the Arcade / Sing It Loud / Mimi Soya / Cash Cash Rescue Rooms Nottingham, England, United Kingdom
Sep 21, 2008
Forever the Sickest Kids / All Forgotten / Kill the Arcade Rock City Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

Some Videos From These Concerts

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Some Photos From These Concerts

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2164 users have seen Forever the Sickest Kids including:
 Zach Cooper
 Stl Ben
 Landon Defever
 Mike Hynson
 Alex T.
 Molly Core
 Pamela Bulu
 Rick Brose

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