Jessie Star's Concert Archive

Joined August 2024    

Jessie Star has seen Buried Inside 1 time.

Buried Inside, formed in 1997, was a band from Ottawa, Canada. They were influenced by early metallic hardcore and screamo bands such as Acme, One Eyed God Prophecy, Drift, and Union of Uranus. Their sound included distorted vocals, creatively-timed drumming, heavy use of octave double stops (which created a very melodic effect), and occasional sampling of gloomy film dialogue or instruments such as the cello. In 2005 they signed to Relapse Records and put out their "concept" album, Chronoclast.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 07, 2005
Eyehategod / Buried Inside / Byzantine Alley Katz Richmond, Virginia, United States

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15 users have seen Buried Inside including:
 Ben Levesque
 Brandye Tx
 Brandi Anderson
 Stephen Klingenberger
 Jessie Star
 Jarrad Collard

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