Jennyyy888 has 1 Alaclair Ensemble concert.

Hip-hop doesn’t get much weirder than prolific deconstructionist crew Alaclair Ensemble. Just check out their impressive oeuvre of free mixtapes online if you don’t believe they’re virtually peerless when it comes to distorting sundry rap tropes to dada-like effect. For all their satirical prowess, they’re also terrific MCs.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 07, 2017
Les Eurockeennes de Belfort
"Les Eurockeennes de Belfort" / Tash Sultana / Editors / Gojira / H.F. Thiefaine / Blues Pills / Devendra Banhart / Gucci Mane / Moderat / La Femme / Alaclair Ensemble / IDLES / All Them Witches / Machine Gun Kelly / Parcels / Psykup / The Geek x Vrv
Eurockeennes Festival Grounds Belfort, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France

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34 users have seen Alaclair Ensemble including:
 Adam Maniak
 Julian Patterson
 Anaïsa Kalita
 John Gee
 Vanessa Hébert
 Lauren Hummel
 Ea Physics

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