Jenniferjonas has 1 Buggs Tha Rocka concert.

In an era when commercial rap has saturated the market and hip hop has shed away from lyricists, breaking into the industry has become quite a challenge for artists such as Speed “Buggs tha Rocka” Walton III, who brings a sound that is so refreshing when real music has become so foreign to true music lovers. Born February 16, 1985, this Cincinnati native took a liking to a wide range of music as he grew up in a full house of family members from Big Mom to his dog Demon.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 07, 2015
Atmosphere / Lil Dicky / Buggs Tha Rocka / Twenty One Pilots

Bunbury Music Festival 2015

Sawyer Point, Yeatman's Cove Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

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7 users have seen Buggs Tha Rocka including:
 Wes Fox
 Jessi Reed
 Ellie Wild

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