James Borland's Concert Archive

Aldershot     Joined May 2022    

James Borland has 7 Nadine Shah concerts.

Nadine Shah is a British-born vocalist/pianist from a small town called Whitburn, UK.

View Nadine Shah's main page

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 24, 2021
Nadine Shah / Sinead O'Brien
100 Club London, England, United Kingdom
Jul 18, 2021
Nadine Shah
Barbican Centre London, England, United Kingdom
Dec 11, 2020
Graham Coxon / Mystery Jets / Rose Elinor Dougall / Bessie Turner / Nadine Shah / Django Django

Live For Beirut 2.0

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Jazz Cafe London, England, United Kingdom
Mar 06, 2020
Brittany Howard / Black Midi / Nadine Shah

6 Music Festival 2020

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Roundhouse London, England, United Kingdom
Jun 26, 2019 –
Jun 30, 2019
Glastonbury Festival 2019
The Killers / Miley Cyrus / Bastille / The Cure / Vampire Weekend / Two Door Cinema Club / Hozier / Snow Patrol / Tame Impala / Diplo / Bring Me The Horizon / Chemical Brothers / George Ezra / Interpol / Wu-Tang Clan / Fatboy Slim / Billie Eilish / Hot Chip / Sheryl Crow / Kylie Minogue / Cat Power / Janelle Monáe / James Morrison / Janet Jackson / Ms. Lauryn Hill / Years & Years / Anne-Marie / KT Tunstall / Jorja Smith / Kurt Vile / Friendly Fires / Michael Kiwanuka / Rex Orange County / Jungle / The Streets / Stormzy / Morcheeba / Denzel Curry / Sharon Van Etten / Frank Turner / Jon Hopkins / Stefflon Don / Maverick Sabre / Christine and the Queens / Low / Billy Bragg / The Courteeners / Gojira / AURORA / Bananarama / The Cat Empire / SG Lewis / The Damned / Neneh Cherry / Lizzo / Sigrid / Kamasi Washington / Loyle Carner / Mavis Staples / Foreign Beggars / Roy Ayers / The Magic Numbers / Pond / Maribou State / Squarepusher / Shura / Liam Gallagher / King Princess / Tiffany / The Good, The Bad And The Queen / AJ Tracey / Mahalia / Carl Cox / George Fitzgerald / Reef / Ray BLK / Little Simz / Johnny Marr / ROSALIA / Bugzy Malone / Kosheen / TC / DJ Vadim / Kate Tempest / Jamie Jones / lucy spraggan / London Elektricity / Nahko and Medicine for the People / IDLES / Fatoumata Diawara / Stanton Warriors / Pale Waves / Eats Everything / The Dead South / The Prototypes / scarlxrd / This Is The Kit / Steeleye Span / Idris Elba / Fat White Family / John Digweed / Max Cooper / Dub Pistols / The Egg / Seth Troxler / S.P.Y / Patrick Topping / Fantastic Negrito / Ross From Friends / Waze & Odyssey / Nadine Shah / Hollie Cook / Sam Fender / Jade Bird / Algiers / Slowthai / DJ Hype / Swindle / Steve Mac / Dream Wife / Dj Q / The Shires / Sons of Kemet / Beans on Toast / Lowkey / Banco de Gaia / The Comet Is Coming / Solardo / Hernan Cattaneo / ezra collective / Ibibio Sound Machine / Nick Warren / Stella Donnelly / Smoove & Turrell / Barney Artist / ALTERN 8 / Flava D / My Baby / Monika Kruse / Fontaines D.C. / Skinny Lister / Kokoroko / Dave Seaman / Trinity / Dr Meaker / Acid Mothers Temple / Original Sin / Spektre / Charlie Sloth / Serial Killaz / Mella Dee / Tripswitch / Sub Zero / Life / Stickybuds / The Blue Aeroplanes / Ulterior Motive / Gecko / Jon Rundell / Heidi / The Burning Hell / Bushwacka / Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation / Late Nite Tuff Guy / Tristan / TQD / Royal-T / Darren Emerson / Joe Armon-Jones / Conducta / Jamie Lenman / Six by Seven / Slipmatt / Emily Barker / The Cuban Brothers / Jaguar / Alibi / Franklin / Jimothy Lacoste / The Turbans / Feral Is Kinky / Daniel Haaksman / North Base / Channel One Sound System / Entombed A.D. / Jayda G / LIL C / Jeff Goldblum and the Mildred Snitzer Orchestra / Yola / Lankum / Tankus the Henge / Employed To Serve / Jus Now / Randall / Kasra / Arlo Parks / Anon / The Mauskovic Dance Band / Unglued / The Last Skeptik / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / The Fedz / Manudigital / Venom Prison / KreeD / Sickboy / BCUC / Heavy Lungs / Kanine / John Fairhurst / Rob da Bank / Elephant Sessions / Ta'Shan / Cut Capers / Barely Legal / Gaffa Tape Sandy / Don Letts / Paul T. / Vodun / The Chemical Brothers (DJ Set) / JINX in dub / Jon Carter / Elijah & Skilliam / Bellatrix / Davos / Kings of the Rollers / Declan Welsh & The Decadent West / Father Funk / Black Futures / Emerald / Giant Swan / Degs / Mollie Collins / Leftfield (DJ) / Kuenta I Tambu / The Little Unsaid / New York Brass Band / Fabio And Grooverider / DJ HYBRiD / Dream Nails / Queen Zee / Elvana / Jerome Hill / Ed The Dog / Mik Artistiks Ego Trip / Wara / Chika / Skilliam / Haggard Cat / Liines / My Bad Sister / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / Bryan Gee / Regan / Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican / Dancefloor Outlaws / The Brass Funkeys / LYZZA / K.O.G / Gal Pals / WBBL / The Wood Burning Savages / HENGE / Stivs / Eris Drew / Grace Savage / Dat Brass / ROB.GREEN / Jumping Jack Frost / Crinkle Cuts / Gold Dubs / Altern-8 / THE DUTTY MOONSHINE BIG BAND / Franky Wah / Gasper Nali / Wonkavision / Daytoner / Bicep DJ Set / Beating Heart / SOULOUD / Scanone / Barbarella's Bang Bang / Rum Buffalo / Vinyl Junkie / Mike Skinner (DJ Set) / Euphonique / TENSHEDS / koast / Shunaji / Kelvin 373 / Blackberry wood / Diving Station / Bethlehem Casuals / Gella / Aleighcia Scott / Cousn / SHAY D / Juma / Count Skylarkin / Pengshui / Onipa / Brass Rave Unit / Gentlemen (UK) / Grouch In Dub / Josh Okeefe / Josephine and The Artizans / Locked and Loaded / hotsteppas / Indian Man / River Roots / Andrew Heath / Faithless Dj Set / Will White / CW Jones / Aliji / Badcore Horns / DJ Hiphoppapotamus / Think Tonk / Smooth Sailors / Mark Xtc / Soul Stew / Dirty Freud / BRIDGES (UK) / DJ Prophecy / Tom Ravenscroft / Ross From Friends (DJ Set) / Ngaio / Bustawidemove / I Am Fya / Barley Legal / Gizz Butt / Burd / Cash Cows / Deep Deep Water / Los Kamer / Danny.Wav / Geno Carrapetta / Goldierocks / MC Dread / Amy Montgomery / Toby Marks / FIZZY GILLESPIE / AAA Badboy / Das Brass / NATTY SPEAKS / Andy Ellis / Killdren / Binge Drinker / Emily Dust / BOOGALOO DEE / YOUTH & GAUDI / sherelle / Steve Davis & Kavus Torabi / Imprints (Bristol, UK) / Henry Wacey / Gon von Zola / Sicaria Sound / Cassette Boy vs DJ Rubbish / Pete Not Bombs / Back Before Breakfast / Liquid Ross / The Light Surgeons / BBZ / Tony Andrews / Chris Tofu / Sir Funk / Ophelia Bitz / Angry Dan / AMiR (UK) / The Portraits (UK) / Sh!ts!ck / OK Williams / Selecta J Man / Ellie Prohan / Aszyk / DJ Josko / March (UK) / Bitvert / Deanna Rodger Show all bands
Worthy Farm Pilton, England, United Kingdom
Jun 26, 2019 –
Jun 30, 2019
Glastonbury Festival 2019
The Killers / Miley Cyrus / Billie Eilish / Bastille / The Cure / Tame Impala / Hozier / Vampire Weekend / Two Door Cinema Club / Snow Patrol / Diplo / Bring Me The Horizon / George Ezra / Chemical Brothers / Wu-Tang Clan / Rex Orange County / Interpol / Fatboy Slim / Sheryl Crow / Anne-Marie / Lizzo / Hot Chip / Kylie Minogue / Jorja Smith / Janelle Monáe / Years & Years / Ms. Lauryn Hill / Janet Jackson / Cat Power / James Morrison / Stormzy / Michael Kiwanuka / Denzel Curry / KT Tunstall / Jungle / Kurt Vile / Friendly Fires / The Streets / Stefflon Don / Sharon Van Etten / ROSALIA / Morcheeba / AURORA / Sub Focus / Christine and the Queens / Jon Hopkins / Frank Turner / King Princess / SG Lewis / Loyle Carner / Maverick Sabre / Sigrid / AJ Tracey / Gojira / Mahalia / Low / Maribou State / The Courteeners / Billy Bragg / The Cat Empire / Bananarama / Kamasi Washington / Little Simz / Liam Gallagher / Mavis Staples / The Damned / Neneh Cherry / Pond / Sam Fender / Roy Ayers / Slowthai / IDLES / Foreign Beggars / Shura / Bugzy Malone / The Magic Numbers / Tiffany / Squarepusher / Ray BLK / Carl Cox / George Fitzgerald / The Good, The Bad And The Queen / scarlxrd / Arlo Parks / Johnny Marr / Reef / The Dead South / Pale Waves / Fontaines D.C. / Kae Tempest / Idris Elba / Fatoumata Diawara / Kosheen / lucy spraggan / Nahko and Medicine for the People / Jamie Jones / TC / Max Cooper / Ross From Friends / This Is The Kit / DJ Vadim / Jade Bird / Fat White Family / London Elektricity / Eats Everything / Stanton Warriors / The Egg / Dimension / The Prototypes / Patrick Topping / John Digweed / Steeleye Span / The Comet Is Coming / Fantastic Negrito / Dub Pistols / ezra collective / Kokoroko / Solardo / S.P.Y / Hollie Cook / Seth Troxler / Stella Donnelly / Nadine Shah / Sons of Kemet / Waze & Odyssey / Swindle / Algiers / Dream Wife / The Shires / Steve Mac / Barney Artist / DJ Hype / Dj Q / Lowkey / Beans on Toast / Ibibio Sound Machine / Yola / Hernan Cattaneo / Flava D / Banco de Gaia / My Baby / Smoove & Turrell / Nick Warren / Mella Dee / Monika Kruse / ALTERN 8 / Chika / Skinny Lister / Kanine / Joe Armon-Jones / Spektre / Dave Seaman / Jayda G / Conducta / Trinity / Serial Killaz / Acid Mothers Temple / Charlie Sloth / Dr Meaker / DJ Original Sin / Tripswitch / Royal-T / Jeff Goldblum and the Mildred Snitzer Orchestra / Franky Wah / TQD / Stickybuds / Jimothy Lacoste / Late Nite Tuff Guy / Sub Zero / Ulterior Motive / Lankum / The Blue Aeroplanes / The Burning Hell / Unglued / Gecko / Heidi / Jon Rundell / Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation / Life (US) / Jamie Lenman / Franklin / Darren Emerson / Bushwacka / Heavy Lungs / The Mauskovic Dance Band / Emily Barker / Slipmatt / Alibi / Kings of the Rollers / Employed To Serve / The Cuban Brothers / The Turbans / Jaguar / Six by Seven / Feral Is Kinky / Daniel Haaksman / Giant Swan / North Base / Entombed A.D. / Channel One Sound System / Kasra / LIL C / Tankus the Henge / Declan Welsh & The Decadent West / Elephant Sessions / Venom Prison / Manudigital / Randall / The Last Skeptik / Gaffa Tape Sandy / Degs / Jus Now / BCUC / Cut Capers / The Fedz / Anon / Eris Drew / Never Not Nothing / Mollie Collins / KreeD / HENGE / Sickboy / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / Barely Legal / Ta'Shan / Dream Nails / K.O.G / John Fairhurst / LYZZA / Rob da Bank / Father Funk / JINX in dub / The Chemical Brothers (DJ Set) / Vodun / Paul T. / THE DUTTY MOONSHINE BIG BAND / Ed The Dog / Don Letts / Queen Zee / DJ HYBRiD / Emerald / Davos / Jon Carter / Bellatrix / Liines / Haggard Cat / New York Brass Band / Elijah & Skilliam / Kuenta I Tambu / Onipa / The Little Unsaid / Mik Artistiks Ego Trip / Fabio And Grooverider / Leftfield (DJ) / Skilliam / My Bad Sister / Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican / Elvana / SOULOUD / Cousn / WBBL / Wara / Jerome Hill / Pengshui / The Wood Burning Savages / Grouch In Dub / Stivs / The Brass Funkeys / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / Gasper Nali / Gold Dubs / Grace Savage / Dat Brass / Bryan Gee / Regan / Bicep DJ Set / Dancefloor Outlaws / ROB.GREEN / Kelvin 373 / Shunaji / Gal Pals / Daytoner / Crinkle Cuts / sherelle / Beating Heart / Diving Station / Jumping Jack Frost / TENSHEDS / SHAY D / Deep Deep Water / Euphonique / Rum Buffalo / Barbarella's Bang Bang / Wonkavision / Bethlehem Casuals / Aleighcia Scott / CW Jones / Think Tonk / Mark Xtc / Vinyl Junkie / Juma / koast / Josh Okeefe / Scanone / Amy Montgomery / Brass Rave Unit / Gella / Mike Skinner (DJ Set) / Blackberry wood / hotsteppas / Josephine and The Artizans / Count Skylarkin / Faithless Dj Set / River Roots / Locked and Loaded / Sicaria Sound / Badcore Horns / Andrew Heath / Gentlemen (UK) / Indian Man / Ross From Friends (DJ Set) / DJ Hiphoppapotamus / Los Kamer / Ngaio / Aliji / Will White / Killdren / Smooth Sailors / Das Brass / Soul Stew / Dirty Freud / Burd / FIZZY GILLESPIE / Gizz Butt / Cash Cows / Bustawidemove / DJ Prophecy / I Am Fya / BRIDGES (UK) / Tom Ravenscroft / Danny.Wav / Barley Legal / Toby Marks / YOUTH & GAUDI / Goldierocks / MC Dread / NATTY SPEAKS / Geno Carrapetta / Binge Drinker / Andy Ellis / Emily Dust / Gon von Zola / Steve Davis & Kavus Torabi / AAA Badboy / BBZ / Sir Funk / BOOGALOO DEE / March (UK) / Imprints (Bristol, UK) / Henry Wacey / Cassette Boy vs DJ Rubbish / Tristan (UK) / The Light Surgeons / Liquid Ross / Back Before Breakfast / Pete Not Bombs / Tony Andrews / OK Williams / Angry Dan / Chris Tofu / Bitvert / Ellie Prohan / Selecta J Man / The Portraits (UK) / Deanna Rodger / Ophelia Bitz / DJ Josko / Aszyk / Sh!ts!ck / AMiR (UK) Show all bands
Worthy Farm Pilton, England, United Kingdom
Jun 21, 2017 –
Jun 25, 2017
Glastonbury Festival 2017
A Guy Called Gerald / Hot 8 Brass Band / Katy Perry / Sundara Karma / Whitney / Hamilton Leithauser / Jesca Hoop / Radiohead / Paul Carrack / The Egg / Maggie Rogers / Ed Sheeran / Dutch Uncles / Kate Tempest / Foo Fighters / Sleaford Mods / Loyle Carner / Hothouse Flowers / Factory Floor / The xx / All We Are / Afro Celt Sound System / Rationale / Declan McKenna / Lorde / Orchestra Baobab / Khruangbin / DJ Yoda / Phoenix / Vieux Farka Toure / A Tribe Called Red / Major Lazer / Seth Lakeman / Jain / Boy Better Know / Dimension / alt-J / Banco de Gaia / Nadine Shah / Big Narstie / The National / Kathryn Williams / Mungo's Hi Fi / Tove Lo / Black Honey / Midland / Justice / Kevin Saunderson / The Flaming Lips / Blaenavon / Sivu / Bo Ningen / Birdy / Gentleman's Dub Club / Patrick Topping / Fatboy Slim / Beans on Toast / Kaiser Chiefs / Liam Gallagher / The Correspondents / Songhoy Blues / HAIM / Ryley Walker / Altan / Barry Gibb / My Nu Leng / MistaJam / Sharon Shannon / Emeli Sandé / AJ Tracey / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Annie Mac / Artwork / Clean Bandit / Jackmaster / Charli XCX / The Amazons / Melé / The Lemon Twigs / System 7 / Shaggy / Skinny Lister / Metronomy / Avelino / Sister Bliss / Pumarosa / Little Dragon / London Grammar / Margo Price / JFB / George Ezra / Dr Meaker / Biffy Clyro / Julia Jacklin / Halsey / Syd Arthur / T. Williams / The Dreem Teem / The Hackney Colliery Band / Goldfrapp / Georgia / Richy Ahmed / INHEAVEN / KT Tunstall / The Nines / Darlingside / Corinne Bailey Rae / Dropkick Murphys / 67 / Dizzee Rascal / CABBAGE / Kodaline / Amber Arcades / Sigrid / First Aid Kit / Nadia Rose / Cadet / My Baby / Ward Thomas / The Moonlandingz / Kojo Funds / DJ Shadow / Glass Animals / Pretenders / Real Estate / Laura Marling / Warpaint / The Cinematic Orchestra / Craig David / Dr. Dog / Future Islands / Father John Misty / Jamie Cullum / Royal Blood / Scouting for Girls / The Jacksons / Boys Noize / Wiley / Solange / Gabrielle Aplin / Lissie / The Avalanches / Gorgon City / Wild Beasts / Toots & The Maytals / Moderat / Tom Chaplin / Skream / Emily Barker / Reeps One / She Drew The Gun / Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation / Sampha / Thundercat / Muncie Girls / Billy Bragg / Mikey B / The Courteeners / Will Varley / The Magic Numbers / Ata Kak / Noisia / A2 / Ary / Lucy Rose / Henry Wu / Temples / The Age Of L.U.N.A / Angel Olsen / Big Tobz / Mura Masa / Kelsey Lu / Dam / The Dhol Foundation / Shame / BadBadNotGood / Paranoid London / British Sea Power / The Jive Aces / Lisa Hannigan / Bootleg Beatles / Anderson .Paak & The Free Nationals / Jasper James / Kano / Kiefer Sutherland / Wilkinson / Mark Lanegan / Huey Morgan / Naya / Busted / Solardo / The Orb / Stone Foundation / Afriquoi / Chaim Tannenbaum / Don Letts / Beoga / Lewis & Leigh / Sound of the Sirens / Sad13 / Sophie Ellis-Bextor / Bill Brewster / Wildwood Kin / Marten Hörger / Sasha / Young'uns / Anna Straker / Fabio And Grooverider / Ride / Davos / Josh Barry / Mafia Kiss / Groove Armada (DJ set) / Alison Moyet / Louise Distras / Circa Waves / Fleck / Left/Right / Dread MC / Stormzy / The Eskies / Black Dyke Band / Aine Cahill / Perhaps Contraption / Martha Wainwright / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / Earl / Lucy Kitt / Gardna / Kite Base / Dua Lipa / King Kong Company / Nick Mulvey / Goan Dogs / Nothing But Thieves / Pink Cigar / Cero39 / October Drift / Yorkston Thorne Khan / Callum Beattie / Justin Townes Earle / Carter Sampson / Wild Front / Kris Kristofferson / REWS / Dusky / Rag'n'Bone Man / Andy Fairweather Low & the Low Riders. / Crinkle Cuts / The Ska Vengers / Slaves / Burnz / The Brass Funkeys / Freerange Djs / Jah Wobble’s Invaders of the Heart / Port Erin / Kraak & Smaak / The Fedz / House Gospel Choir / Joe Goddard / Chris Jagger / Samuel Jack / The Mavericks / Hacienda Classical / Will White / Colectro / Jon Hopkins (DJ set) / King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Speakman Sound / Deaf Havana / Crawford / Coldcut Dj Set / Omou Sangare / Chris Difford & Glenn Tilbrook / DJ Moxie / Goldie / Smooth Sailors / Pat Thomas & The Kwashibu Area Band / Monkey Pilot / Way Out West / Lucas & King / DJ Von / London Elektricity Big Band / Panther Panther! / SHAY D / James Heather / Sian Anderson / The Beat / TYNI / Cassette Boy vs DJ Rubbish / Krafty Kuts B2B A Skillz / Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel / Kamaal Williams / Roni Size / Tourists (UK) / The Shakers (UK) / Blast Djs / Dreadzone / RaRa_Reynolds / Stanton Warriors / Figaro De Montmartre / The Avalonian Free State Choir / Aurbs / Layo & Bushwacka! / Roney FM / Blossoms / ani difranco / Jools Holland & his Rhythm & Blues Orchestra / lucy spraggan / The RPMS / Chic / John Digweed / Run the Jewels / JOSEPH Show all bands
Worthy Farm Pilton, England, United Kingdom

Some Videos From These Concerts

There are no videos from these concerts.

Some Photos From These Concerts

Nadine Shah / Sinead O'Brien on Aug 24, 2021 [405-small]

Nadine Shah / Sinead O'Brien
Aug 24, 2021
 London, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Andy Goymer

Brittany Howard / Black Midi / Nadine Shah on Mar 6, 2020 [774-small]

Brittany Howard / Black Midi / Nadine Shah
Mar 6, 2020
 London, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Andy Goymer

428 users have seen Nadine Shah including:
 Mark Smith
 Pupe Gump
 Paul M
 Albert Herring
 David Smith
 Tia Sanders
 Peter Neale

As Seen On: