James Borland's Concert Archive

Aldershot     Joined May 2022    

James Borland has seen Jamie Lenman 8 times.

Jamie (Jim) Edward Lenman, born 9th November 1982 in Greenwich, is the lead singer and guitar player in the British alternative rock trio Reuben. He is a founding member of the band along with bassist Jon Pearce and is also the main songwriter for the band.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 23, 2021
Jamie Lenman Alton Assembly Rooms Alton, England, United Kingdom
Nov 04, 2020
Jamie Lenman
New Cross Inn London, England, United Kingdom
Aug 25, 2020
Jamie Lenman
Blackhorse Road Brewery & Yard Pub London, England, United Kingdom
Jun 26, 2019 –
Jun 30, 2019
Glastonbury Festival 2019
The Killers / Miley Cyrus / Bastille / The Cure / Vampire Weekend / Two Door Cinema Club / Hozier / Snow Patrol / Tame Impala / Diplo / Bring Me The Horizon / Chemical Brothers / George Ezra / Interpol / Wu-Tang Clan / Fatboy Slim / Billie Eilish / Hot Chip / Sheryl Crow / Kylie Minogue / Cat Power / Janelle Monáe / James Morrison / Janet Jackson / Ms. Lauryn Hill / Years & Years / Anne-Marie / KT Tunstall / Jorja Smith / Kurt Vile / Friendly Fires / Michael Kiwanuka / Rex Orange County / Jungle / The Streets / Stormzy / Morcheeba / Denzel Curry / Sharon Van Etten / Frank Turner / Jon Hopkins / Stefflon Don / Maverick Sabre / Christine and the Queens / Low / Billy Bragg / The Courteeners / Gojira / AURORA / Bananarama / The Cat Empire / SG Lewis / The Damned / Neneh Cherry / Lizzo / Sigrid / Kamasi Washington / Loyle Carner / Mavis Staples / Foreign Beggars / Roy Ayers / The Magic Numbers / Pond / Maribou State / Squarepusher / Shura / Liam Gallagher / King Princess / Tiffany / The Good, The Bad And The Queen / AJ Tracey / Mahalia / Carl Cox / George Fitzgerald / Reef / Ray BLK / Little Simz / Johnny Marr / ROSALIA / Bugzy Malone / Kosheen / TC / DJ Vadim / Kate Tempest / Jamie Jones / lucy spraggan / London Elektricity / Nahko and Medicine for the People / IDLES / Fatoumata Diawara / Stanton Warriors / Pale Waves / Eats Everything / The Dead South / The Prototypes / scarlxrd / This Is The Kit / Steeleye Span / Idris Elba / Fat White Family / John Digweed / Max Cooper / Dub Pistols / The Egg / Seth Troxler / S.P.Y / Patrick Topping / Fantastic Negrito / Ross From Friends / Waze & Odyssey / Nadine Shah / Hollie Cook / Sam Fender / Jade Bird / Algiers / Slowthai / DJ Hype / Swindle / Steve Mac / Dream Wife / Dj Q / The Shires / Sons of Kemet / Beans on Toast / Lowkey / Banco de Gaia / The Comet Is Coming / Solardo / Hernan Cattaneo / ezra collective / Ibibio Sound Machine / Nick Warren / Stella Donnelly / Smoove & Turrell / Barney Artist / ALTERN 8 / Flava D / My Baby / Monika Kruse / Fontaines D.C. / Skinny Lister / Kokoroko / Dave Seaman / Trinity / Dr Meaker / Acid Mothers Temple / Original Sin / Spektre / Charlie Sloth / Serial Killaz / Mella Dee / Tripswitch / Sub Zero / Life / Stickybuds / The Blue Aeroplanes / Ulterior Motive / Gecko / Jon Rundell / Heidi / The Burning Hell / Bushwacka / Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation / Late Nite Tuff Guy / Tristan / TQD / Royal-T / Darren Emerson / Joe Armon-Jones / Conducta / Jamie Lenman / Six by Seven / Slipmatt / Emily Barker / The Cuban Brothers / Jaguar / Alibi / Franklin / Jimothy Lacoste / The Turbans / Feral Is Kinky / Daniel Haaksman / North Base / Channel One Sound System / Entombed A.D. / Jayda G / LIL C / Jeff Goldblum and the Mildred Snitzer Orchestra / Yola / Lankum / Tankus the Henge / Employed To Serve / Jus Now / Randall / Kasra / Arlo Parks / Anon / The Mauskovic Dance Band / Unglued / The Last Skeptik / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / The Fedz / Manudigital / Venom Prison / KreeD / Sickboy / BCUC / Heavy Lungs / Kanine / John Fairhurst / Rob da Bank / Elephant Sessions / Ta'Shan / Cut Capers / Barely Legal / Gaffa Tape Sandy / Don Letts / Paul T. / Vodun / The Chemical Brothers (DJ Set) / JINX in dub / Jon Carter / Elijah & Skilliam / Bellatrix / Davos / Kings of the Rollers / Declan Welsh & The Decadent West / Father Funk / Black Futures / Emerald / Giant Swan / Degs / Mollie Collins / Leftfield (DJ) / Kuenta I Tambu / The Little Unsaid / New York Brass Band / Fabio And Grooverider / DJ HYBRiD / Dream Nails / Queen Zee / Elvana / Jerome Hill / Ed The Dog / Mik Artistiks Ego Trip / Wara / Chika / Skilliam / Haggard Cat / Liines / My Bad Sister / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / Bryan Gee / Regan / Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican / Dancefloor Outlaws / The Brass Funkeys / LYZZA / K.O.G / Gal Pals / WBBL / The Wood Burning Savages / HENGE / Stivs / Eris Drew / Grace Savage / Dat Brass / ROB.GREEN / Jumping Jack Frost / Crinkle Cuts / Gold Dubs / Altern-8 / THE DUTTY MOONSHINE BIG BAND / Franky Wah / Gasper Nali / Wonkavision / Daytoner / Bicep DJ Set / Beating Heart / SOULOUD / Scanone / Barbarella's Bang Bang / Rum Buffalo / Vinyl Junkie / Mike Skinner (DJ Set) / Euphonique / TENSHEDS / koast / Shunaji / Kelvin 373 / Blackberry wood / Diving Station / Bethlehem Casuals / Gella / Aleighcia Scott / Cousn / SHAY D / Juma / Count Skylarkin / Pengshui / Onipa / Brass Rave Unit / Gentlemen (UK) / Grouch In Dub / Josh Okeefe / Josephine and The Artizans / Locked and Loaded / hotsteppas / Indian Man / River Roots / Andrew Heath / Faithless Dj Set / Will White / CW Jones / Aliji / Badcore Horns / DJ Hiphoppapotamus / Think Tonk / Smooth Sailors / Mark Xtc / Soul Stew / Dirty Freud / BRIDGES (UK) / DJ Prophecy / Tom Ravenscroft / Ross From Friends (DJ Set) / Ngaio / Bustawidemove / I Am Fya / Barley Legal / Gizz Butt / Burd / Cash Cows / Deep Deep Water / Los Kamer / Danny.Wav / Geno Carrapetta / Goldierocks / MC Dread / Amy Montgomery / Toby Marks / FIZZY GILLESPIE / AAA Badboy / Das Brass / NATTY SPEAKS / Andy Ellis / Killdren / Binge Drinker / Emily Dust / BOOGALOO DEE / YOUTH & GAUDI / sherelle / Steve Davis & Kavus Torabi / Imprints (Bristol, UK) / Henry Wacey / Gon von Zola / Sicaria Sound / Cassette Boy vs DJ Rubbish / Pete Not Bombs / Back Before Breakfast / Liquid Ross / The Light Surgeons / BBZ / Tony Andrews / Chris Tofu / Sir Funk / Ophelia Bitz / Angry Dan / AMiR (UK) / The Portraits (UK) / Sh!ts!ck / OK Williams / Selecta J Man / Ellie Prohan / Aszyk / DJ Josko / March (UK) / Bitvert / Deanna Rodger Show all bands
Worthy Farm Pilton, England, United Kingdom
Jun 26, 2019 –
Jun 30, 2019
Glastonbury Festival 2019
The Killers / Miley Cyrus / Billie Eilish / Bastille / The Cure / Tame Impala / Hozier / Vampire Weekend / Two Door Cinema Club / Snow Patrol / Diplo / Bring Me The Horizon / George Ezra / Chemical Brothers / Wu-Tang Clan / Rex Orange County / Interpol / Fatboy Slim / Sheryl Crow / Anne-Marie / Lizzo / Hot Chip / Kylie Minogue / Jorja Smith / Janelle Monáe / Years & Years / Ms. Lauryn Hill / Janet Jackson / Cat Power / James Morrison / Stormzy / Michael Kiwanuka / Denzel Curry / KT Tunstall / Jungle / Kurt Vile / Friendly Fires / The Streets / Stefflon Don / Sharon Van Etten / ROSALIA / Morcheeba / AURORA / Sub Focus / Christine and the Queens / Jon Hopkins / Frank Turner / King Princess / SG Lewis / Loyle Carner / Maverick Sabre / Sigrid / AJ Tracey / Gojira / Mahalia / Low / Maribou State / The Courteeners / Billy Bragg / The Cat Empire / Bananarama / Kamasi Washington / Little Simz / Liam Gallagher / Mavis Staples / The Damned / Neneh Cherry / Pond / Sam Fender / Roy Ayers / Slowthai / IDLES / Foreign Beggars / Shura / Bugzy Malone / The Magic Numbers / Tiffany / Squarepusher / Ray BLK / Carl Cox / George Fitzgerald / The Good, The Bad And The Queen / scarlxrd / Arlo Parks / Johnny Marr / Reef / The Dead South / Pale Waves / Fontaines D.C. / Kae Tempest / Idris Elba / Fatoumata Diawara / Kosheen / lucy spraggan / Nahko and Medicine for the People / Jamie Jones / TC / Max Cooper / Ross From Friends / This Is The Kit / DJ Vadim / Jade Bird / Fat White Family / London Elektricity / Eats Everything / Stanton Warriors / The Egg / Dimension / The Prototypes / Patrick Topping / John Digweed / Steeleye Span / The Comet Is Coming / Fantastic Negrito / Dub Pistols / ezra collective / Kokoroko / Solardo / S.P.Y / Hollie Cook / Seth Troxler / Stella Donnelly / Nadine Shah / Sons of Kemet / Waze & Odyssey / Swindle / Algiers / Dream Wife / The Shires / Steve Mac / Barney Artist / DJ Hype / Dj Q / Lowkey / Beans on Toast / Ibibio Sound Machine / Yola / Hernan Cattaneo / Flava D / Banco de Gaia / My Baby / Smoove & Turrell / Nick Warren / Mella Dee / Monika Kruse / ALTERN 8 / Chika / Skinny Lister / Kanine / Joe Armon-Jones / Spektre / Dave Seaman / Jayda G / Conducta / Trinity / Serial Killaz / Acid Mothers Temple / Charlie Sloth / Dr Meaker / DJ Original Sin / Tripswitch / Royal-T / Jeff Goldblum and the Mildred Snitzer Orchestra / Franky Wah / TQD / Stickybuds / Jimothy Lacoste / Late Nite Tuff Guy / Sub Zero / Ulterior Motive / Lankum / The Blue Aeroplanes / The Burning Hell / Unglued / Gecko / Heidi / Jon Rundell / Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation / Life (US) / Jamie Lenman / Franklin / Darren Emerson / Bushwacka / Heavy Lungs / The Mauskovic Dance Band / Emily Barker / Slipmatt / Alibi / Kings of the Rollers / Employed To Serve / The Cuban Brothers / The Turbans / Jaguar / Six by Seven / Feral Is Kinky / Daniel Haaksman / Giant Swan / North Base / Entombed A.D. / Channel One Sound System / Kasra / LIL C / Tankus the Henge / Declan Welsh & The Decadent West / Elephant Sessions / Venom Prison / Manudigital / Randall / The Last Skeptik / Gaffa Tape Sandy / Degs / Jus Now / BCUC / Cut Capers / The Fedz / Anon / Eris Drew / Never Not Nothing / Mollie Collins / KreeD / HENGE / Sickboy / Craig Charles Funk & Soul Club / Barely Legal / Ta'Shan / Dream Nails / K.O.G / John Fairhurst / LYZZA / Rob da Bank / Father Funk / JINX in dub / The Chemical Brothers (DJ Set) / Vodun / Paul T. / THE DUTTY MOONSHINE BIG BAND / Ed The Dog / Don Letts / Queen Zee / DJ HYBRiD / Emerald / Davos / Jon Carter / Bellatrix / Liines / Haggard Cat / New York Brass Band / Elijah & Skilliam / Kuenta I Tambu / Onipa / The Little Unsaid / Mik Artistiks Ego Trip / Fabio And Grooverider / Leftfield (DJ) / Skilliam / My Bad Sister / Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican / Elvana / SOULOUD / Cousn / WBBL / Wara / Jerome Hill / Pengshui / The Wood Burning Savages / Grouch In Dub / Stivs / The Brass Funkeys / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / Gasper Nali / Gold Dubs / Grace Savage / Dat Brass / Bryan Gee / Regan / Bicep DJ Set / Dancefloor Outlaws / ROB.GREEN / Kelvin 373 / Shunaji / Gal Pals / Daytoner / Crinkle Cuts / sherelle / Beating Heart / Diving Station / Jumping Jack Frost / TENSHEDS / SHAY D / Deep Deep Water / Euphonique / Rum Buffalo / Barbarella's Bang Bang / Wonkavision / Bethlehem Casuals / Aleighcia Scott / CW Jones / Think Tonk / Mark Xtc / Vinyl Junkie / Juma / koast / Josh Okeefe / Scanone / Amy Montgomery / Brass Rave Unit / Gella / Mike Skinner (DJ Set) / Blackberry wood / hotsteppas / Josephine and The Artizans / Count Skylarkin / Faithless Dj Set / River Roots / Locked and Loaded / Sicaria Sound / Badcore Horns / Andrew Heath / Gentlemen (UK) / Indian Man / Ross From Friends (DJ Set) / DJ Hiphoppapotamus / Los Kamer / Ngaio / Aliji / Will White / Killdren / Smooth Sailors / Das Brass / Soul Stew / Dirty Freud / Burd / FIZZY GILLESPIE / Gizz Butt / Cash Cows / Bustawidemove / DJ Prophecy / I Am Fya / BRIDGES (UK) / Tom Ravenscroft / Danny.Wav / Barley Legal / Toby Marks / YOUTH & GAUDI / Goldierocks / MC Dread / NATTY SPEAKS / Geno Carrapetta / Binge Drinker / Andy Ellis / Emily Dust / Gon von Zola / Steve Davis & Kavus Torabi / AAA Badboy / BBZ / Sir Funk / BOOGALOO DEE / March (UK) / Imprints (Bristol, UK) / Henry Wacey / Cassette Boy vs DJ Rubbish / Tristan (UK) / The Light Surgeons / Liquid Ross / Back Before Breakfast / Pete Not Bombs / Tony Andrews / OK Williams / Angry Dan / Chris Tofu / Bitvert / Ellie Prohan / Selecta J Man / The Portraits (UK) / Deanna Rodger / Ophelia Bitz / DJ Josko / Aszyk / Sh!ts!ck / AMiR (UK) Show all bands
Worthy Farm Pilton, England, United Kingdom
Mar 17, 2019
Jamie Lenman
The Star Inn Guildford, England, United Kingdom
Feb 09, 2018
Jamie Lenman / Gender Roles / Loa Loa / Absent Kelly Emerging / Absent Kelly
O2 Academy Islington London, England, United Kingdom
Dec 07, 2017
Jamie Lenman / Rachel Rose / rock n roll steve

Jamie Lenmans Christmas Jamboree

Boileroom Guildford, England, United Kingdom

Some Videos From These Concerts

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