
Jun 17, 1994 (30 years ago)

The Rave/Eagles Club     Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States


Band Line-up

Bands Seen


Concert Details

Friday, June 17, 1994
The Rave/Eagles Club
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

Genres Seen

Alternative Rock, Blues Rock, Funk, Funk Rock, Jam Band, Jazz Fusion, Jazz Rock, Progressive Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Rock, Alternative, and Jam.


Phish setlist:
  1. Runaway Jim
  2. Foam
  3. Glide
  4. Split Open and Melt
  5. If I Could
  6. Punch You in the Eye
  7. Bathtub Gin
  8. Scent of a Mule
  9. Cavern
  10. Also sprach Zarathustra, op. 30
  11. Sample in a Jar
  12. Poor Heart
  13. Mike's Song
  14. Simple
  15. Mike's Song
  16. I Am Hydrogen
  17. Weekapaug Groove
  18. Harpua
  19. Kung
  20. Harpua
  21. Sparkle
  22. Big Ball Jam
  23. Julius
  24. Frankenstein
  25. Sleeping Monkey
  26. Rocky Top


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 William Rice
 Ian Moulton

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