Gabitiscoski's Concert Archive

Brasília, DF     Joined May 2023    

Gabitiscoski has seen Francisco, el Hombre 1 time.

Francisco, el Hombre is more than the personification of an old legend. The project began with Sebastián and Mateo Piracés-Ugarte, but truly spread it's wings when they got together with fellow musicians Andrei Kozyreff, Juliana Strassacapa, Erin O'Connor, Victor V-B and André Cardoso. Having perfectly mixed their Mexican roots with their Brasilian and American upbringing, the band embodies a global aspect which they themselves translate as "noisy transamerican transculturalism".

View Francisco, el Hombre's main page

Date Concert Venue Location
Jan 01, 2023
Festival do Futuro
Clóvis Pinho / Leonardo Gonçalves / MN MC / Sarah Renata / Juliano Maderada / Drik Barbosa / Marissol Mwab / Ellen Oléria / Fioti / Gog / Rael / Rappin Hood / Salgadinho / Alessandra Leão / Chico César / Geraldo Azevedo / Fernanda Takai / Francisco, el Hombre / Luê / Johnny Hooker / Lirinha / Marcelo Jeneci / Odair José / Otto / Paulo Miklos / Tulipa Ruiz / Thalma De Freitas / Aline Calixto / Fernanda Abreu / Jards Macalé / Maria Rita / Martinho Da Vila / Paula Lima / Leoni / Renegado / Rogéria Holtz / Teresa Cristina / Romero Ferro / Zélia Duncan / Delacruz / BaianaSystem / Margareth Menezes / Gaby Amarantos / Aíla / Kaê Guajajara / Jaloo / Duda Beat / Almério / Doralyce / Luedji Luna / Zé Ibarra / Pabllo Vittar / Lukinhas / Urias / Valesca Popozuda / MC Marks / Mc Rahell Show all bands
Esplanada dos Ministérios Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil

Some Videos From These Concerts

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Some Photos From These Concerts

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