David Bissonnette has 1 Blackguard concert.

If ever there was a test case proving that hard work, tenacity, a healthy helping of suffering, and word of mouth pay off, Blackguard is it. Formed in 2001 by guitarist Terry Roadcase and drummer Justine "Juice" Éthier as a straight-ahead black-metal outfit, the Montreal-based sextet—who clawed their way into the public eye under the dauntingly ponderous name of Profugus Mortis—has fought a pitched battle to stand out amongst their international metal brethren...

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Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 15, 2012 –
Jun 16, 2012
D-Tox Rockfest 2012
Korn / Bad Religion / Dream Theater / Sublime With Rome / No Use For A Name / As I Lay Dying / The Devil Wears Prada / The Exploited / Face To Face / Suicide Silence / Asking Alexandria / Gwar / Goldfinger / Against Me! / Good Riddance / Reel Big Fish / Protest the Hero / Attack Attack! / Terror / The Acacia Strain / Voivod / Mononc' Serge / Vulgaires Machins / Anonymus / B.A.R.F / Overbass / Blind Witness / Obey The Brave / The Brains / Blackguard / Ion Dissonance / Hugo Mudie & Fred Jacques / Mute / Forever the Light / Brace your fall / Get the Shot / Manhattan From the Sky / We Were Sharks / A Gunshot Ride / Far From Reality / Obscurity Rising / Heavyweight Division / Up against the wall / The Prestige / Doll / Machete / Harriers / epiphany from the abyss / Depths of Hatred / Burning the Oppressor / Final Advice / Slaughter slashing / Back in the Daze / The Hunters / Chomp Chomp Attack / Fet.nat. / A hitman's business / The Planet Smashers Show all bands
Montebello Marina Montebello, Quebec, Canada

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106 users have seen Blackguard including:
 Anata Fan4 Life
 Samuel Stevens
 Rob Holland
 Mr Metalhead85
 Michaela O'dowd

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