The Royston Club / Florentenes / Siobhán Winifred

Nov 17, 2024 (3 months ago)

Queen Margaret Union (QMU)     Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom


Band Line-up

Bands Seen

Bands Not Seen

Florentenes Siobhán Winifred

Concert Details

Sunday, November 17, 2024
Queen Margaret Union (QMU)
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Genres Seen

Indie, Indie Rock, Rock, English Indie Rock, Welsh, and Welsh Indie.


The Royston Club setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 11/16/2024), which may be similar:
  1. "The Patch Where Nothing Grows"
  2. Blisters
  3. "The Deep End"
  4. "Shallow Tragedy"
  5. "Missed the Boat (Jumped in the Sea)"
  6. Shivers
  7. "Believe It or Not"
  8. Cherophobe
  9. "Glued To The Bed"
  10. 52
  11. "Mrs Narcissistic"
  12. Mariana
  13. "Disco 2000"
  14. "I'm a Liar"
Florentenes setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 11/14/2024), which may be similar:
  1. "The Gun"
  2. "Death While Standing"
  3. "Miss Understands"
  4. Glue
  5. "Fuel For The Flame"
  6. Madeline
  7. Gone
  8. "Just Like A Friend"
Siobhán Winifred setlist:
An exact setlist wasn't found. Here is their closest one (from 11/18/2024), which may be similar:
  1. "Stay For Good"
  2. "Black Hole"
  3. 505
  4. ""
  5. Toothpaste
  6. Lungs
  7. Killers


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 Rachel Small
 Arran Dailly
 Daisy Harper
 Myah Mcadam
 Emma Russell

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