Collinhardin2000 has 1 Tails concert.

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Date Concert Venue Location
May 25, 2019
Seven Lions / Deorro / Gramatik / G Jones / Riot Ten / Ghastly / Bleep Bloop / Kompany / TYNAN / Luca Lush / Manila Killa / Vincent / Montell2099 / QUIX / Blanke / Nastynasty / Proko / Sober Rob / Super Duper / Tails / Auxtmorons / Madhatter / Ghost Data / Klo / Capshun / Lefty / Greed / Frooot / Seratonin / Zinnia Show all bands
Travis County Expo Center Austin, Texas, United States

Some Videos From These Concerts

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Some Photos From These Concerts

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10 users have seen Tails including:
 Megan Ryan
 Jordan Stengrund
 Aakash Gandhi

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