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Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 01, 2022 –
Jul 02, 2022
Plane'R Fest 2022
Sepultura / Dragonforce / Lacuna Coil / Mushroomhead / Lordi / Wednesday 13 / Landmvrks / Steve 'n' Seagulls / Infected Rain / Nanowar of Steel / Sidilarsen / Dirty Shirt / ______ / Destinity / Shaârghot / Joe La Mouk / The Amsterdam Red Light District / Opium du peuple / Gagnant Tremplin Show all bands
Plane'R Fest Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
Jun 17, 2022 –
Jun 20, 2022
Hellfest 2022 - Weekend 1
Deftones / Dropkick Murphys / The Offsping / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / The Inspector Cluzo / Burning Heads / Ferocious Dog / Frog Leap / Volbeat / Five Finger Death Punch / Mastodon / Opeth / Shinedown / Leprous / Ego Kill Talent / Laura Cox Band / Heart Attack / Suicidal Tendencies / Cro-Mags / No Turning Back / Dog Eat Dog / Mordred / Rudeboy / Slapshot / Higher Power / In Other Climes / Electric Wizard / Baroness / High On Fire / Black Mountain / Witchcraft / Elder / ASG / Greenleaf / Abrahma / Death to All / At The Gates / Lords of Flesh / Necrophobic / Gatecreeper / Cadaver / Enforced / Necrowretch / Shade and Dust / Mayhem / Abbath / Primordial / Rotting Christ / The Great Old Ones / Seth / Mephorash / Numen / Mortis Mutilati / Ghost / Megadeth / Rival Sons / Heaven Shall Burn / Skillet / Knocked Loose / InVisions / Fire From the Gods / Deep Purple / Airbourne / Steel Panther / Alestorm / The Darkness / Soen / Soldier Side / Last Temptation / Titan / Social Distortion / Anti-Flag / The Toy Dolls / Agnostic Front / Washington Dead Cats / Frustration / Guerilla Poubelle / Lion’s Law / Grade 2 / Envy / Mono and the Jo Quail Quartet / Messa / Pelican / The Vintage Caravan / The Picturebooks / Me And That Man / Duel / Point Mort / Sepultura / Agressor / Flotsam and Jetsam / Exciter / Loudblast / Xentrix / Rectal Smegma / Brutal Sphincter / Karras / Vreid / Skáld / Ensiferum / Taake / Kampfar / Einherjer / Helheim / Aktarum / Artus / Gojira / Korn / Maximum the Hormone / Jinjer / Car Bomb / Lacuna Coil / Kontrust / Deadly Apples / Judas Priest / Running Wild / Down / Michael Schenker / Doro / Battle Beast / Sortilege / Tempt / Stengah / Sick of It All / Walls of Jericho / While She Sleeps / Deez Nuts / Counterparts / Jesus Piece / Moscow Death Brigade / Landmvrks / Glassbone / Killing Joke / Perturbator / Life Of Agony / Red Fang / Twin Temple / Inter Arma / Lysistrata / Vile Creature / Ecstatic Vision / Devin Townsend / Coroner / Dying Fetus / Misery Index / Monuments / Hour of Penance / Ingested / Dyscarnate / Exocrine / Watain / Alcest / 1349 / Borknagar / Gaahls Wyrd / Regarde Les Hommes Tomber / Cân Bardd / Penitence Onrique / Deliverance Show all bands
Val de Moine Sport Complex Clisson, Pays de la Loire, France
Jun 17, 2022 –
Jun 19, 2022
Hellfest 2022 Weekend 1
Deftones / Dropkick Murphys / The Offspring / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / The Inspector Cluzo / Frog Leap / Volbeat / Five Finger Death Punch / Opeth / Mastodon / Shinedown / Leprous / Soen / Ego Kill Talent / Laura Cox / Suicidal Tendencies / Youth Of Today / Cro-Mags / Dog Eat Dog / Rudeboy / Slapshot / Higher Power / In Other Climes / Electric Wizard / Baroness / High On Fire / Witchcraft / Black Mountain / Elder / ASG / Greenleaf / Abrahma / Obituary / Death to All / At The Gates / grave / Gatecreeper / Cadaver / Enforced / Necrowretch / Mayhem / Abbath / Rotting Christ / Primordial / The Great Old Ones / seth / Mephorash / Numen / Megadeth / Rival Sons / Heaven Shall Burn / Knocked Loose / Fire From the Gods / Deep Purple / Airbourne / Steel Panther / Alestorm / The Darkness / The Dead Daisies / Social Distortion / Anti-Flag / Agnostic Front / Reverend Horton Heat / The Toy Dolls / Frustration / Guerilla Poubelle / Lion's Law / Grade 2 / Envy / Mono and the Jo Quail Quartet / Pelican / The Picturebooks / Me And That Man / Duel / Point Mort / Sepultura / Flotsam and Jetsam / Exciter / Loudblast / Xentrix / Rectal Smegma / Brutal Sphincter / Karras / Vreid / Skald / Ensiferum / Taake / Kampfar / Einherjer / Helheim / Aktarum / Artus / Korn / Maximum the Hormone / Jinjer / Code Orange / Lacuna Coil / Kontrust / Deadly Apples / Judas Priest / Running Wild / Down / Michael Schenker / Doro / Battle Beast / Tempt / Walls of Jericho / While She Sleeps / Deez Nuts / Counterparts / Jesus Piece / Moscow Death Brigade / Landmvrks / Glassbone / Killing Joke / Pertubator / Life Of Agony / Red Fang / Twin Temple / Inter Arma / Lysistrata / Vile Creature / Ecstatic Vision / Devin Townsend / Coroner / Dying Fetus / Misery Index / Monuments / Ingested / Dyscarnate / Exocrine / Watain / Alcest / Belzebubs / Borknagar / Gaahls Wyrd / Regardes les Hommes Tomber / Numenorean / Burning Heads / Soldier Side / Skillet / The Vintage Caravan / Ghost / sortilege / Gojira / Sick of It All / Mortis Mutilati / Titan / Messa / Agressor / Car Bomb / Deliverance (FR) / Pénitence Onirique / Shade and Dust / Necrophobic / Cân Bardd Show all bands
Val de Moine Sport Complex Clisson, Pays de la Loire, France
Jun 17, 2022 –
Jun 19, 2022
Hellfest 2022
The Offspring / Korn / Shinedown / Five Finger Death Punch / Deftones / Deep Purple / Megadeth / Dropkick Murphys / Judas Priest / Volbeat / The Darkness / Mastodon / Social Distortion / Opeth / Sepultura / Gojira / Ministry / Suicidal Tendencies / Lacuna Coil / Anti-Flag / Steel Panther / Rival Sons / Airbourne / Killing Joke / Baroness / Down / Black Mountain / While She Sleeps / Mono / Alestorm / L7 / Electric Wizard / Red Fang / The Distillers / High On Fire / Mayhem / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / Pelican / Alcest / Ensiferum / At The Gates / Agnostic Front / Dying Fetus / Perturbator / Heaven Shall Burn / Counterparts / Code Orange / Knocked Loose / Devin Townsend / Envy / Jinjer / OM / Leprous / Rotting Christ / Witchcraft / Elder / The Dead Daisies / Soen / Toy Dolls / Maximum the Hormone / Watain / Life Of Agony / Deez Nuts / Doro / Monuments / Cro-Mags / Battle Beast / Walls of Jericho / Fire From the Gods / Primordial / Sacred Reich / Taake / Flotsam and Jetsam / Greenleaf / Borknagar / Michael Schenker / Running Wild / Dog Eat Dog / Ingested / Misery Index / ASG / grave / Abbath / Landmvrks / Gatecreeper / Inter Arma / Slapshot / Twin Temple / Galactic Empire / Skáld / Me And That Man / The Picturebooks / Coroner / Jesus Piece / Kampfar / Kontrust / Vreid / Exciter / Einherjer / Rudeboy / Frustration / Laura Cox / Ego Kill Talent / Deliverance / The Inspector Cluzo / Guerilla Poubelle / Dyscarnate / The Great Old Ones / Higher Power / Moscow Death Brigade / Xentrix / Lysistrata / Joyous Wolf / Lion's Law / Helheim / マキシマム ザ ホルモン / Belzebubs / Gaahls Wyrd / Ecstatic Vision / seth / Regarde Les Hommes Tomber / Grade 2 / Deadly Apples / Jo Quail / Cadaver / Necrowretch / Loudblast / Mephorash / In Other Climes / Enforced / Tempt / sortilege / Vile Creature / Crystal Lake - Official / John Porter / Numen / Rectal Smegma / Abrahma / Frog Leap / Aktarum / Exocrine / Ray Noir / Brutal Sphincter / Artus / Pénitence Onirique / Point Mort / Glassbone / Duel (FR) Show all bands
Val de Moine Sport Complex Clisson, Pays de la Loire, France

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LANDMVRKS 4 concerts
Exocrine 3 concerts
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Point Mort 3 concerts
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Metal 250 performances
Rock 136 performances
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Val de Moine Sport Complex 3 concerts
Plane'R Fest 1 concert
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Clisson, Pays de la Loire, France 3 concerts
Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France 1 concert
Grand Totals
Performances Seen 457
Bands Seen 190
Concerts Attended 4
Venues Visited 3
Locations Visited 2