Christian Stb has 3 concerts in Guelph.

Guelph, Ontario, Canada

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Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 27, 2008
Hillside Festival
"Hillside Festival" / Kelly Joe Phelps / Mr. Something Something / Harry Manx / Sue Foley / Po'Girl / MOSHAV / Les Batinses / Roxanne Potvin / Danny Michel / Thunderheist / Haale / Broken Social Scene / Akron/Family / Bell Orchestre / Land of Talk / Jenn Grant / The Acorn / Elliott Brood / Jaymay / Plants & Animals / Born Ruffians / The Good Brothers / The Sadies / Hayden Show all bands
Guelph Lake Conservation Area Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Jul 26, 2008
Hillside Festival
"Hillside Festival" / Kelly Joe Phelps / Joseph Arthur / Po'Girl / Harry Manx / Sue Foley / Mr. Something Something / ______ / Les Batinses / Danny Michel / Thunderheist / Roxanne Potvin / Haale / The Good Brothers / The Sadies / Elliott Brood / Bell Orchestre / Akron/Family / Born Ruffians / The Acorn / Land of Talk / Jenn Grant / ______ / Plants & Animals / ______ / Justin Rutledge / The Most Serene Republic / The Arrogant Worms / We Are Wolves / Islands / Sarah Slean Show all bands
Guelph Lake Conservation Area Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Jul 25, 2008
Hillside Festival
"Hillside Festival" / Kelly Joe Phelps / ______ / Po'Girl / Harry Manx / Mr. Something Something / Sue Foley / Les Batinses / Danny Michel / Thunderheist / Roxanne Potvin / The Good Brothers / The Arrogant Worms / The Sadies / Hayley Sales / Elliott Brood / Bell Orchestre / Born Ruffians / Jason Collett / The Acorn / Land of Talk / ______ / Jenn Grant / ______ / Plants & Animals / Spiral Beach / Hawksley Workman / ______ / Cowboy Junkies / Rebekah Higgs Show all bands
Guelph Lake Conservation Area Guelph, Ontario, Canada

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