Bsanford0 has 1 Florence + the Machine concert.

Florence + the Machine is a London, UK, art pop band led by singer-songwriter Florence Welch and formed in 2007. The band consists of: Florence Welch (vocals), Robert Ackroyd (guitar), Isabella Summers (aka Isa Machine - keyboards), Tom Monger (harp), Mark Saunders (bass, percussion), Christopher Lloyd Hayden (drums, backing vocals), Rusty Bradshaw (keyboard, backing vocals) and Sam White (backing vocals).

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Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 22, 2012
Music Midtown 2012
Pearl Jam / Florence and the Machine / Ludacris / Neon Trees / Garbage / Girl Talk / Civil Twilight / LP / Adam Ant / O'Brother / Cicada Rhythm / JK and the Lost Boys
Piedmont Park Atlanta, Georgia, United States

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5056 users have seen Florence + the Machine including:
 Alex T.
 Andy Mc Donald
 William Le Grand
 Stage Light Photography

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