Brit's Concert Archive

Hey, my name's Brit and this is to document all the shows I can recall attending.

San Diego, CA     Joined January 2014    

Brit has seen Upon A Burning Body 3 times.

Upon a Burning Body is an American metal band from San Antonio, Texas, formed in 2005. The band currently consists of vocalist Danny Leal, guitarists Sal Dominguez and Ruben Alvarez and bassist Rey Martinez. Their second studio album, Red. White. Green., debuted at No. 105 on the Billboard 200 in 2012. Their third and latest album, The World Is My Enemy Now, was released on 12 August 2014. The band is currently signed to Sumerian Records.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 19, 2013
Vans Warped Tour 2013
Echosmith / Never Shout Never / Motion City Soundtrack / Goldfinger / Blessthefall / Forever the Sickest Kids / Hawthorne Heights / The Story So Far / Outasight / I See Stars / Tonight Alive / Architects / The Summer Set / The Amity Affliction / Attila / Woe Is Me / Allstar Weekend / Go Radio / Hands Like Houses / The Black Dahlia Murder / Anarbor / While She Sleeps / Like Moths to Flames / The Early November / Man Overboard / Wallpaper / Stick To Your Guns / Upon A Burning Body / Defeater / VersaEmerge / letlive / New Years Day / Big D And The Kids Table / Mac Lethal / Oh, Sleeper / MC Lars / Goldhouse / For The Foxes / Big Chocolate / Run DMT / RDGLDGRN / New Beat Fund / Itch / A.W. / Action Item / Five Knives / Shy KidX / Middle Finger Salute / Stephan Jacobs / Mike Papagni Show all bands
North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre Chula Vista, California, United States
Jun 19, 2013
Vans Warped Tour 2013
Echosmith / Never Shout Never / Motion City Soundtrack / Goldfinger / Blessthefall / Forever the Sickest Kids / Hawthorne Heights / The Story So Far / Architects / The Amity Affliction / I See Stars / Outasight / Tonight Alive / The Summer Set / Attila / Woe Is Me / Allstar Weekend / Anarbor / Go Radio / Hands Like Houses / The Black Dahlia Murder / While She Sleeps / Like Moths to Flames / The Early November / Man Overboard / Stick To Your Guns / Wallpaper / Upon A Burning Body / New Years Day / Defeater / letlive / VersaEmerge / Big D And The Kids Table / Mac Lethal / Oh, Sleeper / MC Lars / Goldhouse / For The Foxes / Big Chocolate / New Beat Fund / RDGLDGRN / Run DMT / Itch / Action Item / Five Knives / Shy KidX / Middle Finger Salute / Stephan Jacobs / John-Allison A.W. Weiss / Mike Papagni / Silverstein Show all bands
North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre Chula Vista, California, United States
Jun 19, 2013
Vans warped tour 2013
Action Item / Allstar Weekend / Alvarez Kings / The American Scene / Anarbor / The Aquabats / Architects / Art of Shock / August Burns Red / William Beckett / Beebs and Her Money Makers / Beware of Darkness / Big D And The Kids Table / The Black Dahlia Murder / Black Veil Brides / Blessthefall / Joey Briggs / The Chariot / Chiodos / Citizen / The City Shakeup / Crossfaith / Crown The Empire / The Early November / Echosmith / Emily’s Army / The Exposed / Five Knives / For The Foxes / Forever Came Calling / Forever the Sickest Kids / Go Radio / Goldfinger / Goldhouse / Handguns / Hands Like Houses / Hawthorne Heights / I Can Make A Mess / I See Stars / Icarus The Owl / Ice Nine Kills / In Her Memory / Stephan Jacobs / Kairo Kingdom / letlive. / Like Moths to Flames / Mac Lethal / Man Overboard / Brian Marquis / MC Lars / McDougall / Memphis May Fire / Middle Finger Salute / Mighty Mongo / Motion City Soundtrack / Never Shout Never / New Beat Fund / New Years Day / Oh, Sleeper / Outasight / Craig Owens Solo Acoustic Performance / Pacific Dub / Owen Plant / RDGLDGRN / Real Friend / Reel Big Fish / The Royal / Run DMT / Shy KidX / Silverstein / Sleeping With Sirens / Stick To Your Guns / The Story So Far / Strawberry Blondes / The Summer Set / We Rise The Tides / The Swellers / Tonight Alive / Upon A Burning Body / Wallpaper. / We Came As Romans / Allison Weiss / While She Sleeps / Gin Wigmore / Woe, Is Me / The Wonder Years / Young London / Attila Show all bands
Sleep Train Amphitheatre Chula Vista, California, United States

Some Videos From These Concerts

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Some Photos From These Concerts

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