Bree Anna Sprague's Concert Archive

Joined November 2023    

Bree Anna Sprague has 1 Los Cogelones concert.

Los Cogelones son cinco hermanos que mezclan sonidos de rock y sonidos ancestrales con instrumentos eléctricos e instrumentos precuauhtémicos; además combinan cánticos en Lakota, Náhuatl y Español. La voz lírica está forjada a través de la vida cotidiana a la usanza de sus abuelos los cuicapicqui.

View Los Cogelones's main page

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 31, 2023 –
Sep 03, 2023
Muddy Roots Music Festival 2023
Gwar / Suicidal Tendencies / The Dead Milkmen / Amigo the Devil / Murder By Death / Sage Francis / Bridge City Sinners / Bass Amp and Dano / Beggars Canyon / Belushi Speedball / Black Eyed Vermillion / Black Market Kidney Surgeon / Black Tarpoon / Black Venus / Bob Wayne / Bologna Pogna / Cardiel / Clyde Mcgee / Cro-Mags / Daikaiju / Deaf Child / Dru the Drifter / D.R.I. / Dystopian / Fea / The Goddamn Goddamns / Gunsafe / The Hanging Judge / Hans Gruber & the Die Hards / Holy Locust / The Howlin Roosters / James Hunnicutt / Jessie Williams / Joshua Quimby / Katacombs / King Strang / Krypt / Legendary Shack Shakers / Lightin' Luke / Lips / Little Foot / Los Cogelones / Maanta Ray / Moonshine wagon / The Mudfits / Officer Down / Pentagram String Band / Pete Bernhard / Pinata Protest / Rock Bottom String Band / Rotten Stitches / Soviet Shilsa / SS Web / Stuck Lucky / Stufy Summers / Tim Barry / Toxic Culture / The Jasons / Tiger Sex / Torsion / Triangle Fire / Tribe of Horsman / Volk / Waxed / The Weird Sisters / Witchdigger / Yes Ma'am / Joe Buckyourself / Heavy Temple Show all bands
Junebug Ranch Cookeville, Tennessee, United States

Some Videos From These Concerts

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Some Photos From These Concerts

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