Brae Henderson has 2 Blackjack Billy concerts.

Every band has their unique success formula, for Blackjack Billy it is their combination of talented songwriters, and a drummer with a gift for live performance which led to them to being called the “Rolling Stones of country music.” Often called one of the hardest working bands in the business; when Blackjack Billy takes the stage with their unique blend of Country and Rock, heads turn and people take notice.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 08, 2016 –
Jul 10, 2016
Cavendish Beach Music Festival
The Band Perry / Blackjack Billy / Cold Creek County / the road hammers / Jojo Mason / The Washboard Union / Blake Shelton / Emerson Drive / Tebey / Kenny Chesney / Dean Brody / Old Dominion / Jason Benoit / Bobby Wills / Meghan Patrick
Cavendish Beach Music Festival Grounds Cavendish, PE, Canada
Jul 06, 2014
"Cavendish Beach Music Festival" / Hunter Hayes / Blackjack Billy

Cavendish Beach Music Festival

Cavendish Beach Music Festival Grounds Cavendish, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Some Videos From These Concerts

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Some Photos From These Concerts

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