Blue32's Concert Archive

Joined October 2017    

Blue32 has 1 Agents of Good Roots concert.

Agents of Good Roots was a band out of Virginia that never quite made it. They toured with Blues Traveler and Dave Matthews Band, and they had (and still have) a following in Virginia where they occasionally get back together to play a club like Alley Katz or Friday Cheers.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 16, 1998
H.O.R.D.E Festival
Barenaked Ladies / Blues Traveler / Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals / Alana Davis / Agents of Good Roots / Derek Trucks / Fastball / Paula Cole / Col Bruce Hampton and the Fiji Mariners
Cellairis Amphitheatre at Lakewood Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Some Videos From These Concerts

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Some Photos From These Concerts

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60 users have seen Agents of Good Roots including:
 Michael Curtis
 Eric Gugick
 Special Kt
 J Larry5000
 Trevor Ridgley
 Casey Harris
 Off He Goes
 Dennis Rosensteel

As Seen On: