Batrisyia Zaim has 1 Kunto Aji concert.

Kunto Aji is one of Indonesia’s male singer/songwriter. He released his album called “Generation Y” in 2015. In September 2018, Kunto Aji released his sophomore album called “Mantra, Mantra”. Kunto Aji’s second album captures many people’s attention not only his fans. One of the things that may give an effect of this positive critic is because his songwriting had grown tremendously. In “Mantra, Mantra” he worked with 4 different producers; Ankadiov, Uga Swastadi, Petra Sihombing and Bam Mastro.

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Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 09, 2024 –
Aug 11, 2024
The Sounds Project 7: Discover Miracle
Neck Deep / Secondhand Serenade / Jamie Miller / Hindia / JKT 48 / Maliq & d'Essentials / Juicy Luicy / Ziva Magnolya / NDX AKA / Vierratale x Killing Me Reunion / Baale / TBA / The Adams / rumahsakit / .Feast / The Jansen / Efek Rumah Kaca x Barasuara / FSTVLST / Ali / D’Masiv / Adhitia Sofyan / Bagas RAN / Dere / Morfem / eleventwelfth / Ghea Indrawari / Silampukau / Stand Here Alone / The Bandells / tipe-X / Dewa 19 ft. Virzha / Mahalini / Reality Club / Lyodra / Ungu / T.R.I.A.D. / Tiara Andini / The Changcuters / Bernadya / Bondan Prakoso / Kunto Aji / Mocca / Yura Yunita / The Sigit / Banda Neira / Biru Baru / Jason Ranti / Janine Laetitia / For revenge / Goodnight Electric / Kelompok Penerbang Roket / The Panturas / Stars and Rabbit / Petra Sihombing / Parade Hujan (Payung Teduh & Pusakata) / Nadhif Basalamah / summerLane / Rub of Rub / Tulus / Sal Priadi / Nadin Amizah / Hivi! / Bilal Indrajaya x Sore / Fourtwnty / Pamungkas / Lomba Sihir / Guyon Waton / Wali band / Radja / J-Rocks / Perunggu / rizky febian / Winky Wiryawan x Whisnu Santika / Ardhito Pramono / Feel Koplo / Pee Wee Gaskins / Souljah / Danilla / Idgitaf / Dhyo Haw / Dongker / Feby Putri / Fiersa Besari / Alexa / Teddy Adhitya / The Rain x Rocket Rockers Show all bands
Allianz Ecopark Ancol Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

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144 users have seen Kunto Aji including:
 Vhemmy Pratiwi
 Chandra Budiman
 Rachel Salaka
 Luthfi Ferizqi
 Ley <3
 Sar Ene
 Elyshia Nashira
 Muhammad Imaduddin
 Nurul Dwi Azizah
 Silvia Sf
 Angela Rahardja
 Adista N

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