Zero Tolerance (aka Cian McCann) is arguably the brightest rising star coming out of the Dublin Drum & Bass scene. Since 2000 his production has been released on such major Drum & Bass labels as C.I.A., Signature, Subtitles, Liquid V, Hospital, Commercial Suicide, Reinforced, Innerground and Bassbin, amongst others. Cian's influences range from the early 90s conscious hip-hop sounds of Pete Rock, DJ Premier and A Tribe Called Quest to UK trip hop artists and labels such as Mo' Wax, Ninja Tune and Massive Attack.
Zoax / Josey Rebelle / Nat Johnson / The Buffalo Skinners / Wu-Tang Clan / Tropic of Youth / Andy H / Ant TC1 / Liberty Ship / Pev & Kowton / Hot Vestry / ZoZo / Basement Jaxx / Mike Skinner (DJ Set) / Pedram / Bang Bang Romeo / Cypria / Natterjacks / Awooga / The Sugarhill Gang / Inherit the Stars / K.O.G & The Zongo Brigade / Lo Shea / The Payroll Union / Ceiling Demons / SMUTLEE / Buzzcocks / Bodyjack / The Broken Oak Duet / Unit 3 / Blossomer / Denham Audio / Andy Clark / Rodney P And Skitz / Dead English Gentlemen / Blood Sport (Sheffield) / Cervo / The Charlatans / LewRey / FloodHounds / Jim Ghedi / Billy Bragg / Daniel Whitehouse / Walls (UK) / Ste Roberts / Downtown Roots / Beth Frisby / Dead Slow Hoot / True Fiction / Saif Mode / The Hot Diamond Aces / Slow Club / Seven Tors / Eastern Seaboard Radio Station / As I Watch You From Afar / North Prism / Neneh Cherry / Nyta / Triple Point / Mark Sweeney / Camo & Krooked / Set2 / Revolver & Leona / Emily May / Trash (UK) / A-KID / Goat Head / Ghostpoet / Leroy (UK) / Jon Carnall Jnr / Magpies (UK) / The Huddle Funk and Soul Show / Linnemann / ES. Q / Omega 111 / Displace Crew / Crisjin / Joker / Rawshac / Jayskilatah / S-Unit / CPU records / Chid Iheanacho / Jus Now (DJ set) + Serocee / NAO / Chris Cooper Band / Polo (UK) / Sayid Silkhands / Bartholins Glands / Sticky & Lady Chann / Suited & Booted Dancehall Brotherz / Junglist Alliance / Slaves / Smorsli / This Is The Kit / Anathema / Lapalux / We Are the Ocean / Aquilo / Roni Size / MJ Cole / Scott Matthews / A Guy Called Gerald / Marika Hackman / Submotion Orchestra / Dutch Uncles / Fred V & Grafix / Alcest / Fat White Family / Portico / James Holden / The Crookes / Erol Alkan / Errors / Loadstar / Charlotte OC / Kate Tempest / Romare / Tropics / Gilles Peterson / Honeyblood / Hidden Orchestra / Jimmy Edgar / Stealing Sheep / Roman Flugel / GoGo Penguin / Diagrams / LoneLady / Mungos Hi Fi / Dj Q / Blanck Mass / Rolo Tomassi / Martha Reeves / Ultimate Painting / Evian Christ / Meadowlark / Polar Bear / Surgeon / Hooton Tennis Club / Ghost Culture / Billie Black / Robyn Sherwell / Sunship / The Big Moon / Bjørn Torske / The Sherlocks / Shopping / Nai Harvest / Formation / Horse Meat Disco / Kid Wave / Best Friends / Kris Wadsworth / GNOD / Werkha / Ekkah / Mak & Pasteman / Hey Sholay / Lone Wolf / Tom Demac / Inga Copeland / Story / U / Zero T / Tuff Love / Alexander Nut / Cleft / Craig Charles / Dmk / Blessa / Motion / FURS / Knifeworld / Mella Dee / Nozinja / Hannah Lou Clark / Man of Moon / Renegade Brass Band / The Half Earth / Luca Lozano / High Hazels / Braiden / Jagaara / Fokn Bois / The Ratells / Martelo / The Slow Revolt / Kamera / Bruising / Gulf / Redfaces / sumochief
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Wu-Tang Clan / Basement Jaxx / The Sugarhill Gang / Buzzcocks / The Charlatans / Billy Bragg / Robyn Sherwell / Slow Club / Neneh Cherry / Camo & Krooked / Joker / Ghostpoet / We Are the Ocean / Ultimate Painting / Anathema / Roni Size / MJ Cole / Scott Matthews / Lone Wolf / A Guy Called Gerald / Story / Lapalux / Dutch Uncles / Slaves / Best Friends / Marika Hackman / Submotion Orchestra / Nai Harvest / Portico / Billie Black / Errors / Tom Demac / Erol Alkan / Kid Wave / Fred V & Grafix / Loadstar / The Crookes / James Holden / U / Mak & Pasteman / Alcest / GNOD / Inga Copeland / Zero T / Tropics / Jimmy Edgar / Charlotte OC / Roman Flugel / Aquilo / Stealing Sheep / Hooton Tennis Club / Diagrams / Werkha / Hidden Orchestra / Ekkah / Gilles Peterson / Honeyblood / LoneLady / Kate Tempest / Shopping / Romare / Dj Q / Martha Reeves / The Sherlocks / The Fat White Family / Motion / FURS / Cleft / Rolo Tomassi / Blessa / Luca Lozano / Mungos Hi Fi / Dmk / Braiden / Polar Bear / Knifeworld / Fokn Bois / Surgeon / Evian Christ / NAO / Sunship / Bjørn Torske / Blanck Mass / Craig Charles / GoGo Penguin / Formation / High Hazels / Ghost Culture / Mella Dee / Meadowlark / Jagaara / Kamera / Kris Wadsworth / Tuff Love / Hey Sholay / The Slow Revolt / Horse Meat Disco / Gulf / Nozinja / The Big Moon / Hannah Lou Clark / Martelo / Nat Johnson / The Ratells / Alexander Nut / The Buffalo Skinners / Renegade Brass Band / Zoax / Tropic of Youth / The Half Earth / Andy H / Liberty Ship / Man of Moon / Cypria / Hot Vestry / Bruising / ZoZo / Ant TC1 / Mike Skinner (DJ Set) / Natterjacks / Josey Rebelle / Awooga / Pev & Kowton / Bang Bang Romeo / The Payroll Union / sumochief / SMUTLEE / Ceiling Demons / Pedram / Lo Shea / Unit 3 / Inherit the Stars / Redfaces / The Broken Oak Duet / Rodney P And Skitz / Blossomer / K.O.G & The Zongo Brigade / Bodyjack / Ste Roberts / Walls (UK) / Jim Ghedi / Denham Audio / Daniel Whitehouse / Dead English Gentlemen / Seven Tors / Cervo / True Fiction / As I Watch You From Afar / Andy Clark / Downtown Roots / Blood Sport (Sheffield) / LewRey / North Prism / FloodHounds (UK) / Beth Frisby / The Hot Diamond Aces / Bartholins Glands / Eastern Seaboard Radio Station / Nyta / Mark Sweeney / Magpies (UK) / Dead Slow Hoot / Polo (UK) / Emily May / Triple Point / Trash (UK) / Junglist Alliance / Saif Mode / Displace Crew / Jon Carnall Jnr / Leroy (UK) / Goat Head / ES. Q / The Huddle Funk and Soul Show / Crisjin / Linnemann / CPU records / Omega 111 / Chid Iheanacho / A-KID / Rawshac / Revolver & Leona / Jayskilatah / S-Unit / Chris Cooper Band / Sayid Silkhands / Set2 / Sticky & Lady Chann / Suited & Booted Dancehall Brotherz / Smorsli / Jus Now (DJ set) + Serocee / This Is The Kit
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Wu-Tang Clan / Basement Jaxx / NAO / Buzzcocks / The Sugarhill Gang / The Charlatans / Billy Bragg / Aquilo / Soft Play (fka Slaves) / Neneh Cherry / Slow Club / Camo & Krooked / Romare / Ghostpoet / Kae Tempest / Anathema / Lapalux / Marika Hackman / GoGo Penguin / This Is The Kit / MJ Cole / Alcest / Joker / The Big Moon / Fat White Family / Roni Size / Mungo's Hi Fi / Submotion Orchestra / Fred V & Grafix / We Are the Ocean / Hidden Orchestra / James Holden / Charlotte OC / Scott Matthews / A Guy Called Gerald / The Sherlocks / Erol Alkan / Honeyblood / Roman Flugel / Meadowlark / Gilles Peterson / Tropics / Loadstar / Dutch Uncles / Blanck Mass / Jimmy Edgar / The Crookes / Dj Q / Portico / Stealing Sheep / Errors / Rolo Tomassi / LoneLady / Mella Dee / Shopping / Ultimate Painting / Diagrams / Robyn Sherwell / Surgeon / Billie Black / Polar Bear / Sunship / Horse Meat Disco / Martha Reeves / Ekkah / Evian Christ / Bjørn Torske / Hooton Tennis Club / GNOD / Ghost Culture / Tom Demac / Formation / Nai Harvest / Inga Copeland / Werkha / Kid Wave / Mak & Pasteman / Zero T / Redfaces / Best Friends / Lone Wolf / Kris Wadsworth / Man of Moon / Dmk / Bang Bang Romeo / Story / Motion / U / Hey Sholay / Cleft / Craig Charles / Renegade Brass Band / Luca Lozano / Tuff Love / Alexander Nut / The Slow Revolt / Knifeworld / FURS / Hannah Lou Clark / JAGARA / The Half Earth / High Hazels / Fokn Bois / Nozinja / Blessa / Bruising / K.O.G & The Zongo Brigade / Zoax / Denham Audio / Jim Ghedi / Bodyjack / Nat Johnson / The Ratells / Gulf / Kamera / Natterjacks / Braiden / Martelo / Pedram / The Buffalo Skinners / sumochief / Ant TC1 / Josey Rebelle / ZoZo / Nyta / Blood Sport / Liberty Ship / Tropic of Youth / Pev & Kowton / Andy H / Awooga / Hot Vestry / Andy Clark / Cervo / FloodHounds / A-KID / Mike Skinner (DJ Set) / Cypria / Lo Shea / Ceiling Demons / LewRey / Inherit the Stars / The Broken Oak Duet / Unit 3 / The Payroll Union / Dead Slow Hoot / Daniel Whitehouse / SMUTLEE / Set2 / Dead English Gentlemen / Blossomer / Ste Roberts / True Fiction / Trash (UK) / The Hot Diamond Aces / Beth Frisby / Rodney P And Skitz / Saif Mode / Goat Head / Emily May / Downtown Roots / Junglist Alliance / Triple Point / North Prism / Walls (UK) / Mark Sweeney / Revolver & Leona / Eastern Seaboard Radio Station / Seven Tors / As I Watch You From Afar / Bartholins Glands / Suited & Booted Dancehall Brotherz / Sticky & Lady Chann / Sayid Silkhands / S-Unit / Rawshac / Omega 111 / Magpies (UK) / Leroy (UK) / Jon Carnall Jnr / The Huddle Funk and Soul Show / ES. Q / Displace Crew / Crisjin / CPU records / Chid Iheanacho / Polo (UK) / Smorsli / Jus Now (DJ set) + Serocee / Jayskilatah / Linnemann / Chris Cooper Band
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DJ Hype / Pascal / DJ Hazard / DBridge / Ed Rush / DJ Original Sin / Annix (UK) / MC Ic3 / SP:MC / Evil B / Funsta Mc / 2Shy / Fats (UK) / Shy FX / Dub Phizix & Strategy / Nicky Blackmarket / Wookie / Sub Zero / Potential Badboy / Tyke / Stamina / Fatman D / Felon / Junior Dangerous / Alix Perez / Marcus Intalex / Lynx (UK) / Zero T / Justyce / Bassline
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