Zero Mentality Concert History

Coming from a deeply routed Hardcore background, ZERO MENTALITY is a band that manages to live up to their existing influences of Metal, Rock, Punk and furthermore. They create a boundless mixture that is true to an individual style rather than being a lump of things. The second album takes all the best ideas always consistent to the sound of the band and expands them to a trip into life itself. Where words express emotions like hate, love, angst & hope, the music starts rebuilding them and help shape a world the listener is drawn into.

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2024 2 concerts
2014 2 concerts
2009 3 concerts
2007 1 concert
2006 1 concert
2005 1 concert
 Junk Bond Trader
 Marco Oehlert
 Basti Basti
 Frederik Riedel

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