Zadruga Concert History

There are two artists with this name:

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 22, 2015 –
Jun 24, 2015
INmusic Festival 2015
Of Monsters and Men / Death Cab for Cutie / Rudimental / La Roux / Paolo Nutini / Placebo / Future Islands / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club / Eagles of Death Metal / Kae Tempest / And The Kids / Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls / Human / Batida / Rambo Amadeus / Aziza Brahim / Side Project / Repetitor / FFS (Franz Ferdinand & Sparks) / Jonathan / The Mirror Trap / Sassja / Ashes you leave / Mike Skinner (DJ Set) / Antrox / Them Moose Rush / Katalina Kicks / Muscle Tribe of Danger and Excellence / Halka / Zadruga / Ludovik Material / Killed a Fox / Mnogi Drugi / Plastic Knives / Among Souls / Discohernia / Telephonehookers / Mel & Django Jet Show all bands
Lake Jarun Zagreb, City of Zagreb, Croatia
Punk Rock

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