Yonderboi Concert History

Laszlo Fogarasi Jr. (born September 14, 1980) known by his stage name Yonderboi, is a Hungarian composer, music producer and visual artist. He released three studio albums so far, which he considers to be a trilogy: Shallow and Profound, Splendid Isolation and Passive Control. Yonderboi’s music is difficult to pigeonhole because it is quite conceptual and combines a wide range of sources, plays around with various musical styles. Despite of these...

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 19, 2012
Junkie Xl / Pretty Lights / Yonderboi Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Aug 06, 2012 –
Aug 13, 2012
Sziget Festival 2012
The Killers / The xx / Two Door Cinema Club / Korn / Steve Aoki / LMFAO / Paolo Nutini / Placebo / The Vaccines / The Stone Roses / Friendly Fires / Noah & The Whale / Axwell / Crystal Fighters / Hurts / Borgore / The Horrors / Maxïmo Park / Wild Beasts / Ministry / Lamb / The Subways / Amon Amarth / Mando Diao / Magnetic Man / Caro Emerald / Bebel Gilberto / Kraak & Smaak / dEUS / Beatsteaks / Citizens! / LaBrassBanda / Sergent Garcia / AMB / Fine Cut Bodies / Industrialyzer / Grimus / Kodek / Modul / Iamyank / Cadik / Por / Synus0006 / Microfeel / Eril Fjord / SubDimension / Beardyman / Yonderboi / Azari & III / Bebel Gilberto / Snoop Dogg / Sum 41 Show all bands
Óbudai-sziget (Óbuda Island) Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Jun 29, 2012
Volt Festival
"Volt Festival" / Röyksopp / Akos / Vad Fruttik / Brains / Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra / Dj Palotai / Yonderboi / Irie Maffia / Kowalsky Meg A Vega / Peterfy Bori & Love Band / Beatrice / Moby Dick / Bermuda / Anna and the Barbies
Festival Grounds Sopron, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Hungary
Aug 12, 2008 –
Aug 18, 2008
Sziget Festival 2008
The Killers / MGMT / The Kooks / Iron Maiden / Justice / Alanis Morissette / José González / Kaiser Chiefs / Jamiroquai / The Wombats / Chase & Status / Volbeat / Flogging Molly / Parov Stelar / Apocalyptica / The Presidents of The United States of America / Ferry Corsten / Babyshambles / The Cribs / Serj Tankian / Róisín Murphy / Anti-Flag / Meshuggah / Foreign Beggars / Modeselektor / R.E.M. / Vitalic / Millencolin / Sabaton / Exodus / Kraak & Smaak / Ky-Mani Marley / Lee "Scratch" Perry / Iced Earth / TC / Carcass / Danko Jones / Die Ärzte / Adam Green / Goran Bregovic / Avantasia / Bruce Dickinson / John Digweed / Hocus Pocus / Maceo Parker / Rokia Traoré / Delinquent Habits / Natacha Atlas / 3 Inches Of Blood / Mory Kante / Yonderboi / Fish / Ленинград / Smooth / Pete Philly & Perquisite / Pro-Pain / Kutiman / Sunshine / Altan / Vektor / Mademoiselle K / Real Lies / The Brains / Moog / Brisa Roché / Moke / Sex Pistols / New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble / Kočani Orkestar / Adrian Sherwood / Anima Sound System / Marcus Intalex / Lacrimas Profundere / Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 / Flash / Coyote / Nils / Neo / Che Sudaka / Eths / Mass Hysteria / Quimby / Punnany Massif / The Youngsters / Ziggi / Voicst / Tankcsapda / Hollywood Rose / Kultur Shock / Fine Cut Bodies / Irie Maffia / Freedom Fighters / Kispál és a Borz / Izabo / Junkies / Dew-Scented / Besh O Drom / Terrakota / Vono Box / Beta / DJ Storm / Dalriada / Markscheider Kunst / Missill / Péterfy Bori & Love Band / Amanda Somerville / Junkie / PUNISH YOURSELF / La Caravane Passe / Insane / CHROM / Vad Fruttik / Hiperkarma / Kowalsky Meg A Vega / Kiscsillag / Parno Graszt / Csokolom / The Road / Scan X / Csik Zenekar / Rotor / Komonazmuk / Belmondo / Ostava / Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra / Alamaailman Vasarat / Peet / DJ Haze / Carbonfools / Selim Sesler / Lauren Harris / Heaven Street Seven / Trees / Sayag Jazz Machine / Sankofa / Harcsa Veronika / Crimson / Kumm / Muzsikas / Rhoda Scott / Karanyi / Anna & the Barbies / Singas Project / Kovary / Subscribe / Balkan Fanatik / N.u.k.e. / DJ Bootsie / Akkezdet Phiai / Alvin és a Mókusok / Depresszió / Magna Cum Laude / Erik Sumo Band / The Ivory Coast / Zum / HEIKE has the giggles / Wedge / Fanfara Tirana / Black Out / Supernem / Sear Bliss / Dijf Sanders / Deák Bill Gyula / Oszibarack / Kerekes Band / Nikola Parov / Beatrice / Colorstar / Kaukazus / Nevergreen / N&SK / Mystery Gang / Animal Cannibals / The Qualitons / Amber Smith / Mercedes Peon / Lajko Felix / Dopeman / Little Cow / Zanzibar / Chiki Liki Tu-a / Pál Utcai Fiúk / DST / Bridge To Solace / Jack De Marseille / Bal / Copy Con / Lollobrigida / Korai Orom / Beat Dis / Katapult / Anselmo Crew / Barabas Lorinc Eklektric / Kistehén Tánczenekar / Acquaragia Drom / Kalman Balogh / Blind Myself / Masfel / Paul Lamb & The King Snakes / Bornholm / Da Taz / Isu / Zuboly / Enzo Avitabile And Bottari / Nemjuci / Jambalaya / Replika / O'riás / Archaic / Hetkoznapi Csalodasok / Isten Hata Mogott / Rómeó Vérzik / The Last Charge / Superbutt / Romano Drom / Takats Tamas Dirty Blues Band / Jacked! / Prosectura / Kovbojok / DJ Bailey / Vladimir Cetkar / the KOLIN / Fókatelep / Airtist / Remorse / Operentzia / FRENK / Riddim Colony / Tudosok / Picasso / Dj Observer / Bankos / Szalóki Ági / Ladánybene 27 / Les Touffes Krétiennes / Дети Picasso / suhancos / Cadaveres / … И Друг Мой Грузовик / EZ Basic / Ris / Goya-project / Barbaro / Tom White / Ideas / Jazzékiel / Hangmás / The Trousers / Tigrics / Kampec Dolores / Sikztah / Dj Nonames / Shell Beach / Balaton / Red Star / DJ NA-GA / Hollywoodoo / MC Jakes / Sziámi / Psycho Mutants / Mory Kant / Karen Carroll / Collins And Behnam / Realistic Crew / Slipper / Maravilla De Florida / Kalapács / sZempöl / Nigun / A Kutya Vacsorája / Transglobal Underground & Natacha Atlas / Deti Picasso / Zorall / Zagar Feat. Underground Divas / Yellow Spots / Dj Palotai / Dj Lucca / DJ TAGADA / Sex Action / Terne Čhave / Nitelight / Hatóságilag Tilos / Tape Underground / Egy Kiss Erzsi Zene / SECTA CHAMELEON / Horda / European Mantra / Navrang / Kasko / Uzgin Uver / KEBAB / Urh / Pupilla / Mystery Gang Rockabilly Trio / Jamie Winchester & Hrutka Róbert / Esclin Syndo / Chief Rebel Angel / My New Zoo / Turn Of Mind / Hairy / Ludditák / WACKOR / Khl / Bobakrome / Üllői Úti Fuck / Anorganik / Tereskova / jurij / Orange the Juice / Kaltenecker Trio / Varga Zsuzsa / Mantra Porno / Török Ádám és a Mini / Ágoston Béla / Malacka és a Tahó / Cozombolis / Katan / ErkA / Myster Möbius / Dj Felipe / Room Of The Mad Robots / Vidámpark / DJ Clairvo / Hippikiller / My Small Community / Eatme / Tündérground / Mátyás Pribojszki Band / Szilvasi Gipsy Folk Band / Mangod Inc. / Honeyball / Gyöngyvér / Brisa Roch / Colombre Band / Fusio Group / Vida G / DJ Cadik / Gypsy Sound System / Amundsen / Tango Underground / Nulladik Változat / Mátyás Attila / zselenszky / Dan Von Schulz / Cskolom / Sinko / Ági és a Fiúk / Stenk / Folkfree / Hot X / Jza / Slam Jr. / Muzsiks / Ef. Zámbó Happy Dead Band / Utolsó Alkalom / Nové Mapy / Szimi / Vanessa & Sorba / Sulukule / Krízis / Kuhl / Tesstimony / Kispl S A Borz / Mercedes Pen / Kistehn Tnczenekar / Takács Eszter / Váczi Eszter és a Szörp / Mesterházy / A Kutya Vacsorja / Dek Bill Gyula / Ludditk / Ladnybene 27 / Depresszi / Hawky / Joint Ventura / Palomita / Gumilap / Naga&beta / Nasmith / C0p / Pterfy Bori & Love Band / unoYmedio / Rotkreis / Saint Petrol / Kaukzus / Pl Utcai Fik / Zanzibr / Csk Zenekar / Jutasi / Cserepes / Lajk Flix / Korai Rm / Msfl / Vidmpark / Vczi Eszter S a Szrp / Kalapcs / Pujara / Lopunk / Zubrowka / DJ Frequent / Lolobrigida / Grasshop / Met Spuug / Terne Have / Isten Hta Mgtt / Tndrground / Nov Mapy / Hangms / dijf / Ashowka / Free Style Chamber Orchestra / Tudsok / Szilvsi Gipsy Folk Band / Zgin Ver / Embers / Thirty Seconds to Mars Show all bands
Óbudai-sziget (Óbuda Island) Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Aug 08, 2007 –
Aug 15, 2007
Sziget Festival 2007
The Killers / P!nk / Nine Inch Nails / Thirty Seconds to Mars / Chemical Brothers / Mika / Tool / Manu Chao / The Hives / Madness / Faithless / K'naan / Razorlight / Sinéad O'Connor / Eagles of Death Metal / Unkle / Cedric Gervais / Within Temptation / Gogol Bordello / Chris Cornell / Cassius / Booka Shade / Hooverphonic / Mando Diao / CHIP / Devotchka / Killing Joke / Soulfly / Tinariwen / Gentleman / The Good, The Bad And The Queen / GusGus / Hammerfall / IAMX / Napalm Death / Laurent Garnier / Alpha Blondy / Deep Dish / Goldie / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / Skinny Puppy / The Skatalites / The Rakes / Salif Keita / The Exploited / Satyricon / Sportfreunde Stiller / Puzzle / Émilie Simon / Kaizers Orchestra / Timo Maas / Manu Dibango / Nitzer Ebb / eddie palmieri / Nomad / Plump DJs / Nevermore / Rachid Taha / Ink / Yonderboi / Erik Truffaz / Juliette And The Licks / Blame / Fanfare Ciocarlia / Silicone Soul / Mike Stern / The Tiger Lillies / Hyper / Hanoi Rocks / Dave Clarke / Beat Assailant / DJ Hell / Mari Boine / Drill / Sidestepper / Sergent Garcia / Spirit / Babylon Circus / Satoshi Tomiie / Sud Sound System / Tankcsapda / Ska Cubano / Motor / Quimby / Otto von Schirach / Sierra Maestra / Kispál és a Borz / Cesaria Evora / Anima Sound System / Neo / Taxman / Pleymo / Negative / Fracture / Asc / Irie Maffia / Equinox / Hiperkarma / Orchestre National De Barbes / MC Youngman / Kowalsky Meg A Vega / Zagar / Värttinä / Besh O Drom / Vad Fruttik / Kiscsillag / Resin Dogs / Fun-Da-Mental / Belmondo / Nosfell / A-sides / Limewax / United / Dobacaracol / Heaven Street Seven / De Facto / Gary Willis / Locomotiv GT / DJ Lee / Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra / Magna Cum Laude / Alvin és a Mókusok / Mau Mau / Muzsikas / Supernem / Altar / Sub Bass Monster / Beatrice / Subscribe / Harcsa Veronika / Animal Cannibals / Balkan Fanatik / Ganxsta Zolee Es A Kartel / Esthetic Education / Emil.rulez! / Motion Trio / Annie Nightingale / Colorstar / Zanzibar / Erik Sumo Band / Blim / Fusedmarc / Etienne M'bappe / Ministere Des Affaires Populaires / Amber Smith / Temper D / Korai Orom / Blind Myself / Baba Yaga / Masfel / Bornholm / Hot Jazz Band / Isten Hata Mogott / Anselmo Crew / Peter Parker / Back Ii Black / Superbutt / Agar / Napra / FreshFabrik / Watch My Dying / Ideas / Hollywoodoo / Dresch Quartet / Gocoo / Realistic Crew / European Mantra / Effeta / Strong Deformity / Lik...id / Paradox Trio / Varga Zsuzsa / Jeffo's Dream / Copycon / Roia / Vrttin / MAUDITE DANCE / ~$FELIPE$~ / Orchestre National De Barbs / Muzsiks / FlyJam / Szimi / Msfl / Kistehn Tnczenekar / Pokolgp / Kispl S A Borz / Zanzibr / Depresszi / Babos Project Special / Korai Rm / Ennio Marchetto / Isten Hta Mgtt / Ladnybene 27 / Kalapcs / Vczi Eszter S a Szrp Show all bands
Sziget Festival 2007 Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Show Duplicate for Aug 08, 2007
Jun 29, 2007
"B'Estival" / Phill Hartnoll / Morcheeba / Faithless / Hooverphonic / Yonderboi / Suie Paparude
Romexpo Bucharest, Bucureşti, Romania
Feb 03, 2007
Ladytron / Yonderboi Millenáris Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Oct 28, 2006
The Prodigy / N.O.H.A. / Yonderboi

Electronic Beats

Veletrzni Palace Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Czechia
Aug 17, 2006 –
Aug 19, 2006
Pukkelpop 2006
Arctic Monkeys / Radiohead / Panic! At the Disco / Beck / Snow Patrol / Yeah Yeah Yeahs / Massive Attack / Daft Punk / Keane / Justice / José González / Placebo / Hot Chip / Belle and Sebastian / TV On the Radio / The Raconteurs / My Morning Jacket / Scissor Sisters / DJ Shadow / Zero 7 / Goldfrapp / Broken Social Scene / Mastodon / Coheed and Cambria / Michael Franti & Spearhead / HIM / The Knife / Nouvelle Vague / Eagles of Death Metal / Digitalism / Feeder / Pennywise / Ministry / Hawthorne Heights / Less Than Jake / We Are Scientists / Gogol Bordello / Boys Noize / Against Me! / Gomez / Babyshambles / MSTRKRFT / Midlake / Fear Factory / Tiga / Millencolin / Mylo / The Futureheads / Mew / The Magic Numbers / The Dresden Dolls / Joris Voorn / CKY / Lostprophets / Cursive / Goose / Dirty Pretty Things / Guillemots / Joan As Police Woman / 65daysofstatic / Coldcut / Turbonegro / The Veils / Roni Size / Orson / Field Music / !!! (Chk Chk Chk) / Sick of It All / Gang Gang Dance / Tunng / James Holden / Carl Craig / Randy / The Dears / Black Strobe / Mocky / Psapp / Archie Bronson Outfit / Blindside / The Spinto Band / Para One / Erol Alkan / Amenra / Delays / The Pipettes / Backyard Babies / The Subs / The Dead 60s / Morningwood / Yonderboi / Sons and Daughters / The Twilight Singers / Tortured Soul / The Bled / Tom Middleton / Tiefschwarz / Infadels / Dave Clarke / Urban Dance Squad / Pete Philly & Perquisite / Be Your Own Pet / DJ Hell / The Frames (IE) / Morning Runner / Anthony Rother / Technasia / Shameboy / Mondo Generator / Andrew Weatherall / Zita Swoon / Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas / Dynamite MC / Jeremy Enigk / DJ Krust / ¡Forward, Russia! / Colder / Kelley Polar / Planes Mistaken For Stars / White Rose Movement / Grooverider / Motor / calla / Mint / Animal Alpha / The Hickey Underworld / Chris Wood / My Latest Novel / A Brand / Dr. Lektroluv / Drive Like Maria / DJ Rolando / Rise And Fall / Sweet Coffee / The Rogers Sisters / Burst / You Say Party! / Duels / Think of One / My Awesome Compilation / Rolando / DK7 / Fence / Sukilove / Krakow / The Real Estate Agents / The Setup / Hitch / Internationals / Lotterboys / Flatcat / Confuse The Cat / The Sedan Vault / Jerboa / Foxylane / Shovels / Death Before Disco / Joost van Bellen / The Maple Room / The Rones / DJ 4t4 / Flipo Mancini / Officer Jones And His Patrol Car Problems / Perverted / SKEEMZ / An Pierl / An Pierl And White Velvet / Jan Van Biesen / DJ Kammy / Planet Pendulum / Level Jay Show all bands
Pukkelpop Festival Hasselt, Flanders, Belgium
Aug 09, 2006 –
Aug 16, 2006
Sziget Festival 2006
Radiohead / Franz Ferdinand / The Prodigy / Placebo / Iggy Pop / Scissor Sisters / Robert Plant / Gomez / Gogol Bordello / The Stooges / Ministry / Living Colour / Mylo / The Rasmus / Fear Factory / Cradle of Filth / Iggy & the Stooges / Roger Sanchez / The Orb / Gentleman / Jovanotti / The Guru / Kraak & Smaak / Guano Apes / Coldcut / dEUS / Ill Niño / Beatsteaks / Morbid Angel / Therapy? / Goran Bregovic / Sick of It All / The Exploited / Wir sind Helden / Sons and Daughters / maNga / Natacha Atlas / Gamma Ray / Tiken Jah Fakoly / The Gathering / Yonderboi / Tiefschwarz / Brainstorm / Ленинград / Evergrey / Hernan Cattaneo / John B / A.Skillz / Cathedral / Cheb Mami / Hadag Nahash / Moog / Anima Sound System / 17 Hippies / Relax / Boban i Marko Markovic Orkestar / Quimby / Debout sur le Zinc / Soul of Man / Slyde / Matt Black / Besh O Drom / Julia / Saafi Brothers / Hiperkarma / Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra / Craig / Afro Celts / Markus Kienzl / Glen Matlock / Green Lizard / Addictive TV / Amber Smith / Mouss et Hakim / Marcus James / Paso / EZ Basic / Agar / Simonlebon / Dub L.F.O / Gyöngyvér / Kispl S A Borz Show all bands
Óbudai-sziget (Óbuda Island) Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Jan 12, 2006 –
Jan 13, 2006
Eurosonic 2006
The Kooks / José González / Editors / Mew / Shout Out Louds / The Automatic / Washington / Wir sind Helden / Afterhours / Yonderboi / Gare du Nord / Infadels / Alamo Race Track / Stuart A. Staples / C-Mon & Kypski / The Robocop Kraus / bauchklang / Green Lizard / Stuurbaard Bakkebaard Show all bands
Binnenstad Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Dec 28, 2000
LVC Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands
Aug 25, 2000 –
Aug 27, 2000
Lowlands Festival 2000 @ Lowlands Festival 2000
Coldplay / Muse / blink-182 / Deftones / Limp Bizkit / Sigur Rós / Cypress Hill / Kelis / De La Soul / Underworld / HIM / Ween / Within Temptation / Feeder / Laidback Luke / Calexico / Toploader / St Germain / Grandaddy / At the Drive-In / Roger Sanchez / Orishas / Racoon / Guano Apes / Reverend Horton Heat / Kosheen / Mr. Bungle / K's Choice / North Mississippi Allstars / Therapy? / No Use For A Name / Clinic / Heather Nova / Rollins Band / Krezip / St. Etienne / Fila Brazillia / Josh Wink / The Gathering / Red Snapper / The Locust / Tiamat / Yonderboi / Vive La Fête / Motorpsycho / Bettie Serveert / Visión / Zuco 103 / Dave Clarke / Immortal / Amen / Nerf Herder / Buscemi / The Pietasters / Reprazent / Paddy Casey / Titan / Shelter / Brainpower / Boss Hog / Zea / Mina Caputo / Raz / Arling & Cameron / Beef / An Pierlé / Queen Adreena / Brave Combo / Drifter / The Sins of Thy Beloved / Osdorp Posse / The Bootleg Beatles / Huub van der Lubbe / Brassy / Krang / De Kift / Marcello / Max Pashm / Bauer / Dead Man Ray / ╔═®ichard═╝♪ / Zen Guerrilla / Dr. Ring-Ding & The Senior Allstars / Mauro / Stijn / Travoltas / Super_Collider / Green Lizard / Baghdaddies / SX-10 / DJ M.O.S. / Dreadlock Pussy / Lighter / Headmix / Vals Licht / The Proov / Ben's Symphonic Orchestra / The Flying Dutchman / Frankie D. / Black Uhuru and the Wailers / L-dopa / Venus HIll / Tga / Maurits / Wipneus & Pim / Green Hornet / J Perkin / Rephlex Disco Assault System Inc. Feat. Richard D. James, Ovuca, Maddog Wallace / Lx Pacific / DJ Christian Vogel / Skank Around Sound System / M.R. Wix / Horny B-twins & Sleaze-o-rama / The Herb Spectacles Show all bands
Lowlands Festival 2000 Biddinghuizen, Flevoland, Netherlands
Aug 02, 2000 –
Aug 09, 2000
Sziget Festival 2000
Goldfrapp / Bloodhound Gang / Bad Religion / Paul van Dyk / HIM / Lou Reed / Chumbawamba / Suzanne vega / Guano Apes / Die Toten Hosen / Apollo 440 / Die Ärzte / Therapy? / Oasis / Rollins Band / Baaba Maal / Salif Keita / Natacha Atlas / 16 horsepower / Yonderboi / Clawfinger / Boban i Marko Markovic Orkestar / Klezmatics / Dissidenten / Värttinä / Mau Mau / K2R Riddim / Alfredo / Sub Bass Monster / Masfel / Guy Ornadel / Ambos Mundos Show all bands
Óbudai-sziget (Óbuda Island) Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

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Yonderboi on Dec 28, 2000 [670-small]

Dec 28, 2000
 Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands
  Uploaded by Hans Keijzers

Trip Hop
Nu Jazz
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2012 3 concerts
2008 1 concert
2007 3 concerts
2006 4 concerts
2000 3 concerts
 Hans Keijzers
 Hui Shan
 Mark R Cunningham

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