Yellowbirds's 2009 Concert History

Yellowbirds is the moniker for the latest musical exploits of Sam Cohen (guitarist / songwriter / vocalist in the psychedelic collective Apollo Sunshine). Cohen grew up in Houston, Texas, and while the Texas of his teens may have been home to Big Oil, Enron, the Bush family, and the drab grey Astros jerseys of the 90′s, he prefers to think of it as the Texas of yore- home to Roy Orbison, Buddy Holly, the Space Program, and rainbow orange Astros jerseys.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 30, 2009
Ezra Furman / Yellowbirds / Hezekiah Jones Pianos New York, New York, United States
United States
Indie Pop
Psychedelic Pop
Dream Pop
Houston Indie
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2014 2 concerts
2013 14 concerts
2012 7 concerts
2011 3 concerts
2009 1 concert
 Feather In A Storm
 Joe Saturday
 Lori K

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