Yellow Red Sparks's 2008 Concert History

Yellow Red Sparks are an incredible breath of fresh air. They contradict every aspect of the area's shallow monotony that so many of us have grown numb to. YRS's music matches their attitudes: kind, subtle and thought provoking. No more than three instruments used at once, accompanied by Josh Hansen's melodic voice projecting his dark and riveting lyrics. Songs like "Buy Me Honey," a true folk-love song that will kick you in the stomach and still puts a smile on your face.

2015 1 concert
2014 1 concert
2013 17 concerts
2012 22 concerts
2011 3 concerts
2010 4 concerts
2009 2 concerts
2008 3 concerts
2007 1 concert
2006 4 concerts
 Joon Song
 Brad Rosenthal
 Lauren Laning
 Paul Laning

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