Wonky Tonk Concert History

There was once upon a time a tiny soy bean that was left out in the cold. One whole year of snowy, wintery mix passed and that soy bean was very lonely, forgotten and fuh fuh fuh fureezing. Now as a general rule of thumb, no bean, soy or not, should be treated as such. So! When the sun finally came oot to play and warmed the earth, that tiny soy bean sprouted and said: "I AM WONKY TONK. Listen and ye shall be filled with the nutrient of happy." Doot Doot Doot And that is how it all began.

Date Concert Venue Location
No concerts found
Kentucky Indie
2023 1 concert
2022 2 concerts
2021 1 concert
2019 2 concerts
2018 2 concerts
2017 2 concerts
2016 3 concerts
2015 1 concert
2014 2 concerts
2013 1 concert
2011 2 concerts
2009 1 concert
2008 1 concert
 Kenny Miskell
 Richard Scott
 Benjamin Cannon
 Eric Hurm
 Fox Cities Live
 Jennifer Arndt
 Jonas Karlsson

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