Widow Sunday Concert History

Intense, powerful, angry, brilliant. Widow Sunday has taken the metal genre to the next level of devastation with their latest offering, "In These Rusted Veins". Combining the best elements of hardcore, industrial, and metal, Widow Sunday's "In These Rusted Veins" delivers a pure dose of aggressive perfection that will stand up to it's peers in the heavy music genre. "ITRV" was produced and engineered by Shane Frisby (Bury Your Dead, Cannae, The Ghost Inside) and mixed and mastered by Peter Rutcho (Revocation, The Year of Our Lord, Ravage).

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Death Metal
Melodic Death Metal
Groove Metal
Modern Metal
Thrash-Groove Metal
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2014 1 concert
2012 1 concert
2008 1 concert
 Alexis Paniago

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