Whiskey & CO. Concert History

WHISKEY & Co. traverse the American southern musical landscape, reveling in the broad scenery of classic country music, the rich blend of current alternative country standouts, and Americana in general. They combine classic “outlaw country” influences such as Gram Parsons, David Allen Coe, and Emmylou Harris, while keeping the punk rock attitude alive. Kindred spirits include Rumbleseat, Lucero, and Uncle Tupelo. Within WHISKEY & Co. is a dark past...

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 27, 2024
The Fest
Tightwire / Bad Cop / Bad Cop / American Dream Survivors / Matt Caskitt & The Breaks / Whiskey & CO. / Endless Mike And The Beagle Club
The Bull Gainesville, Florida, United States
Show Duplicate for Oct 27, 2024
Oct 25, 2024 –
Oct 27, 2024
THE FEST 22 2024 @ Fest
Matt and Kim / Cloud Nothings / Joyce Manor / Streetlight Manifesto / The Bouncing Souls / Cursive / Touché Amoré / Fucked Up / Hot Water Music / Superchunk / The Flatliners / Ted Leo and The Pharmacists / Big D And The Kids Table / Mustard Plug / Further Seems Forever / Chuck Ragan / A Wilhelm Scream / You Blew It! / Dikembe / Soul Glo / Michael Cera Palin / The Planet Smashers / Monk / Riverboat Gamblers / saturdays at your place / Walter Mitty and his Makeshift Orchestra / Rozwell Kid / Prawn / Cobra Skulls / Single Mothers / Scream / Apes of the State / Tim Barry / Updog / Pigeon Pit / The Copyrights / Broadway Calls / Odd Sweetheart / Mean Jeans / Carly Cosgrove / Ceschi / Ted Leo / Harrison Gordon / Heart to Gold / american steel / Bad Luck / Gillian Carter / Restorations / State Faults / Dollar Signs / War on Women / The Dopamines / Chastity / City of Caterpillar / Annabel / Zeta / Pageninetynine / Equipment / Gameface / Codefendants / Kill Lincoln / Teenage Halloween / Walter Etc. / New Junk City / arcadia grey / Candy Hearts / MakeWar / Carpool / punitive damage / Steady Hands / Sainthood Reps / The Bollweevils / Bad Cop/Bad Cop / Sam Russo / Ways Away / Pageninetynine / Flagman / Brendan Kelly / Gumm / Caravels / Anorak / Camp Trash / Coffee Project / Half Past Two / Aren't We Amphibians / Kerosene Heights / Tiny Stills / Mikey Erg / J. Robbins / Matamoska / Orbiter / Seagulls / The Real You / Chousand / Bad Operation / Chris Gethard / Penske File / Destiny Bond / The Raging Nathans / Combat / Hans Gruber & the Die Hards / Dosser / Dead Bars / Bong Mountain / Omnigone / Flying Raccoon Suit / Whiskey & CO. / Pohgoh / Billy Liar / Tightwire / Boss' Daughter / The Iron Roses / Rebuilder / City Mouse / Tiltwheel / Worlds Scariest Police Chases / Codeseven / Suzie True / Still Alive / Assholeparade / latewaves / the doped up dollies / Best Ex / Expert Timing / Mechanical Canine / Fortitude / Wolf-Face / Mvll Crimes / Teens in Trouble / Quiet Fear / Glazed / Somerset Thrower / Fat Heaven / The Holy Ghost Tabernacle Choir / Distants / Wolves&wolves&wolves&wolves / King Friday / Dial Drive / Circuit Circuit / The Tim Version / Endless Mike And The Beagle Club / You Vandal / Leisure Hour / Debt Neglector / The Von Tramps / Cinema Stare / Doc Hopper / Tired Radio / Virginity / Vampirates / Borderlines / Pangolin / Godseyes / Reconciler / Bad Dog / Horsewhip / Hey Thanks! / Hans Condor / American Television / Suck Brick Kid / Tim Holehouse / Heart & Lung / Thunderclap / Youth League / Greg Rekus / DFMK / Boardroom Heroes / 430 Steps / NAW / Stunner / Lovelorn / PG14 / Chris Fox / Bumsy and the Moochers / Jen Pop / Curse Words / The Co Founder / Middle-Aged Queers / Crossed Keys / Thought Control / The Mizzerables / Too Many Daves / Houseghost / Gentlemen Rogues / Her Heads On Fire / Danny Attack / Rutterkin / To Forget / Lightweight / Hell Beach / Academy Order / Sweet Gloom / The Heavy Seas / Meth Rats / Career Day / Postage / Ezra Cohen / off day / Talk Me Off / Mugger / Freezing Cold / Rad Owl / ¡Fuákata! / Porch Coffin / Bear Away / Heavy Lag / Destroy Orbison / Yardboss / Stud Count / Royal Dog / The Eradicator (Squash Man) / Regrowth / Cape Crush / Charlie & Margot / Evening Standards / Drosera / Payphones / Matt Caskitt and The Breaks / Snakeout / Sports Reference / the longest hall / Staircase Spirit / Goodridge / Plastic Flamingos / Startle / The Skluttz / The Super High-Tech Jet Fighters / Love Kills Joy / Sadlands / FeverSleep / Heaven Moto / GILT (FL) / Cursed Birth / Goodbye Viking / The Barbed Wires / Night Jobs / steelboy / Friends With Boats / Grave Animosity / Rodeo Boys (US) / The Snorts / Kinghorn / Shark Anatomy / Early Riser (BK) / Dead-Key / Wolf Face / Loud Graves / Endless Mike / The Most (US) / Articles (Gainesville) / Big_Sad / Machinist! (GA) / Carpool (NY) / Ezra Cohen & The Big City Band / Distortions (US) / Ill Star / Endless Mike & Beagle Club / After the Fall (US) / Johnathan Coody / Borderlines (ME) / Articles (US) / Spells (US) / Chimes-USA / Nomore (HU) / Stunner (FL) / Damage Done (FL) Show all bands
Fest Gainesville, Florida, United States
Oct 27, 2023 –
Oct 29, 2023
The Fest 21
Eve 6 / Less Than Jake / Descendents / Cloud Nothings / The Wonder Years / Thursday / Lucero / Gwar / Sparta / Microwave / Screaming Females / Into It. Over It. / Mustard Plug / Free Throw / Strike Anywhere / Gorilla Biscuits / All / Prince Daddy & The Hyena / Braid / Samiam / Smoking Popes / I Am the Avalanche / Dillinger Four / The Pink Spiders / Tsunami Bomb / Flatfoot 56 / The Pietasters / Against All Authority / Negative Approach / Capsule / Tim Barry / Dikembe / Direct Hit! / Dowsing / Crime In Stereo / Gel / Laura Jane Grace / Paint It Black / Pool Kids / Pkew Pkew Pkew / No Trigger / Saetia / Elway / Perspective, A Lovely Hand To Hold / We Are The Union / Weakened Friends / The Jukebox Romantics / Dollar Signs / Audio Karate / David Dondero / Fjørt / Methadones / awakebutstillinbed / Signals Midwest / Jeromes Dream / Zeta / Carly Cosgrove / Vinnie Caruana / Amygdala / Folly / The Bollweevils / Mspaint / MakeWar / arcadia grey / Brendan Kelly / As Friends Rust / Coffee Project / Russ Rankin / Kali Masi / Mikey Erg / Restraining Order / Problems / Chris Gethard / Jer / Gillian Carter / Drowningman / Teen Agers / Goalkeeper / tiny stills / Silent Majority / Taking Meds / Winona Fighter / Cold Wrecks / Bong Mountain / Moving Targets / Flagman / Chinese Telephones / worlds greatest dad / Carpool / Whiskey & CO. / Better Love / The Best of the Worst / Amends / Worlds Scariest Police Chases / Tiltwheel / City Mouse / Death of a Nation / Dead Bars / Woolbright / Billy Liar / Telethon / eat defeat / Devon Kay & The Solutions / Sunliner / Rebuilder / Blind Tiger / Quitters / No Man / Lost Love / Distants / Good Friend / Wolf-Face / Tightwire / Wolves&wolves&wolves&wolves / School Drugs / You Vandal / Flying Raccoon Suit / 0 Miles Per Hour / Omnigone / The Losing Score / Debt Neglector / Dial Drive / Fat Heaven / Phantom Bay / Shehehe / Thunderclap / Gutless / Kid You Not / Madison Bloodbath / Boss' Daughter / Youth League / The Traders / Tim Holehouse / Errortype:11 / The Pomps / The Iron Roses / Common Sage / Suck Brick Kid / Oh The Humanity / Heart & Lung / Fox Teeth / Virginity / Hundreds of AU / Padfoot / Too Many Daves / Teens in Trouble / The Dreaded Laramie / 430 Steps / All Away Lou / Garrison / Thirsty Guys / Shitty Neighbors / Danny Attack / Celebration Summer / Bad Planning / The Eradicator (Squash Man) / Bucky Harris / Horsewhip / off day / To Forget / Telethon (WI, USA) / Her Heads On Fire / Tripsun / Rutterkin / Evening Standards / Sports Reference / Clavus / Heavy Lag / Lone Wolf (NL) / Matt Woods (US) / Porch Coffin / Vicious Dreams / GILT (FL) / One Fall / Love Kills Joy / Baseborn / The Punk Cellist / Leg Biters / Don't Panic (US) / Articles (Gainesville) / Answering Machine (BK) / Night Witch / confession kids / Sweet Anne Marie / trash the rental / Cursed Birth / Shark Anatomy / Protagonist (US) / Matt Woods And The Natural Disasters / Still Alive (IL) / Devon Kay / Death Pose / Ill Star / knives (us) / Time Thieves US / Pangolin (US) / SHAKERS (FL) / Awful Din (BK) / Suzie True / New Junk City / Blind Adam & The Federal League / Innerlove / Tired Radio / Ogbert the Nerd / Quicksand / Quicksand / Mercy Union / Bad Dog / Charmer / FREE KICK / Hans Gruber and the Die Hards / Joystick! / S.M.N. / Saturdays at Your Place / The Real You / Year of the Fist / biitchseat / Braceface / Jabber / Maxwell Stern Show all bands
Fest Gainesville, Florida, United States
Oct 27, 2018
The Fest (Folk & Punk Showcase) 2018
Days N' Daze / Drag the River / The Hooten Hallers / Bridge City Sinners / Whiskey & CO. / Sinners and Saints / Onward etc / Everymen (FL) / Mike Frazier and The Dying Wild
Gainesville, Florida, United States
Oct 26, 2018 –
Oct 28, 2018
THE FEST 17 2018
The Get Up Kids / Lagwagon / Cursive / The Menzingers / Comeback Kid / Metz / Mom Jeans / The Flatliners / Torche / The Lawrence Arms / Mustard Plug / Adult Mom / Days N' Daze / Piebald / Such Gold / Lemuria / Riverboat Gamblers / Iron Chic / Tsunami Bomb / Masked Intruder / Dead to Me / Red City Radio / Prince Daddy & The Hyena / Just Friends / Rozwell Kid / Banner Pilot / Nothington / Kississippi / Tim Barry / Frameworks / Broadway Calls / The Copyrights / Dikembe / Direct Hit / RVIVR / Elway / The Stereo / Mock Orange / Slingshot Dakota / Pkew Pkew Pkew / Sundowner / PEARS / Spanish Love Songs / The Creeps / Drag the River / Radioactivity / Night Birds / annabel / David Dondero / Audio Karate / War on Women / Dollar Signs / Bridge City Sinners / Daggermouth / Sincere Engineer / Guerilla Poubelle / Signals Midwest / Demons / Weakened Friends / The Bollweevils / Bad Cop/Bad Cop / Shellshag / Brendan Kelly / Timeshares / Coffee Project / Joystick / Last Gang / Arms Aloft / Happy Accidents / American Pinup / MakeWar / Crusades / Friendly Fire / The Fad / Insignificant Other / Riskee and the Ridicule / Whiskey & CO. / Worlds Scariest Police Chases / Tiltwheel / Drakulas / Late Bloomer / Brutal Youth / Intervention / Officer Down / alright / Gillian Carter / King Complex / Derek Ted / Dead Bars / Radon / Wet Nurse / A Vulture Wake / Naked Naps / Aspiga / Mean Girls / Quitters / Hospital Job / Woolbright / Doc Hopper / Boston Marriage / The CafFiends / Expert Timing / Brightr / Burn Burn Burn / Return to Sender / Bike Tuff / DFMK / Greg Rekus / cave of swimmers / Hans Gruber & the Die Hards / Report Suspicious Activity / BOIDS / Gutless / Kinder Than Wolves / Doll Baby / Foxy Dads / Totally Slow / Chris Fox / Andrew Cream / Alumine / Boss' Daughter / Binary Heart / Airstream Futures / Tied to a Bear / No Sugar / Bat Boy / Liquid Limbs / Jason Guy Smiley / meatwave / Custody / Donkng / 430 Steps / Nectar (IL) / Sports Reference / Blackdots / Dead Tropics / Ceramicats / Night Witch (Tallahassee, FL) / GILT (FL) / Velour Academy / International Dipshit / The Randy Savages (US) Show all bands
Gainesville, Florida, United States
Nov 18, 2016
Joe Pug / Whiskey & CO. Loosey's Gainesville, Florida, United States
Oct 29, 2016
The Fest
"The Fest" / East Cameron Folkcore / matt woods / Joe McMahon / Arliss Nancy / Timeshares / Nato Coles / Blacklist Royals / Whiskey & CO.
Rockey's Dueling Piano Bar Gainesville, Florida, United States
May 22, 2016
Chuck Ragan / Tim Barry / Whiskey & CO.
St. Augustine Amphitheater backyard stage St. Augustine, Florida, United States
Nov 01, 2015
The Fest
"The Fest" / Meat Wave / Andrew W.K. / Into It. Over It. / Modern Baseball / PUP / Jeff Rosenstock / Underground Railroad to Candyland / Defiance Ohio / Cayetana / Chumped / Antarctigo Vespucci / Elway / The Gamits / Look Mexico / Broadcaster / Old Flings / Sundials / Caves / Dead Broke / Post Teens / Empty Vessels / La Armada / Ex - Breathers / Weak Teeth / Assassinate The Scientist / Cut It Out / Nothing In The Dark / Dolores / Home Movies / The Moms / The Howl / Living Room / The Foxery / Reservoir / Henrietta / David Dondero / Bob Nanna / Whiskey & CO. / Arliss Nancy / Blacklist Royals / Two Cow Garage / Mutts / Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires / Nato Coles / Ninja Gun / Brian Wahlstrom / Rivernecks / The Ones to Blame / Those Crosstown Rivals / Ducking Punches / The Priceduifkes / The Decline / no somos marineros / Kill Lincoln / Murphy's Kids / The Duppies / Survay Says! / We Are The Union / Eli Whitney and the Sound Machine / Still Alive / The Unlovables / City Mouse / Boys / No More / The Dollyrots / Looming / alright / Spraynard / Weston / The Copyrights / Mean Jeans / Toys That Kill / The Beltones / Crusades / astpai / The Pauses / High Dive / Football, Etc. / Cumulus / Free Throw / Runaway Brother / Oso Oso / Great Cynics / The Color and Sound / Meridian / Sundressed / Laura Palmer / Coffee Project / Chris Snelgrove / rachel kate / Lenny Lashley's Gang of One / Freddy Fudd Pucker / Joe Sib / AJ Gil / Chris Gethard / Jo Firestone Show all bands
Various Venues Gainesville, Florida, United States
Nov 02, 2014
The Fest
"The Fest" / Whiskey & CO. / greenland is melting / Arliss Nancy / Ducking Punches / PJ Bond / The Ones to Blame / Rivernecks / Blind Staggers / The Snakehealers / Nato Coles / matt woods / Sad and French
Durty Nelly's Gainesville, Florida, United States
Oct 28, 2012
The Fest
"The Fest" / Larry and His Flask / Old Man Markley / greenland is melting / Whiskey & CO. / Arliss Nancy / Sour Boy, Bitter Girl / Possessed By Paul James / Billy Wallace and the Virginia Blues / Coffee Project
The Atlantic Gainesville, Florida, United States
Dec 09, 2011
Whiskey & CO. High Dive Gainesville, Florida, United States
Mar 14, 2010
Harvest Of Hope Fest
"Harvest Of Hope Fest" / Gringo Star / Fruit Bats / Off With Their Heads / The Attack / Man Man / Cory Branan / Dead Confederate / The Wonder Years / Broken Social Scene / Glint / Futurebirds / The Supervillains / Danielson / Sea Wolf / Matt Pond PA / Mucca Pazza / Kid Sister / Stars of Track and Field / Broadway Calls / The Loved Ones / Crime In Stereo / Small Brown Bike / Staring Daggers / Heads Held High / The Angst / American Cheeseburger / Liquid Limbs / Premadonnasaurs / spanish gamble / Algernon Cadwallader / Future Virgins / The Menzingers / The Riot Before / Fiya / Army of Ponch / Grabass Charlestons / Ornate Escape / Slow Claw / Ortolan / Ben and Vesper / Bomb The Music Industry / AJJ / The Takers / Whiskey & CO. / Defiance Ohio / This Bike Is a Pipe Bomb / Rachel Goodrich / Cassette / The Ones to Blame / jon snodgrass Show all bands
St. Johns County Fairgrounds Elkton, Florida, United States
Apr 25, 2009
Whiskey & CO. New World Brewery Tampa, Florida, United States
Nov 02, 2008
The Fest
"The Fest" / Drag the River / Two Cow Garage / Whiskey & CO. / Foundation / The Takers / The Wading Girl / Austin Lucas / Josh Small
High Dive Gainesville, Florida, United States
Feb 27, 2008
Lucero / Whiskey & CO. House of Blues - New Orleans New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Feb 24, 2008
Lucero / Whiskey & CO. / Towers of Hanoi Double Down Jacksonville, Florida, United States
Nov 08, 2007
Lucero / Bobby Bare Jr. / Whiskey & CO. Headliners Music Hall Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Nov 04, 2007
Lucero / Bobby Bare Jr. / Whiskey & CO. Bowery Ballroom New York, New York, United States
Nov 03, 2007
Lucero / Bobby Bare Jr. / Whiskey & CO. Music Hall of Williamsburg New York, New York, United States
Folk Punk
2024 2 concerts
2023 1 concert
2018 2 concerts
2016 3 concerts
2015 1 concert
2014 1 concert
2012 1 concert
2011 1 concert
2010 1 concert
2009 1 concert
2008 3 concerts
2007 13 concerts
2005 1 concert
2004 1 concert
2003 2 concerts
 Darlene Tucker
 Sydney Rae
 Amanda Page Stephens
 Mary Kennedy
 Kim Moenich
 Tj Farrell
 Zach Ruins Everything
 Karina Nemalceff
 Nicole Adrienne

As Seen On: