Whale Tooth Concert History

For a band whose name comes from an odd family heirloom, and whose sound

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 27, 2012
Whale Tooth The Horseshoe Tavern Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Aug 24, 2012
Whale Tooth The Horseshoe Tavern Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jul 14, 2012
Edgefest 2012
Young the Giant / Silversun Pickups / Dirty Heads / Billy Talent / Death from Above 1979 / The Sheepdogs / Hacienda / The Pack A.D. / Hollerado / Library Voices / The Darcys / U.S.S / Whale Tooth / Acres Of Lions / The Balconies / Indian Handcrafts / The Coppertone / Said the Whale Show all bands
Downsview Park Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jun 22, 2012
"Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival" / Whale Tooth / Paper Lions / Spirit of the West

Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival

Mooney's Bay Park Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Mar 24, 2012
Whale Tooth Lee's Palace Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jan 26, 2012
Whale Tooth / Teenage Kicks / The Sweet Mack / Greys / Sam Coffey & the Iron Lungs / The Folk / The Dirty Nil / Hinindar Van Gogh's Ear Guelph, ON, Canada
Dec 01, 2011
Deer Tick / Whale Tooth / Crystal Stilts / Doldrums The Horseshoe Tavern Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sep 22, 2011
The Mountains And The Trees / Tim Chaisson / David Martel / Whale Tooth

POP Montréal Int’l Music Festival

Club Lambi Montréal, Québec, Canada
Sep 17, 2011
Keys N Krates / Whale Tooth Wax Kitchener, ON, Canada
Sep 11, 2011
Mother Mother / Whale Tooth / Teenage Kicks
Peter Clark Hall Guelph, ON, Canada
Aug 05, 2011
Sloan / Modern Superstitions / Whale Tooth
RBC Echo Beach Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jul 17, 2011
Ottawa Bluesfest 2011
Skrillex / The Black Keys / Miguel / Cage The Elephant / Death Cab for Cutie / Three Days Grace / Mac Miller / Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros / Rise Against / Erykah Badu / The Flaming Lips / Metric / The Roots / Tegan and Sara / Steve Miller Band / Ben Harper / My Morning Jacket / Dropkick Murphys / Soundgarden / Cheap Trick / A Perfect Circle / Theory of a Deadman / Jennifer Hudson / Mother Mother / Neon Indian / Billy Talent / Coheed and Cambria / Huey Lewis and The News / Ra Ra Riot / Kirk Franklin / John Butler Trio / Peter Frampton / M. Ward / Dawes / Girl Talk / Caravan Palace / Buddy Guy / Joe Satriani / Gomez / Death from Above 1979 / Infected Mushroom / Half Moon Run / Trampled by Turtles / Bootsy Collins / Josh Ritter / Keys N Krates / John Fogerty / G. Love & Special Sauce / The Tragically Hip / Justin Nozuka / Bedouin Soundclash / Galactic / Arkells / Wanda Jackson / Shpongle / Protest the Hero / The Sheepdogs / Hypnotic Brass Ensemble / Braids / Dana Fuchs / Chali 2na / Blue Rodeo / Shawn McDonald / Cancer Bats / Hey Rosetta! / Alyssa Reid / Nicole Atkins / Mark Kozelek / The Tea Party / Buck 65 / Diamond Rings / Hannah Georgas / Leon Russell / Jolie Holland / Yukon Blonde / The Greenhornes / Karl Denson's Tiny Universe / Samantha Fish / The Dirtbombs / Imaginary Cities / Little Scream / Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band / Currents / Sweet Thing / Dumpstaphunk / Court Yard Hounds / Alex Cuba / Raghav / Paul Thorn / Harper / Blue King Brown / Baloji / Tristen / Winter Gloves / Karkwa / The Twisters / P.S. I Love You / Dennis Coffey / Cuff the Duke / La-33 / Library Voices / The Jolly Boys / Sierra Maestra / Blackie And The Rodeo Kings / Big Sam's Funky Nation / Red Baraat / Mama Kin / Danny Michel / Cavaliers / Funky Meters / Kalle Mattson / Colin Linden / Smokin' Joe Kubek & Bnois King / Slyde / Spam Allstars / Amos The Transparent / Larry McCray / Doll / Cassie Taylor / Bluestone / Lee Harvey Osmond / Ganga Giri / Ian Kelly / Dani Wilde / John Primer / Callers / Final Flash / Whale Tooth / Thornetta Davis / Jim Suhler & Monkey Beat / The Beauties / Wayne Baker Brooks / Peter Elkas / dubé / David Clayton-Thomas / James Harman / The Resignators / Michael Powers / Tim Robbins / Zac Harmon / Andrew 'jr Boy' Jones / Prosper / Sherman Robertson / Jimmy Bowskill / Jose Conde / Oli Brown Band / Ornaments / Miss Emily / Brock Zeman / Amanda Rheaume / JW Jones / Silver Creek / Philly Moves / Harper & Midwest Kind / Tim Robbins & the Rogues Gallery Band / Prescott / Laurent Bourque / The Jimmy Bowskill Band / Giant Hand / Girls With Guitars / Ray Bailey / Lindsay Ferguson / jon creeden / Trevor Alguire / Al Wood / Todd Wolfe Band / The Powergoats / Ana Miura / Rosie Ledet & the Zydeco Playboys / Orienteers / Wicked Grin / Big Jeezus Truck / Mehdi Cayenne Club / Ukrainia / Brooks Family Blues Dynasty / Three Times Lucky / the Murder Plans / Brothers Chaffey / Ty Hall / Megan Jerome / The Yohawks / Autumns Canon / Jesse Greene / Jermaine Cowan / Scott Towaij / Watters Brothers / Danny Michael / Ras Lee / Al Wood & the Woodsmen / Glenn Nuotio / The Withering Pines / Honey Island / Elage Mbaye / Théan Slabbert / Folklore Urbano Orchestra / Ben Cooper Band / Maria Hawkins Show all bands
LeBreton Flats Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Show Duplicate for Jul 17, 2011
Jul 05, 2011 –
Jul 17, 2011
Cisco Ottawa Bluesfest
M. Ward / The Flaming Lips / Ra Ra Riot / Girl Talk / Infected Mushroom / Dropkick Murphys / Coheed and Cambria / Caravan Palace / Soundgarden / Skrillex / Billy Talent / Arkells / The Roots / Metric / Bedouin Soundclash / Braids / Half Moon Run / Yukon Blonde / The Sheepdogs / Blue Rodeo / Hey Rosetta! / Three Days Grace / Miguel / A Perfect Circle / Cancer Bats / My Morning Jacket / Rise Against / The Greenhornes / Theory of a Deadman / The Black Keys / Protest the Hero / Peter Frampton / Dawes / Neon Indian / Tegan and Sara / Wanda Jackson / Steve Miller Band / Cheap Trick / John Butler Trio / Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band / Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros / Death Cab for Cutie / Imaginary Cities / Hannah Georgas / G. Love & Special Sauce / John Fogerty / Josh Ritter / Galactic / Tristen / Nicole Atkins & the Black Sea / Erykah Badu / Mother Mother / Karl Denson's Tiny Universe / Dumpstaphunk / The Tea Party / Death from Above 1979 / Court Yard Hounds / Big Sam's Funky Nation / Mac Miller / Keys N Krates / Kirk Franklin / Jennifer Hudson / Justin Nozuka / The Tragically Hip / Blue King Brown / Gomez / Ben Harper / Jolie Holland / Little Scream / The Dirtbombs / Diamond Rings / Huey Lewis And The News / Red Baraat / Hypnotic Brass Ensemble / Joe Satriani / The Resignators / Leon Russell / Callers / Blackie And The Rodeo Kings / Amos The Transparent / Bootsy Collins / Trampled by Turtles / jon creeden / Alyssa Reid / Sweet Thing / Chali 2na / Baloji / Whale Tooth / Shpongle / Karkwa / Currents / Buddy Guy / Paul Thorn / Funky Meters / Slyde / Ornaments / P.S. I Love You / Théan Slabbert / Buck 65 / Spam Allstars / Dana Fuchs / Silver Creek / Laurent Bourque / Big Jeezus Truck / Harper / Lee Harvey Osmond / Library Voices / Alex Cuba / Larry McCray / Colin Linden / Cassie Taylor / Zac Harmon / Brock Zeman / Giant Hand / Amanda Rheaume / Prescott / Lindsay Ferguson / Ana Miura / Brothers Chaffey / Watters Brothers / Danny Michel / Shawn McDonald / Cuff the Duke / The Beauties / Mama Kin / Winter Gloves / La-33 / Rosie Ledet & the Zydeco Playboys / Prosper / Tim Robbins & the Rogues Gallery Band / Al Wood & the Woodsmen / Mark Kozelek / Raghav / Dennis Coffey / Samantha Fish / The Jolly Boys / Sierra Maestra / Cavaliers / The Twisters / Smokin' Joe Kubek & Bnois King / Kalle Mattson / Bluestone / Final Flash / Ganga Giri / John Primer / Dani Wilde / Ian Kelly / Wayne Baker Brooks / Jim Suhler & Monkey Beat / Peter Elkas / Doll / Michael Powers / Tim Robbins / Sherman Robertson / Oli Brown Band / Andrew 'jr Boy' Jones / Jose Conde / James Harman / David Clayton-Thomas / Jimmy Bowskill / Thornetta Davis / JW Jones / Philly Moves / The Jimmy Bowskill Band / Harper & Midwest Kind / Miss Emily / Ray Bailey / Girls With Guitars / Todd Wolfe Band / Trevor Alguire / Orienteers / Al Wood / Mehdi Cayenne Club / the Murder Plans / dubé / The Powergoats / Wicked Grin / Three Times Lucky / Ukrainia / Autumns Canon / Brooks Family Blues Dynasty / Jesse Greene / Megan Jerome / Ty Hall / The Yohawks / Ras Lee / Jermaine Cowan / Danny Michael / Scott Towaij / Glenn Nuotio / The Withering Pines / Honey Island / Maria Hawkins / Ben Cooper Band / Folklore Urbano Orchestra / Elage Mbaye / Cage The Elephant Show all bands
LeBreton Flats Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Apr 30, 2011
Whale Tooth The Horseshoe Tavern Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Apr 29, 2011
Malajube / Whale Tooth / Library Voices The Horseshoe Tavern Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Apr 27, 2011
Whale Tooth The Casbah Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Apr 22, 2011
Mother Mother / Whale Tooth
Paragon Theatre Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Apr 21, 2011
Mother Mother / Whale Tooth Fredericton Playhouse Fredericton, NB, Canada
Apr 16, 2011
Mother Mother / Whale Tooth / Kidstreet
The Studio Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Apr 14, 2011
Mother Mother / Whale Tooth / Kidstreet
Elements Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Indie Rock
Male Vocalists
Ontario Indie
Shimmer Psych
Deep Indie Pop
Show more genres
2012 6 concerts
2011 16 concerts
2010 9 concerts
2009 4 concerts
2008 1 concert
 Kiralou Hamade
 Steve Mcgill
 Bobby B: The Vinyl Vagabond
 Isabelle Amen
 Ryan Grimbly
 Aye Aye Music
 Cheryl Schneider
 Leea Dandelion
 Michaela Morgan
 Blaire Cee
 Ryan O’shaughnessy
 Steve Richard
 Lady Music
 Ash Vs The Evil Dead

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