Weak Sauce Concert History

Weak Sauce was formed after 3 years of procrastination and dreams and have now emerged as one of the greatest bands of the century. Fusing alt rock with junkyard ska and burlesque show tunes, Weak Sauce has created a startling and innovative sound, unfit for most minds. Consists of Alex Wilson (The Goose), Elias Thomas (Sheriff Greatness, MC Trunk O Funk, Lenard), Sam Handler (MC BoxOlox, Shrapnel) and featuring Hugh Haddox (Dimestack) and Kate Sigman (Wailin' Jane).

Punk Rock
Viral Rap
Garage Psych
Atl Trap
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2007 1 concert
2006 1 concert
2005 1 concert
2002 1 concert
 Sacramento Shows

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