We Sell Guns Concert History

We Sell Guns is a Rock & Roll band from Rotterdam, The Netherlands formed in 2012 by Geoffrey Harreman (Guitar / Vocals) and Steven van Wees (Drums), formerly of Vegas for Millions.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 07, 2013
De Kift / Jacco Gardner / Mozes and the Firstborn / Rats On Rafts / Ronnie Flex / Soul Sister Dance Revolution / Traumahelikopter / Bombino / Concrete Knives / Parquet Courts / Shangaan Electro / Twin Forks / John Coffey / Tessa Rose Jackson / Wolf in Loveland / Dichter / K-X-P / We Sell Guns Show all bands
Zuiderpark Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
Nov 18, 2012
Bodypolitics / Chris Kok & Civil Union / Dakota / John Coffey / Kaizoku / Kid Totem / Leeways / Let's Go Eskimo / Lucas Hamming / Mister and Mississippi / Ny Fan / Oh Brave Wide Eyes / Onemanwolfpack / Rebecca Sier / Supra Naturals / Sur Nilsson /...
Bodypolitics / Chris Kok & Civil Union / Dakota / John Coffey / Kaizoku / Kid Totem / Leeways / Let's Go Eskimo / Lucas Hamming / Mister and Mississippi / Ny Fan / Oh Brave Wide Eyes / Onemanwolfpack / Rebecca Sier / Supra Naturals / Sur Nilsson / Jacks / The Pignose Willy's / Vineyard / Willard Cody / 3rd Floor Magic / Coppersky / Hamertje Tik / Indian Askin / JC Thomaz & The Missing Slippers / La Corneille / Makkie / Nouveau Vélo / Orlando / Richie Dagger / Sue the Night / Applejacks / The Red17 / The T.s. Eliot Appreciation Society / We Sell Guns / WOLVON / Mezlev / Those Foreign Kids Show all bands
Popronde De Lindenberg Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Nov 17, 2012
Atlantic Attraction / Bernard Gepken / Bird on the Wire / Captain Hook / Convoi Exceptional / John Coffey / Kid Totem / Leeways / Let's Go Eskimo / Ny Fan / Onemanwolfpack / Rebecca Sier / S As in Assassins / Sandy Dane / Sur Nilsson / Jacks / Vin...
Atlantic Attraction / Bernard Gepken / Bird on the Wire / Captain Hook / Convoi Exceptional / John Coffey / Kid Totem / Leeways / Let's Go Eskimo / Ny Fan / Onemanwolfpack / Rebecca Sier / S As in Assassins / Sandy Dane / Sur Nilsson / Jacks / Vineyard / Uber / Yesterday's Men / 3rd Floor Magic / Apneu / Coppersky / Daniel Versteegh / JC Thomaz & The Missing Slippers / Madi / Sam a La Bamalot / Applejacks / The Cool Quest / The Crowns / The Red17 / We Sell Guns / Mezlev Show all bands
Maastricht Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands
Nov 09, 2012
Atlantic Attraction / Cirque Valentin / John Coffey / Let's Go Eskimo / Onemanwolfpack / Jacks / Uber / Angela Moyra / Downbeat Maestros / Kayser Karel / La Corneille / We Sell Guns / Applejacks Popronde Diverse Locaties Sittard, Limburg, Netherlands
Oct 12, 2012
The Pignose Willy's / Atlantic Attraction / Bernard Gepken / Breitner / Chris Kok & Civil Union / Duncan Idaho / John Coffey / Kaizoku / Lucas Hamming / Ny Fan / Rebecca Sier / S As in Assassins / Senor Sandor / Supra Naturals / Sur Nilsson / The ...
The Pignose Willy's / Atlantic Attraction / Bernard Gepken / Breitner / Chris Kok & Civil Union / Duncan Idaho / John Coffey / Kaizoku / Lucas Hamming / Ny Fan / Rebecca Sier / S As in Assassins / Senor Sandor / Supra Naturals / Sur Nilsson / The Spinshots / The Sugarettes / Vineyard / Willard Cody / Uber / Yesterday's Men / 3rd Floor Magic / Angela Moyra / Apneu / Benjamin City / Daniel Versteegh / Madi / Mister and Mississippi / Nadie Reyhani / Palio Superspeed Donkey / Sue the Night / Super909 / Applejacks / The Crowns / Jacks / The Red17 / The Vagary / Wannabeastar / We Sell Guns Show all bands
Popronde Diverse Locaties Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands
Rock And Roll
Melodic Hardcore
Male Vocalists
The Netherlands
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2013 1 concert
2012 4 concerts
 Mariska Den Breejen

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